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followed a third war; which was of a terrible and desperate nature; and in

this many brave men who are here interred lost their livesmany of them

had won victories in Sicily; whither they had gone over the seas to fight

for the liberties of the Leontines; to whom they were bound by oaths; but;

owing to the distance; the city was unable to help them; and they lost

heart and came to misfortune; their very enemies and opponents winning more

renown for valour and temperance than the friends of others。  Many also

fell in naval engagements at the Hellespont; after having in one day taken

all the ships of the enemy; and defeated them in other naval engagements。 

And what I call the terrible and desperate nature of the war; is that the

other Hellenes; in their extreme animosity towards the city; should have

entered into negotiations with their bitterest enemy; the king of Persia;

whom they; together with us; had expelled;him; without us; they again

brought back; barbarian against Hellenes; and all the hosts; both of

Hellenes and barbarians; were united against Athens。  And then shone forth

the power and valour of our city。  Her enemies had supposed that she was

exhausted by the war; and our ships were blockaded at Mitylene。  But the

citizens themselves embarked; and came to the rescue with sixty other

ships; and their valour was confessed of all men; for they conquered their

enemies and delivered their friends。  And yet by some evil fortune they

were left to perish at sea; and therefore are not interred here。  Ever to

be remembered and honoured are they; for by their valour not only that sea…

fight was won for us; but the entire war was decided by them; and through

them the city gained the reputation of being invincible; even though

attacked by all mankind。  And that reputation was a true one; for the

defeat which came upon us was our own doing。  We were never conquered by

others; and to this day we are still unconquered by them; but we were our

own conquerors; and received defeat at our own hands。  Afterwards there was

quiet and peace abroad; but there sprang up war at home; and; if men are

destined to have civil war; no one could have desired that his city should

take the disorder in a milder form。  How joyful and natural was the

reconciliation of those who came from the Piraeus and those who came from

the city; with what moderation did they order the war against the tyrants

in Eleusis; and in a manner how unlike what the other Hellenes expected! 

And the reason of this gentleness was the veritable tie of blood; which

created among them a friendship as of kinsmen; faithful not in word only;

but in deed。  And we ought also to remember those who then fell by one

another's hands; and on such occasions as these to reconcile them with

sacrifices and prayers; praying to those who have power over them; that

they may be reconciled even as we are reconciled。  For they did not attack

one another out of malice or enmity; but they were unfortunate。  And that

such was the fact we ourselves are witnesses; who are of the same race with

them; and have mutually received and granted forgiveness of what we have

done and suffered。  After this there was perfect peace; and the city had

rest; and her feeling was that she forgave the barbarians; who had severely

suffered at her hands and severely retaliated; but that she was indignant

at the ingratitude of the Hellenes; when she remembered how they had

received good from her and returned evil; having made common cause with the

barbarians; depriving her of the ships which had once been their salvation;

and dismantling our walls; which had preserved their own from falling。  She

thought that she would no longer defend the Hellenes; when enslaved either

by one another or by the barbarians; and did accordingly。  This was our

feeling; while the Lacedaemonians were thinking that we who were the

champions of liberty had fallen; and that their business was to subject the

remaining Hellenes。  And why should I say more? for the events of which I

am speaking happened not long ago and we can all of us remember how the

chief peoples of Hellas; Argives and Boeotians and Corinthians; came to

feel the need of us; and; what is the greatest miracle of all; the Persian

king himself was driven to such extremity as to come round to the opinion;

that from this city; of which he was the destroyer; and from no other; his

salvation would proceed。

And if a person desired to bring a deserved accusation against our city; he

would find only one charge which he could justly urgethat she was too

compassionate and too favourable to the weaker side。  And in this instance

she was not able to hold out or keep her resolution of refusing aid to her

injurers when they were being enslaved; but she was softened; and did in

fact send out aid; and delivered the Hellenes from slavery; and they were

free until they afterwards enslaved themselves。  Whereas; to the great king

she refused to give the assistance of the state; for she could not forget

the trophies of Marathon and Salamis and Plataea; but she allowed exiles

and volunteers to assist him; and they were his salvation。  And she

herself; when she was compelled; entered into the war; and built walls and

ships; and fought with the Lacedaemonians on behalf of the Parians。  Now

the king fearing this city and wanting to stand aloof; when he saw the

Lacedaemonians growing weary of the war at sea; asked of us; as the price

of his alliance with us and the other allies; to give up the Hellenes in

Asia; whom the Lacedaemonians had previously handed over to him; he

thinking that we should refuse; and that then he might have a pretence for

withdrawing from us。  About the other allies he was mistaken; for the

Corinthians and Argives and Boeotians; and the other states; were quite

willing to let them go; and swore and covenanted; that; if he would pay

them money; they would make over to him the Hellenes of the continent; and

we alone refused to give them up and swear。  Such was the natural nobility

of this city; so sound and healthy was the spirit of freedom among us; and

the instinctive dislike of the barbarian; because we are pure Hellenes;

having no admixture of barbarism in us。  For we are not like many others;

descendants of Pelops or Cadmus or Egyptus or Danaus; who are by nature

barbarians; and yet pass for Hellenes; and dwell in the midst of us; but we

are pure Hellenes; uncontaminated by any foreign element; and therefore the

hatred of the foreigner has passed unadulterated into the life…blood of the

city。  And so; notwithstanding our noble sentiments; we were again

isolated; because we were unwilling to be guilty of the base and unholy act

of giving up Hellenes to barbarians。  And we were in the same case as when

we were subdued before; but; by the favour of Heaven; we managed better;

for we ended the war without the loss of our ships or walls or colonies;

the enemy was only too glad to be quit of us。  Yet in this wa
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