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madame bovary(包法利夫人)-第28章

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answered him
〃What does it matter to me since I'm not in her set?〃
He tortured himself to find out how he could make his declaration
to her; and always halting between the fear of displeasing her
and the shame of being such a coward; he wept with discouragement
and desire。 Then he took energetic resolutions; wrote letters
that he tore up; put it off to times that he again deferred。
Often he set out with the determination to dare all; but this
resolution soon deserted him in Emma's presence; and when
Charles; dropping in; invited him to jump into his chaise to go
with him to see some patient in the neighbourhood; he at once
accepted; bowed to madame; and went out。 Her husband; was he not
something belonging to her? As to Emma; she did not ask herself
whether she loved。 Love; she thought; must come suddenly; with
great outbursts and lightnings a hurricane of the skies; which
falls upon life; revolutionises it; roots up the will like a
leaf; and sweeps the whole heart into the abyss。 She did not know
that on the terrace of houses it makes lakes when the pipes are
choked; and she would thus have remained in her security when she
suddenly discovered a rent in the wall of it。

Chapter Five
It was a Sunday in February; an afternoon when the snow was
They had all; Monsieur and Madame Bovary; Homais; and Monsieur
Leon; gone to see a yarn…mill that was being built in the valley
a mile and a half from Yonville。 The druggist had taken Napoleon
and Athalie to give them some exercise; and Justin accompanied
them; carrying the umbrellas on his shoulder。
Nothing; however; could be less curious than this curiosity。 A
great piece of waste ground; on which pell…mell; amid a mass of
sand and stones; were a few break…wheels; already rusty;
surrounded by a quadrangular building pierced by a number of
little windows。 The building was unfinished; the sky could be
seen through the joists of the roofing。 Attached to the
stop…plank of the gable a bunch of straw mixed with corn…ears
fluttered its tricoloured ribbons in the wind。
Homais was talking。 He explained to the company the future
importance of this establishment; computed the strength of the
floorings; the thickness of the walls; and regretted extremely
not having a yard…stick such as Monsieur Binet possessed for his
own special use。
Emma; who had taken his arm; bent lightly against his shoulder;
and she looked at the sun's disc shedding afar through the mist
his pale splendour。 She turned。 Charles was there。 His cap was
drawn down over his eyebrows; and his two thick lips were
trembling; which added a look of stupidity to his face; his very
back; his calm back; was irritating to behold; and she saw
written upon his coat all the platitude of the bearer。
While she was considering him thus; tasting in her irritation a
sort of depraved pleasure; Leon made a step forward。 The cold
that made him pale seemed to add a more gentle languor to his
face; between his cravat and his neck the somewhat loose collar
of his shirt showed the skin; the lobe of his ear looked out from
beneath a lock of hair; and his large blue eyes; raised to the
clouds; seemed to Emma more limpid and more beautiful than those
mountain…lakes where the heavens are mirrored。
〃Wretched boy!〃 suddenly cried the chemist。
And he ran to his son; who had just precipitated himself into a
heap of lime in order to whiten his boots。 At the reproaches with
which he was being overwhelmed Napoleon began to roar; while
Justin dried his shoes with a wisp of straw。 But a knife was
wanted; Charles offered his。
〃Ah!〃 she said to herself; 〃he carried a knife in his pocket like
a peasant。〃
The hoar…frost was falling; and they turned back to Yonville。
In the evening Madame Bovary did not go to her neighbour's; and
when Charles had left and she felt herself alone; the comparison
re…began with the clearness of a sensation almost actual; and
with that lengthening of perspective which memory gives to
things。 Looking from her bed at the clean fire that was burning;
she still saw; as she had down there; Leon standing up with one
hand behind his cane; and with the other holding Athalie; who was
quietly sucking a piece of ice。 She thought him charming; she
could not tear herself away from him; she recalled his other
attitudes on other days; the words he had spoken; the sound of
his voice; his whole person; and she repeated; pouting out her
lips as if for a kiss
〃Yes; charming! charming! Is he not in love?〃 she asked herself;
〃but with whom? With me?〃
All the proofs arose before her at once; her heart leapt。 The
flame of the fire threw a joyous light upon the ceiling; she
turned on her back; stretching out her arms。
Then began the eternal lamentation: 〃Oh; if Heaven had out willed
it! And why not? What prevented it?〃
When Charles came home at midnight; she seemed to have just
awakened; and as he made a noise undressing; she complained of a
headache; then asked carelessly what had happened that evening。
〃Monsieur Leon;〃 he said; 〃went to his room early。〃
She could not help smiling; and she fell asleep; her soul filled
with a new delight。
The next day; at dusk; she received a visit from Monsieur
Lherueux; the draper。 He was a man of ability; was this
shopkeeper。 Born a Gascon but bred a Norman; he grafted upon his
southern volubility the cunning of the Cauchois。 His fat; flabby;
beardless face seemed dyed by a decoction of liquorice; and his
white hair made even more vivid the keen brilliance of his small
black eyes。 No one knew what he had been formerly; a pedlar said
some; a banker at Routot according to others。 What was certain
was that he made complex calculations in his head that would have
frightened Binet himself。 Polite to obsequiousness; he always
held himself with his back bent in the position of one who bows
or who invites。
After leaving at the door his hat surrounded with crape; he put
down a green bandbox on the table; and began by complaining to
madame; with many civilities; that he should have remained till
that day without gaining her confidence。 A poor shop like his was
not made to attract a 〃fashionable lady〃; he emphasized the
words; yet she had only to command; and he would undertake to
provide her with anything she might wish; either in haberdashery
or linen; millinery or fancy goods; for he went to town regularly
four times a month。 He was connected with the best houses。 You
could speak of him at the 〃Trois Freres;〃 at the 〃Barbe d'Or;〃 or
at the 〃Grand Sauvage〃; all these gentlemen knew him as well as
the insides of their pockets。 To…day; then he had come to show
madame; in passing; various articles he happened to have; thanks
to the most rare opportunity。 And he pulled out half…a…dozen
embroidered collars from the box。
Madame Bovary examined them。 〃I do not require anything;〃 she
Then Monsieur Lheureux delicately exhibited three Algerian
scarves; several packet of English needles; a pair of straw
slippers; and finally; four eggcups in cocoanut wood; carved in
open work by convicts。 Then; with both hands on the table; his
neck stretched out; his figure bent forward; open…mouthed; he
watched Emma's look; who was
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