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king; Cyrus; by his valour freed the Persians; who were his countrymen; and

subjected the Medes; who were their lords; and he ruled over the rest of

Asia; as far as Egypt; and after him came his son; who ruled all the

accessible part of Egypt and Libya; the third king was Darius; who extended

the land boundaries of the empire to Scythia; and with his fleet held the

sea and the islands。  None presumed to be his equal; the minds of all men

were enthralled by himso many and mighty and warlike nations had the

power of Persia subdued。  Now Darius had a quarrel against us and the

Eretrians; because; as he said; we had conspired against Sardis; and he

sent 500;000 men in transports and vessels of war; and 300 ships; and Datis

as commander; telling him to bring the Eretrians and Athenians to the king;

if he wished to keep his head on his shoulders。  He sailed against the

Eretrians; who were reputed to be amongst the noblest and most warlike of

the Hellenes of that day; and they were numerous; but he conquered them all

in three days; and when he had conquered them; in order that no one might

escape; he searched the whole country after this manner:  his soldiers;

coming to the borders of Eretria and spreading from sea to sea; joined

hands and passed through the whole country; in order that they might be

able to tell the king that no one had escaped them。  And from Eretria they

went to Marathon with a like intention; expecting to bind the Athenians in

the same yoke of necessity in which they had bound the Eretrians。  Having

effected one…half of their purpose; they were in the act of attempting the

other; and none of the Hellenes dared to assist either the Eretrians or the

Athenians; except the Lacedaemonians; and they arrived a day too late for

the battle; but the rest were panic…stricken and kept quiet; too happy in

having escaped for a time。  He who has present to his mind that conflict

will know what manner of men they were who received the onset of the

barbarians at Marathon; and chastened the pride of the whole of Asia; and

by the victory which they gained over the barbarians first taught other men

that the power of the Persians was not invincible; but that hosts of men

and the multitude of riches alike yield to valour。  And I assert that those

men are the fathers not only of ourselves; but of our liberties and of the

liberties of all who are on the continent; for that was the action to which

the Hellenes looked back when they ventured to fight for their own safety

in the battles which ensued:  they became disciples of the men of Marathon。 

To them; therefore; I assign in my speech the first place; and the second

to those who fought and conquered in the sea fights at Salamis and

Artemisium; for of them; too; one might have many things to sayof the

assaults which they endured by sea and land; and how they repelled them。  I

will mention only that act of theirs which appears to me to be the noblest;

and which followed that of Marathon and came nearest to it; for the men of

Marathon only showed the Hellenes that it was possible to ward off the

barbarians by land; the many by the few; but there was no proof that they

could be defeated by ships; and at sea the Persians retained the reputation

of being invincible in numbers and wealth and skill and strength。  This is

the glory of the men who fought at sea; that they dispelled the second

terror which had hitherto possessed the Hellenes; and so made the fear of

numbers; whether of ships or men; to cease among them。  And so the soldiers

of Marathon and the sailors of Salamis became the schoolmasters of Hellas;

the one teaching and habituating the Hellenes not to fear the barbarians at

sea; and the others not to fear them by land。 Third in order; for the

number and valour of the combatants; and third in the salvation of Hellas;

I place the battle of Plataea。  And now the Lacedaemonians as well as the

Athenians took part in the struggle; they were all united in this greatest

and most terrible conflict of all; wherefore their virtues will be

celebrated in times to come; as they are now celebrated by us。  But at a

later period many Hellenic tribes were still on the side of the barbarians;

and there was a report that the great king was going to make a new attempt

upon the Hellenes; and therefore justice requires that we should also make

mention of those who crowned the previous work of our salvation; and drove

and purged away all barbarians from the sea。  These were the men who fought

by sea at the river Eurymedon; and who went on the expedition to Cyprus;

and who sailed to Egypt and divers other places; and they should be

gratefully remembered by us; because they compelled the king in fear for

himself to look to his own safety instead of plotting the destruction of


And so the war against the barbarians was fought out to the end by the

whole city on their own behalf; and on behalf of their countrymen。  There

was peace; and our city was held in honour; and then; as prosperity makes

men jealous; there succeeded a jealousy of her; and jealousy begat envy;

and so she became engaged against her will in a war with the Hellenes。  On

the breaking out of war; our citizens met the Lacedaemonians at Tanagra;

and fought for the freedom of the Boeotians; the issue was doubtful; and

was decided by the engagement which followed。  For when the Lacedaemonians

had gone on their way; leaving the Boeotians; whom they were aiding; on the

third day after the battle of Tanagra; our countrymen conquered at

Oenophyta; and righteously restored those who had been unrighteously

exiled。  And they were the first after the Persian war who fought on behalf

of liberty in aid of Hellenes against Hellenes; they were brave men; and

freed those whom they aided; and were the first too who were honourably

interred in this sepulchre by the state。  Afterwards there was a mighty

war; in which all the Hellenes joined; and devastated our country; which

was very ungrateful of them; and our countrymen; after defeating them in a

naval engagement and taking their leaders; the Spartans; at Sphagia; when

they might have destroyed them; spared their lives; and gave them back; and

made peace; considering that they should war with the fellow…countrymen

only until they gained a victory over them; and not because of the private

anger of the state destroy the common interest of Hellas; but that with

barbarians they should war to the death。  Worthy of praise are they also

who waged this war; and are here interred; for they proved; if any one

doubted the superior prowess of the Athenians in the former war with the

barbarians; that their doubts had no foundationshowing by their victory

in the civil war with Hellas; in which they subdued the other chief state

of the Hellenes; that they could conquer single…handed those with whom they

had been allied in the war against the barbarians。  After the peace there

followed a third war; which was of a terrible and desperate
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