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lamentations and cries for their calamity; men and women of worth
running in distraction about the walls and gates; when; behold; the
boys came whipping their master on naked and bound; calling Camillus
their preserver and god and father。 Insomuch that it struck not only
into the parents; but the rest of the citizens that saw what was done;
such admiration and love of Camillus's justice; that; immediately
meeting in assembly; they sent ambassadors to him; to resign
whatever they had to his disposal。 Camillus sent them to Rome;
where; being brought into the senate; they spoke to this purpose: that
the Romans; preferring justice before victory; had taught them
rather to embrace submission than liberty; they did not so much
confess themselves to be inferior in strength; as they must
acknowledge them to be superior in virtue。 The senate remitted the
whole matter to Camillus; to judge and order as he thought fit; who;
taking a sum of money of the Falerians; and; making a peace with the
whole nation of the Faliscans; returned home。
  But the soldiers; who had expected to have the pillage of the
city; when they came to Rome empty…handed; railed against Camillus
among their fellow…citizens; as a hater of the people; and one that
grudged all advantage to the poor。 Afterwards; when the tribunes of
the people again brought their motion for dividing the city to the
vote; Camillus appeared openly against it; shrinking from no
unpopularity; and inveighing boldly against the promoters of it; and
so urging and constraining the multitude that contrary to their
inclinations they rejected the proposal but yet hated Camillus。
Insomuch that though a great misfortune befell him in his family
(one of his two sons dying of a disease); commiseration for this could
not in the least make them abate their malice。 And indeed he took this
loss with immoderate sorrow being a man naturally of a mild and tender
disposition and when the accusation was preferred against him; kept
his house; and mourned amongst the women of his family。
  His accuser was Lucius Apuleius; the charge; appropriation of the
Tuscan spoils; certain brass gates; part of those spoils; were said to
be in his possession。 The people were exasperated against him; and
it was plain they would take hold of any occasion to condemn him。
Gathering; therefore; together his friends and fellow…soldiers; and
such as had borne command with him; a considerable number in all; he
besought them that they would not suffer him to be unjustly
overborne by shameful accusations; and left the mock and scorn of
his enemies。 His friends; having advised and consulted among
themselves; made answer; that; as to the sentence; they did not see
how they could help him; but that they would contribute to
whatsoever fine should be set upon him。 Not able to endure so great an
indignity; he resolved; in his anger; to leave the city; and go into
exile; and so; having taken leave of his wife and his son; he went
silently to the gate of the city; and there stopping and turning
round; stretched out his hands to the Capitol; and prayed to the gods;
that if; without any fault of his own; but merely through the malice
and violence of the people; he was driven out into banishment; the
Romans might quickly repent of it; and that all mankind might
witness their need for the assistance; and desire for the return of
  Thus; like Achilles; having left his imprecations on the citizens;
he went into banishment; so that; neither appearing nor making
defence; he was condemned in the sum of fifteen thousand ases;
which; reduced to silver; make one thousand five hundred drachmas; for
the as was the money of the time; ten of such copper pieces making the
denarius; or piece of ten。 And there is not a Roman but believes
that immediately upon the prayers of Camillus; a sudden judgment
followed; and that he received a revenge for the injustice done unto
him; which though we cannot think was pleasant; but rather grievous
and bitter to him; yet was very remarkable; and noised over the
whole world; such a punishment visited the city of Rome; an era of
such loss and danger and disgrace so quickly succeeded; whether it
thus fell out by fortune; or it be the office of some god not to see
injured virtue go unavenged。
  The first token that seemed to threaten some mischief to ensue was
the death of the censor Julius; for the Romans have a religious
reverence for the office of a censor; and esteem it sacred。 The second
was that; just before Camillus went into exile; Marcus Caedicius; a
person of no great distinction; nor of the rank of senator; but
esteemed a good and respectable man; reported to the military tribunes
a thing worthy their consideration; that; going along the night before
in the street called the New Way; and being called by somebody in a
loud voice; he turned about; but could see no one; but heard a voice
greater than human; which said these words; 〃Go; Marcus Caedicius; and
early in the morning tell the military tribunes that they are
shortly to expect the Gauls。〃 But the tribunes made a mock and sport
with the story; and a little after came Camillus's banishment。
  The Gauls are of the Celtic race; and are reported to have been
compelled by their numbers to leave their country; which was
insufficient to sustain them all; and to have gone in search of
other homes。 And being; many thousands of them; young men and able
to bear arms; and carrying with them a still greater number of women
and young children; some of them; passing the Riphaean mountains; fell
upon the Northern Ocean; and possessed themselves of the farthest
parts of Europe; others; seating themselves between the Pyrenean
mountains and the Alps; lived there a considerable time; nearer to the
Senones and Celtorii; but; afterwards tasting wine which was then
first brought them out of Italy; they were all so much taken with
the liquor; and transported with the hitherto unknown delight; that;
snatching up their arms and taking their families along with them;
they marched directly to the Alps; to find out the country which
yielded such fruit; pronouncing all others barren and useless。 He that
first brought wine among them and was the chief instigator of their
coming into Italy is said to have been one Aruns; a Tuscan; a man of
noble extraction; and not of bad natural character; but involved in
the following misfortune。 He was guardian to an orphan; one of the
richest of the country; and much admired for his beauty; whose name
was Lucumo。 From his childhood he had been bred up with Aruns in his
family; and when now grown up did not leave his house; professing to
wish for the enjoyment of his society。 And thus for a great while he
secretly enjoyed Aruns's wife; corrupting her; and himself corrupted
by her。 But when they were both so far gone in their passion that they
could neither refrain their lust nor conceal it; the young man
seized the woman and openly sought to carry her away。 The husband;
going to law; and finding himself overpowered by the interest and
money of his opponent; left his country and; hearing of the state of
the Gauls; went to them; and was the conductor
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