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madame bovary(包法利夫人)-第24章

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Place。 She had on a dressing…gown。 He looked up and bowed。 She
nodded quickly and reclosed the window。
Leon waited all day for six o'clock in the evening to come; but
on going to the inn; he found no one but Monsieur Binet; already
at table。 The dinner of the evening before had been a
considerable event for him; he had never till then talked for two
hours consecutively to a 〃lady。〃 How then had he been able to
explain; and in such language; the number of things that he could
not have said so well before? He was usually shy; and maintained
that reserve which partakes at once of modesty and dissimulation。
At Yonville he was considered 〃well…bred。〃 He listened to the
arguments of the older people; and did not seem hot about
politicsa remarkable thing for a young man。 Then he had some
accomplishments; he painted in water…colours; could read the key
of G; and readily talked literature after dinner when he did not
play cards。 Monsieur Homais respected him for his education;
Madame Homais liked him for his good…nature; for he often took
the little Homais into the gardenlittle brats who were always
dirty; very much spoilt; and somewhat lymphatic; like their
mother。 Besides the servant to look after them; they had Justin;
the chemist's apprentice; a second cousin of Monsieur Homais; who
had been taken into the house from charity; and who was useful at
the same time as a servant。
The druggist proved the best of neighbours。 He gave Madame Bovary
information as to the trades…people; sent expressly for his own
cider merchant; tasted the drink himself; and saw that the casks
were properly placed in the cellar; he explained how to set about
getting in a supply of butter cheap; and made an arrangement with
Lestiboudois; the sacristan; who; besides his sacerdotal and
funeral functions; looked after the principal gardens at Yonville
by the hour or the year; according to the taste of the customers。
The need of looking after others was not the only thing that
urged the chemist to such obsequious cordiality; there was a plan
underneath it all。
He had infringed the law of the 19th Ventose; year xi。; article
I; which forbade all persons not having a diploma to practise
medicine; so that; after certain anonymous denunciations; Homais
had been summoned to Rouen to see the procurer of the king in his
own private room; the magistrate receiving him standing up;
ermine on shoulder and cap on head。 It was in the morning; before
the court opened。 In the corridors one heard the heavy boots of
the gendarmes walking past; and like a far…off noise great locks
that were shut。 The druggist's ears tingled as if he were about
to have an apoplectic stroke; he saw the depths of dungeons; his
family in tears; his shop sold; all the jars dispersed; and he
was obliged to enter a cafe and take a glass of rum and seltzer
to recover his spirits。
Little by little the memory of this reprimand grew fainter; and
he continued; as heretofore; to give anodyne consultations in his
back…parlour。 But the mayor resented it; his colleagues were
jealous; everything was to be feared; gaining over Monsieur
Bovary by his attentions was to earn his gratitude; and prevent
his speaking out later on; should he notice anything。 So every
morning Homais brought him 〃the paper;〃 and often in the
afternoon left his shop for a few moments to have a chat with the
Charles was dull: patients did not come。 He remained seated for
hours without speaking; went into his consulting room to sleep;
or watched his wife sewing。 Then for diversion he employed
himself at home as a workman; he even tried to do up the attic
with some paint which had been left behind by the painters。 But
money matters worried him。 He had spent so much for repairs at
Tostes; for madame's toilette; and for the moving; that the whole
dowry; over three thousand crowns; had slipped away in two years。
Then how many things had been spoilt or lost during their
carriage from Tostes to Yonville; without counting the plaster
cure; who falling out of the coach at an over…severe jolt; had
been dashed into a thousand fragments on the pavements of
Quincampoix! A pleasanter trouble came to distract him; namely;
the pregnancy of his wife。 As the time of her confinement
approached he cherished her the more。 It was another bond of the
flesh establishing itself; and; as it were; a continued sentiment
of a more complex union。 When from afar he saw her languid walk;
and her figure without stays turning softly on her hips; when
opposite one another he looked at her at his ease; while she took
tired poses in her armchair; then his happiness knew no bounds;
he got up; embraced her; passed his hands over her face; called
her little mamma; wanted to make her dance; and half…laughing;
half…crying; uttered all kinds of caressing pleasantries that
came into his head。 The idea of having begotten a child delighted
him。 Now he wanted nothing。 He knew human life from end to end;
and he sat down to it with serenity。
Emma at first felt a great astonishment; then was anxious to be
delivered that she might know what it was to be a mother。 But not
being able to spend as much as she would have liked; to have a
swing…bassinette with rose silk curtains; and embroidered caps;
in a fit of bitterness she gave up looking after the trousseau;
and ordered the whole of it from a village needlewoman; without
choosing or discussing anything。 Thus she did not amuse herself
with those preparations that stimulate the tenderness of mothers;
and so her affection was from the very outset; perhaps; to some
extent attenuated。
As Charles; however; spoke of the boy at every meal; she soon
began to think of him more consecutively。
She hoped for a son; he would be strong and dark; she would call
him George; and this idea of having a male child was like an
expected revenge for all her impotence in the past。 A man; at
least; is free; he may travel over passions and over countries;
overcome obstacles; taste of the most far…away pleasures。 But a
woman is always hampered。 At once inert and flexible; she has
against her the weakness of the flesh and legal dependence。 Her
will; like the veil of her bonnet; held by a string; flutters in
every wind; there is always some desire that draws her; some
conventionality that restrains。
She was confined on a Sunday at about six o'clock; as the sun was
〃It is a girl!〃 said Charles。
She turned her head away and fainted。
Madame Homais; as well as Madame Lefrancois of the Lion d'Or;
almost immediately came running in to embrace her。 The chemist;
as man of discretion; only offered a few provincial felicitations
through the half…opened door。 He wished to see the child and
thought it well made。
Whilst she was getting well she occupied herself much in seeking
a name for her daughter。 First she went over all those that have
Italian endings; such as Clara; Louisa; Amanda; Atala; she liked
Galsuinde pretty well; and Yseult or Leocadie still better。
Charles wanted the child to be called after her mother; Emma
opposed this。 They ran over the calendar from end to end; and
then consulted outsiders。
〃Monsieur Leon;〃 said the chemist; 〃with whom I 
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