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main street and other poems-第3章

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For it makes him kneel to a broken slave and set his foot on a king;

 And it shakes the walls of his little soul with the echo of God's mirth。

〃There was the poet Homer had the sorrow to be blind;

 Yet a hundred people with good eyes would listen to him all night;

For they took great enjoyment in the heaven of his mind;

 And were glad when the old blind poet let them share his powers of sight。

And there was Heine lying on his mattress all day long;

 He had no wealth; he had no friends; he had no joy at all;

Except to pour his sorrow into little cups of song;

 And the world finds in them the magic wine that his broken heart let fall。

〃And these are only a couple of names from a list of a thousand score

 Who have put their glory on the world in poverty and pain。

And the title of poet's a noble thing; worth living and dying for;

 Though all the devils on earth and in Hell spit at me their disdain。

It is stern work; it is perilous work; to thrust your hand in the sun

 And pull out a spark of immortal flame to warm the hearts of men:

But Prometheus; torn by the claws and beaks whose task is never done;

 Would be tortured another eternity to go stealing fire again。〃

Lionel Johnson

(For the Rev。 John J。 Burke; C。 S。 P。)

There was a murkier tinge in London's air

 As if the honest fog blushed black for shame。

 Fools sang of sin; for other fools' acclaim;

And Milton's wreath was tossed to Baudelaire。

The flowers of evil blossomed everywhere;

 But in their midst a radiant lily came

 Candescent; pure; a cup of living flame;

Bloomed for a day; and left the earth more fair。

And was it Charles; thy 〃fair and fatal King〃;

 Who bade thee welcome to the lovely land?

Or did Lord David cease to harp and sing

 To take in his thine emulative hand?

Or did Our Lady's smile shine forth; to bring

 Her lyric Knight within her choir to stand?

Father Gerard Hopkins; S。 J。

Why didst thou carve thy speech laboriously;

 And match and blend thy words with curious art?

 For Song; one saith; is but a human heart

Speaking aloud; undisciplined and free。

Nay; God be praised; Who fixed thy task for thee!

 Austere; ecstatic craftsman; set apart

 From all who traffic in Apollo's mart;

On thy phrased paten shall the Splendour be!

Now; carelessly we throw a rhyme to God;

 Singing His praise when other songs are done。

But thou; who knewest paths Teresa trod;

 Losing thyself; what is it thou hast won?

O bleeding feet; with peace and glory shod!

 O happy moth; that flew into the Sun!

Gates and Doors

(For Richardson Little Wright)

There was a gentle hostler

 (And blessed be his name!)

He opened up the stable

 The night Our Lady came。

Our Lady and Saint Joseph;

 He gave them food and bed;

And Jesus Christ has given him

 A glory round his head。

     So let the gate swing open

      However poor the yard;

     Lest weary people visit you

      And find their passage barred;

     Unlatch the door at midnight

      And let your lantern's glow

     Shine out to guide the traveler's feet

      To you across the snow。

There was a courteous hostler

 (He is in Heaven to…night)

He held Our Lady's bridle

 And helped her to alight;

He spread clean straw before her

 Whereon she might lie down;

And Jesus Christ has given him

 An everlasting crown。

     Unlock the door this evening

      And let your gate swing wide;

     Let all who ask for shelter

      Come speedily inside。

     What if your yard be narrow?

      What if your house be small?

     There is a Guest is coming

      Will glorify it all。

There was a joyous hostler

 Who knelt on Christmas morn

Beside the radiant manger

 Wherein his Lord was born。

His heart was full of laughter;

 His soul was full of bliss

When Jesus; on His Mother's lap;

 Gave him His hand to kiss。

     Unbar your heart this evening

      And keep no stranger out;

     Take from your soul's great portal

      The barrier of doubt。

     To humble folk and weary

      Give hearty welcoming;

     Your breast shall be to…morrow

      The cradle of a King。

The Robe of Christ

(For Cecil Chesterton)

At the foot of the Cross on Calvary

 Three soldiers sat and diced;

And one of them was the Devil

 And he won the Robe of Christ。

When the Devil comes in his proper form

 To the chamber where I dwell;

I know him and make the Sign of the Cross

 Which drives him back to Hell。

And when he comes like a friendly man

 And puts his hand in mine;

The fervour in his voice is not

 From love or joy or wine。

And when he comes like a woman;

 With lovely; smiling eyes;

Black dreams float over his golden head

 Like a swarm of carrion flies。

Now many a million tortured souls

 In his red halls there be:

Why does he spend his subtle craft

 In hunting after me?

Kings; queens and crested warriors

 Whose memory rings through time;

These are his prey; and what to him

 Is this poor man of rhyme;

That he; with such laborious skill;

 Should change from role to role;

Should daily act so many a part

 To get my little soul?

Oh; he can be the forest;

 And he can be the sun;

Or a buttercup; or an hour of rest

 When the weary day is done。

I saw him through a thousand veils;

 And has not this sufficed?

Now; must I look on the Devil robed

 In the radiant Robe of Christ?

He comes; and his face is sad and mild;

 With thorns his head is crowned;

There are great bleeding wounds in his feet;

 And in each hand a wound。

How can I tell; who am a fool;

 If this be Christ or no?

Those bleeding hands outstretched to me!

 Those eyes that love me so!

I see the Robe  I look  I hope 

 I fear  but there is one

Who will direct my troubled mind;

 Christ's Mother knows her Son。

O Mother of Good Counsel; lend

 Intelligence to me!

Encompass me with wisdom;

 Thou Tower of Ivory!

〃This is the Man of Lies;〃 she says;

 〃Disguised with fearful art:

He has the wounded hands and feet;

 But not the wounded heart。〃

Beside the Cross on Calvary

 She watched them as they diced。

She saw the Devil join the game

 And win the Robe of Christ。

The Singing Girl

(For the Rev。 Edward F。 Garesche; S。 J。)

There was a little maiden

 In blue and silver drest;

She sang to God in Heaven

 And God within her breast。

It flooded me with pleasure;

 It pierced me like a sword;

When this young maiden sang:  〃My soul

 Doth magnify the Lord。〃

The stars sing all together

 And hear the angels sing;

But they said they had never heard

 So beautiful a thing。

Saint Mary and Saint Joseph;

 And Saint Elizabeth;

Pray for us poets now

 And at the hour of death。

The Annuncia
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