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madame bovary(包法利夫人)-第14章

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woman; draped to the chin; gazed motionless on the room full of
Madame Bovary noticed that many ladies had not put their gloves
in their glasses。
But at the upper end of the table; alone amongst all these women;
bent over his full plate; and his napkin tied round his neck like
a child; an old man sat eating; letting drops of gravy drip from
his mouth。 His eyes were bloodshot; and he wore a little queue
tied with black ribbon。 He was the Marquis's father…in…law; the
old Duke de Laverdiere; once on a time favourite of the Count
d'Artois; in the days of the Vaudreuil hunting…parties at the
Marquis de Conflans'; and had been; it was said; the lover of
Queen Marie Antoinette; between Monsieur de Coigny and Monsieur
de Lauzun。 He had lived a life of noisy debauch; full of duels;
bets; elopements; he had squandered his fortune and frightened
all his family。 A servant behind his chair named aloud to him in
his ear the dishes that he pointed to stammering; and constantly
Emma's eyes turned involuntarily to this old man with hanging
lips; as to something extraordinary。 He had lived at court and
slept in the bed of queens! Iced champagne was poured out。 Emma
shivered all over as she felt it cold in her mouth。 She had never
seen pomegranates nor tasted pineapples。 The powdered sugar even
seemed to her whiter and finer than elsewhere。
The ladies afterwards went to their rooms to prepare for the
Emma made her toilet with the fastidious care of an actress on
her debut。 She did her hair according to the directions of the
hairdresser; and put on the barege dress spread out upon the bed。
Charles's trousers were tight across the belly。
〃My trouser…straps will be rather awkward for dancing;〃 he said。
〃Dancing?〃 repeated Emma。
〃Why; you must be mad! They would make fun of you; keep your
place。 Besides; it is more becoming for a doctor;〃 she added。
Charles was silent。 He walked up and down waiting for Emma to
finish dressing。
He saw her from behind in the glass between two lights。 Her black
eyes seemed blacker than ever。 Her hair; undulating towards the
ears; shone with a blue lustre; a rose in her chignon trembled on
its mobile stalk; with artificial dewdrops on the tip of the
leaves。 She wore a gown of pale saffron trimmed with three
bouquets of pompon roses mixed with green。
Charles came and kissed her on her shoulder。
〃Let me alone!〃 she said; 〃you are tumbling me。〃
One could hear the flourish of the violin and the notes of a
horn。 She went downstairs restraining herself from running。
Dancing had begun。 Guests were arriving。 There was some crushing。
She sat down on a form near the door。
The quadrille over; the floor was occupied by groups of men
standing up and talking and servants in livery bearing large
trays。 Along the line of seated women painted fans were
fluttering; bouquets half hid smiling faces; and gold stoppered
scent…bottles were turned in partly…closed hands; whose white
gloves outlined the nails and tightened on the flesh at the
wrists。 Lace trimmings; diamond brooches; medallion bracelets
trembled on bodices; gleamed on breasts; clinked on bare arms。
The hair; well…smoothed over the temples and knotted at the nape;
bore crowns; or bunches; or sprays of mytosotis; jasmine;
pomegranate blossoms; ears of corn; and corn…flowers。 Calmly
seated in their places; mothers with forbidding countenances were
wearing red turbans。
Emma's heart beat rather faster when; her partner holding her by
the tips of the fingers; she took her place in a line with the
dancers; and waited for the first note to start。 But her emotion
soon vanished; and; swaying to the rhythm of the orchestra; she
glided forward with slight movements of the neck。 A smile rose to
her lips at certain delicate phrases of the violin; that
sometimes played alone while the other instruments were silent;
one could hear the clear clink of the louis d'or that were being
thrown down upon the card tables in the next room; then all
struck again; the cornet…a…piston uttered its sonorous note; feet
marked time; skirts swelled and rustled; hands touched and
parted; the same eyes falling before you met yours again。
A few men (some fifteen or so); of twenty…five to forty;
scattered here and there among the dancers or talking at the
doorways; distinguished themselves from the crowd by a certain
air of breeding; whatever their differences in age; dress; or
Their clothes; better made; seemed of finer cloth; and their
hair; brought forward in curls towards the temples; glossy with
more delicate pomades。 They had the complexion of wealththat
clear complexion that is heightened by the pallor of porcelain;
the shimmer of satin; the veneer of old furniture; and that an
ordered regimen of exquisite nurture maintains at its best。 Their
necks moved easily in their low cravats; their long whiskers fell
over their turned…down collars; they wiped their lips upon
handkerchiefs with embroidered initials that gave forth a subtle
perfume。 Those who were beginning to grow old had an air of
youth; while there was something mature in the faces of the
young。 In their unconcerned looks was the calm of passions daily
satiated; and through all their gentleness of manner pierced that
peculiar brutality; the result of a command of half…easy things;
in which force is exercised and vanity amusedthe management of
thoroughbred horses and the society of loose women。
A few steps from Emma a gentleman in a blue coat was talking of
Italy with a pale young woman wearing a parure of pearls。
They were praising the breadth of the columns of St。 Peter's;
Tivoly; Vesuvius; Castellamare; and Cassines; the roses of Genoa;
the Coliseum by moonlight。 With her other ear Emma was listening
to a conversation full of words she did not understand。 A circle
gathered round a very young man who the week before had beaten
〃Miss Arabella〃 and 〃Romolus;〃 and won two thousand louis jumping
a ditch in England。 One complained that his racehorses were
growing fat; another of the printers' errors that had disfigured
the name of his horse。
The atmosphere of the ball was heavy; the lamps were growing dim。
Guests were flocking to the billiard room。 A servant got upon a
chair and broke the window…panes。 At the crash of the glass
Madame Bovary turned her head and saw in the garden the faces of
peasants pressed against the window looking in at them。 Then the
memory of the Bertaux came back to her。 She saw the farm again;
the muddy pond; her father in a blouse under the apple trees; and
she saw herself again as formerly; skimming with her finger the
cream off the milk…pans in the dairy。 But in the refulgence of
the present hour her past life; so distinct until then; faded
away completely; and she almost doubted having lived it。 She was
there; beyond the ball was only shadow overspreading all the
rest。 She was just eating a maraschino ice that she held with her
left hand in a silver…gilt cup; her eyes half…closed; and the
spoon between her teeth。
A lady near her dropped her fan。 A gentlemen was passing。
〃Would you be so good;〃 said the lady; 〃as to pick up my fan that
has fallen behind the sofa?〃
The gentleman bowed; 
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