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observing that a strong wind constantly at sun…rising blew off from
the mountains; after having prepared a quantity of combustibles; about
break of day he drew forth his forces; commanding a part with their
missiles to assault the enemy with noise and shouting on the other
quarter; whilst he; with those that were to fling in the fire; went to
that side of the enemy's camp to which the wind usually blew; and
there waited his opportunity。 When the skirmish was begun; and the sun
risen; and a strong wind set in from the mountains; he gave the signal
of onset; and heaving in an infinite quantity of fiery matter;
filled all their rampart with it; so that the flame being fed by the
close timber and wooden palisades; went on and spread into all
quarters。 The Latins; having nothing ready to keep it off or
extinguish it; when the camp was now almost full of fire; were
driven back within a very small compass; and at last forced by
necessity to come into their enemy's hands; who stood before the works
ready armed and prepared to receive them; of these very few escaped;
while those that stayed in the camp were all a prey to the fire; until
the Romans; to gain the pillage; extinguished it。
  These things performed; Camillus; leaving his son Lucius in the camp
to guard the prisoners and secure the booty; passed into the enemy's
country; where; having taken the city of the Aequians and reduced
the Volscians to obedience; he then immediately led his army to
Sutrium; not having heard what had befallen the Sutrians; but making
haste to assist them; as if they were still in danger and besieged
by the Tuscans。 They; however; had already surrendered their city to
their enemies; and destitute of all things; with nothing left but
their clothes; met Camillus on the way; leading their wives and
children; and bewailing their misfortune。 Camillus himself was
struck with compassion; and perceiving the soldiers weeping; and
commiserating their case; while the Sutrians hung about and clung to
them; resolved not to defer revenge; but that very day to lead his
army to Sutrium; conjecturing that the enemy; having just taken a rich
and plentiful city; without an enemy left within it; nor any from
without to be expected; would be found abandoned to enjoyment and
unguarded。 Neither did his opinion fail him; he not only passed
through their country without discovery; but came up to their very
gates and possessed himself of the walls; not a man being left to
guard them; but their whole army scattered about in the houses;
drinking and making merry。 Nay; when at last they did perceive that
the enemy had seized the city; they were so overloaded with meat and
wine; that few were able so much as to endeavour to escape; but either
waited shamefully for their death within doors; or surrendered
themselves to the conqueror。 Thus the city of the Sutrians was twice
taken in one day; and they who were in possession lost it; and they
who had lost regained it; alike by the means of Camillus。 For all
which actions he received a triumph; which brought him no less
honour and reputation than the two former ones; for those citizens who
before most regarded him with an evil eye; and ascribed his
successes to a certain luck rather than real merit; were compelled
by these last acts of his to allow the whole honour to his great
abilities and energy。
  Of all the adversaries and enviers of his glory; Marcus Manlius
was the most distinguished; he who first drove back the Gauls when
they made their night attack upon the Capitol; and who for that reason
had been named Capitolinus。 This man; affecting the first place in the
commonwealth; and not able by noble ways to outdo Camillus's
reputation; took that ordinary course towards usurpation of absolute
power; namely; to gain the multitude; those of them especially that
were in debt; defending some by pleading their causes against their
creditors; rescuing others by force; and not suffering the law to
proceed against them; insomuch that in a short time he got great
numbers of indigent people about him; whose tumults and uproars in the
forum struck terror into the principal citizens。 After that Quintius
Capitolinus; who was made dictator to suppress these disorders; had
committed Manlius to prison; the people immediately changed their
apparel; a thing never done but in great and public calamities; and
the senate; fearing some tumult; ordered him to be released。 He;
however; when set at liberty; changed not his course; but was rather
the more insolent in his proceedings; filling the whole city with
faction and sedition。 They chose; therefore; Camillus again military
tribune; and a day being appointed for Manlius to answer to his
charge; the prospect from the place where his trial was held proved
a great impediment to his accusers; for the very spot where Manlius by
night fought with the Gauls overlooked the forum from the Capitol;
so that; stretching forth his hands that way; and weeping; he called
to their remembrance his past actions; raising compassion in all
that beheld him。 Insomuch that the judges were at a loss what to do;
and several times adjourned the trial; unwilling to acquit him of
the crime; which was sufficiently proved; and yet unable to execute
the law while his noble action remained; as it were; before their
eyes。 Camillus; considering this; transferred the court outside the
gate to the Peteline Grove; from whence there is no prospect of the
Capitol。 Here his accuser went on with his charge; and his judges were
capable of remembering and duly resenting his guilty deeds。 He was
convicted; carried to the Capitol; and flung headlong from the rock;
so that one and the same spot was thus the witness of his greatest
glory; and monument of his most unfortunate end。 The Romans;
besides; razed his house; and built there a temple to the goddess they
call Moneta; ordaining for the future that none of the patrician order
should ever dwell on the Capitoline。
  And now Camillus; being called to his sixth tribuneship; desired
to be excused; as being aged; and perhaps not unfearful of the
malice of fortune; and those reverses which seem to ensue upon great
prosperity。 But the most apparent pretence was the weakness of his
body; for he happened at that time to be sick; the people; however;
would admit of no excuses; but; crying that they wanted not his
strength for horse or for foot service; but only his counsel and
conduct; constrained him to undertake the command; and with one of his
fellow…tribunes to lead the army immediately against the enemy。
These were the Praenestines and Volscians; who; with large forces;
were laying waste the territory of the Roman confederates。 Having
marched out with his army; he sat down and encamped near the enemy;
meaning himself to protract the war; or if there should come any
necessity or occasion of fighting; in the meantime to regain his
strength。 But Lucius Furius; his colleague; carried away with the
desire of glory; was not to be held in; but; impatient to give battle;
inflamed the inferior officers of the army with the same eagerness; so
that Camillus; fearing he might seem out of envy to be wishing to
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