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means they should not only have much more room; but; by the
advantage of two great and magnificent cities; be better able to
maintain their territories and their fortunes in general。 The
people; therefore; who were numerous and indigent; greedily embraced
it; and crowded continually to the forum; with tumultuous demands to
have it put to the vote。 But the senate and the noblest citizens;
judging the proceedings of the tribunes to tend rather to a
destruction than a division of Rome; greatly averse to it; went to
Camillus for assistance; who; fearing the result if it came to a
direct contest; contrived to occupy the people with other business;
and so staved it off。 He thus became unpopular。 But the greatest and
most apparent cause of their dislike against him arose from the tenths
of the spoil; the multitude having here; if not a just; yet a
plausible case against him。 For it seems; as he went to the siege of
Veii; he had vowed to Apollo that if he took the city he would
dedicate to him the tenth of the spoil。 The city being taken and
sacked; whether he was loth to trouble the soldiers at that time; or
that through the multitude of business he had forgotten his vow; he
suffered them to enjoy that part of the spoils also。 Some time
afterwards; when his authority was laid down; he brought the matter
before the senate; and the priests; at the same time; reported; out of
the sacrifices; that there were intimations of divine anger; requiring
propitiations and offerings。 The senate decreed the obligations to
be in force。
  But seeing it was difficult for every one to produce the very same
things they had taken; to be divided anew; they ordained that every
one upon oath should bring into the public the tenth part of his
gains。 This occasioned many annoyances and hardships to the
soldiers; who were poor men; and had endured much in the war; and
now were forced; out of what they had gained and spent; to bring in so
great a proportion。 Camillus; being assaulted by their clamour and
tumults; for want of a better excuse; betook himself to the poorest of
defences; confessing he had forgotten his vow; they in turn complained
that he had vowed the tenth of the enemy's goods; and now levied it
out of the tenth of the citizens'。 Nevertheless; every one having
brought in his due proportion; it was decreed that out of it a bowl of
massy gold should be made; and sent to Delphi。 And when there was
great scarcity of gold in the city; and the magistrates were
considering where to get it; the Roman ladies; meeting together and
consulting among themselves; out of the golden ornaments they wore
contributed as much as went to the making of the offering; which in
weight came to eight talents of gold。 The senate; to give them the
honour they had deserved; ordained that funeral orations should be
used at the obsequies of women as well as men; it having never
before been a custom that any women after death should receive any
public eulogy。 Choosing out; therefore; three of the noblest
citizens as a deputation; they sent them in a vessel of war; well
manned and sumptuously adorned。 Storm and calm at sea may both; they
say; alike be dangerous; as they at this time experienced; being
brought almost to the very brink of destruction; and; beyond all
expectation; escaping。 For near the isles of Aeolus the wind slacking;
galleys of the Lipareans came upon them; taking them for pirates; and;
when they held up their hands as suppliants; forbore indeed from
violence; but took their ship in tow; and carried her into the
harbour; where they exposed to sale their goods and persons as
lawful prize; they being pirates; and scarcely; at last; by the virtue
and interest of one man; Timasitheus by name; who was in office as
general; and used his utmost persuasion; they were; with much ado;
dismissed。 He; however; himself sent out some of his own vessels
with them; to accompany them in their voyage and assist them at the
dedication; for which he received honours at Rome; as he had deserved。
  And now the tribunes of the people again resuming their motion for
the division of the city; the war against the Faliscans luckily
broke out; giving liberty to the chief citizens to choose what
magistrates they pleased; and to appoint Camillus military tribune;
with five colleagues; affairs then requiring a commander of
authority and reputation; as well as experience。 And when the people
had ratified the election; he marched with his forces into the
territories of the Faliscans; and laid siege to Falerii; a
well…fortified city; and plentifully stored with all necessaries of
war。 And although he perceived it would be no small work to take it;
and no little time would be required for it; yet he was willing to
exercise the citizens and keep them abroad; that they might have no
leisure; idling at home; to follow the tribunes in factions and
seditions; a very common remedy; indeed; with the Romans; who thus
carried off; like good physicians; the ill humours of their
commonwealth。 The Falerians; trusting in the strength of their city;
which was well fortified on all sides; made so little account of the
siege; that all; with the exception of those that guarded the walls;
as in times of peace; walked about the streets in their common
dress; the boys went to school; and were led by their master to play
and exercise about the town walls; for the Falerians; like the Greeks;
used to have a single teacher for many pupils; wishing their
children to live and be brought up from the beginning in each
other's company。
  This schoolmaster; designing to betray the Falerians by their
children; led them out every day under the town wall; at first but a
little way; and; when they had exercised; brought them home again。
Afterwards by degrees he drew them farther and farther; till by
practice he had made them bold and fearless; as if no danger was about
them; and at last; having got them all together; he brought them to
the outposts of the Romans; and delivered them up; demanding to be led
to Camillus。 Where being come; and standing in the middle; he said
that he was the master and teacher of these children; but preferring
his favour before all other obligations; he was come to deliver up his
charge to him; and; in that; the whole city。 When Camillus had heard
him out; he was astounded at the treachery of the act; and; turning to
the standers…by; observed that 〃war; indeed; is of necessity
attended with much injustice and violence! Certain laws; however;
all good men observe even in war itself; nor is victory so great an
object as to induce us to incur for its sake obligations for base
and impious acts。 A great general should rely on his own virtue; and
not on other men's vices。〃 Which said; he commanded the officers to
tear off the man's clothes; and bind his hands behind him; and give
the boys rods and scourges; to punish the traitor and drive him back
to the city。 By this time the Falerians had discovered the treachery
of the schoolmaster; and the city; as was likely; was full of
lamentations and cries for their calamity; men and women of worth
running in distraction about the walls and gates; when; behold; 
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