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madame bovary(包法利夫人)-第20章

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farther down; at the entrance of the square。 The little cemetery
that surrounds it; closed in by a wall breast high; is so full of
graves that the old stones; level with the ground; form a
continuous pavement; on which the grass of itself has marked out
regular green squares。 The church was rebuilt during the last
years of the reign of Charles X。 The wooden roof is beginning to
rot from the top; and here and there has black hollows in its
blue colour。 Over the door; where the organ should be; is a loft
for the men; with a spiral staircase that reverberates under
their wooden shoes。
The daylight coming through the plain glass windows falls
obliquely upon the pews ranged along the walls; which are adorned
here and there with a straw mat bearing beneath it the words in
large letters; 〃Mr。 So…and…so's pew。〃 Farther on; at a spot where
the building narrows; the confessional forms a pendant to a
statuette of the Virgin; clothed in a satin robe; coifed with a
tulle veil sprinkled with silver stars; and with red cheeks; like
an idol of the Sandwich Islands; and; finally; a copy of the
〃Holy Family; presented by the Minister of the Interior;〃
overlooking the high altar; between four candlesticks; closes in
the perspective。 The choir stalls; of deal wood; have been left
The market; that is to say; a tiled roof supported by some twenty
posts; occupies of itself about half the public square of
Yonville。 The town hall; constructed 〃from the designs of a Paris
architect;〃 is a sort of Greek temple that forms the corner next
to the chemist's shop。 On the ground…floor are three Ionic
columns and on the first floor a semicircular gallery; while the
dome that crowns it is occupied by a Gallic cock; resting one
foot upon the 〃Charte〃 and holding in the other the scales of
But that which most attracts the eye is opposite the Lion d'Or
inn; the chemist's shop of Monsieur Homais。 In the evening
especially its argand lamp is lit up and the red and green jars
that embellish his shop…front throw far across the street their
two streams of colour; then across them as if in Bengal lights is
seen the shadow of the chemist leaning over his desk。 His house
from top to bottom is placarded with inscriptions written in
large hand; round hand; printed hand: 〃Vichy; Seltzer; Barege
waters; blood purifiers; Raspail patent medicine; Arabian
racahout; Darcet lozenges; Regnault paste; trusses; baths;
hygienic chocolate;〃 etc。 And the signboard; which takes up all
the breadth of the shop; bears in gold letters; 〃Homais;
Chemist。〃 Then at the back of the shop; behind the great scales
fixed to the counter; the word 〃Laboratory〃 appears on a scroll
above a glass door; which about half…way up once more repeats
〃Homais〃 in gold letters on a black ground。
Beyond this there is nothing to see at Yonville。 The street (the
only one) a gunshot in length and flanked by a few shops on
either side stops short at the turn of the highroad。 If it is
left on the right hand and the foot of the Saint…Jean hills
followed the cemetery is soon reached。
At the time of the cholera; in order to enlarge this; a piece of
wall was pulled down; and three acres of land by its side
purchased; but all the new portion is almost tenantless; the
tombs; as heretofore; continue to crowd together towards the
gate。 The keeper; who is at once gravedigger and church beadle
(thus making a double profit out of the parish corpses); has
taken advantage of the unused plot of ground to plant potatoes
there。 From year to year; however; his small field grows smaller;
and when there is an epidemic; he does not know whether to
rejoice at the deaths or regret the burials。
〃You live on the dead; Lestiboudois!〃 the curie at last said to
him one day。 This grim remark made him reflect; it checked him
for some time; but to this day he carries on the cultivation of
his little tubers; and even maintains stoutly that they grow
Since the events about to be narrated; nothing in fact has
changed at Yonville。 The tin tricolour flag still swings at the
top of the church…steeple; the two chintz streamers still flutter
in the wind from the linen…draper's; the chemist's fetuses; like
lumps of white amadou; rot more and more in their turbid alcohol;
and above the big door of the inn the old golden lion; faded by
rain; still shows passers…by its poodle mane。
On the evening when the Bovarys were to arrive at Yonville; Widow
Lefrancois; the landlady of this inn; was so very busy that she
sweated great drops as she moved her saucepans。 To…morrow was
market…day。 The meat had to be cut beforehand; the fowls drawn;
the soup and coffee made。 Moreover; she had the boarders' meal to
see to; and that of the doctor; his wife; and their servant; the
billiard…room was echoing with bursts of laughter; three millers
in a small parlour were calling for brandy; the wood was blazing;
the brazen pan was hissing; and on the long kitchen table; amid
the quarters of raw mutton; rose piles of plates that rattled
with the shaking of the block on which spinach was being chopped。
》From the poultry…yard was heard the screaming of the fowls whom
the servant was chasing in order to wring their necks。
A man slightly marked with small…pox; in green leather slippers;
and wearing a velvet cap with a gold tassel; was warming his back
at the chimney。 His face expressed nothing but self…satisfaction;
and he appeared to take life as calmly as the goldfinch suspended
over his head in its wicker cage: this was the chemist。
〃Artemise!〃 shouted the landlady; 〃chop some wood; fill the water
bottles; bring some brandy; look sharp! If only I knew what
dessert to offer the guests you are expecting! Good heavens!
Those furniture…movers are beginning their racket in the
billiard…room again; and their van has been left before the front
door! The 'Hirondelle' might run into it when it draws up。 Call
Polyte and tell him to put it up。 Only think; Monsieur Homais;
that since morning they have had about fifteen games; and drunk
eight jars of cider! Why; they'll tear my cloth for me;〃 she went
on; looking at them from a distance; her strainer in her hand。
〃That wouldn't be much of a loss;〃 replied Monsieur Homais。 〃You
would buy another。〃
〃Another billiard…table!〃 exclaimed the widow。
〃Since that one is coming to pieces; Madame Lefrancois。 I tell
you again you are doing yourself harm; much harm! And besides;
players now want narrow pockets and heavy cues。 Hazards aren't
played now; everything is changed! One must keep pace with the
times! Just look at Tellier!〃
The hostess reddened with vexation。 The chemist went on
〃You may say what you like; his table is better than yours; and
if one were to think; for example; of getting up a patriotic pool
for Poland or the sufferers from the Lyons floods〃
〃It isn't beggars like him that'll frighten us;〃 interrupted the
landlady; shrugging her fat shoulders。 〃Come; come; Monsieur
Homais; as long as the 'Lion d'Or' exists people will come to it。
We've feathered our nest; while one of these days you'll find the
'Cafe Francais' closed with a big placard on the shutters。 Change
my billiard…table!〃 she went on; sp
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