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carson mccullers - the heart is a lonely hunter-第8章

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drank the soup and ate part of his dessert。 His thick; heavy lips 
still trembled and he bowed his head far down over his plate。 
Biff noted this。 He was thinkng that in nearly every person 

there was some special physical part kept always guarded。 
With the mute his hands。 The kid Mick picked at the front of 
her blouse to keep the cloth from rubbing the new; tender 
nipples beginning to come out on her24 

breast。 With Alice it was her hair; she used never to let him 
sleep with her when he rubbed oil in his scalp。 And with 
Lingeringly Biff turned the ring on his little finger。 Anyway 
he knew what it was not。 Not。 Any more。 A sharp line cut into 
his forehead。 His hand in his pocket moved nervously toward 
his genitals。 He began whistling a song and got up from the 
table。 Funny to spot it in other people; though。 
They helped Blount to his feet。 He teetered weakly。 He was 
not crying any more; but he seemed to be brooding on 
something shameful and sullen。 He walked in the direction he 
was led。 Biff brought out the suitcase from behind the counter 
and explained to the mute about it。 Singer looked as though he 
could not be surprised at anything。 
Biff went with them to the entrance。 'Buck up and keep your 
nose clean;' he said to Blount。 
The black night sky was beginning to lighten and turn a deep 
blue with the new morning。 There were but a few weak; 
silvery stars。 The street was empty; silent; almost cool。 Singer 
carried the suitcase with his left hand; and with his free hand 
he supported Blount。 He nodded goodbye to Biff and they 
started off together down the sidewalk。 Biff stood watching 
them。 After they had gone hah* a block away only their black 
forms showed in the blue darkness —the mute straight and 
firm and the broad…shouldered; stumbling Blount holding on 
to him。 When he could see them no longer; Biff waited for a 
moment and examined the sky。 The vast depth of it fascinated 
and oppressed him。 He rubbed his forehead and went back 
into the sharply lighted restaurant。 
He stood behind the cash register; and his face contracted and 
hardened as he tried to recall the things that had happened 
during the night。 He had the feeling that he wanted to explain 
something to himself。 He recalled the incidents in tedious 
detail and was still puzzled。 
The door opened and closed several times as a sudden spurt of 

customers began to come in。 The night was over。 Willie 
stacked some of the chairs up on the tables and mopped at the 
floor。 He was ready to go home and was singing。 Willie was 
lazy。 In the kitchen he was always stopping to play for a while 
on the harmonica he carried 

around with him。 Now he mopped the floor with sleepy 
strokes and hummed his lonesome Negro music steadily。 
The place was still not crowded—it was the hour when men 
who have been up all night meet those who are freshly 
wakened and ready to start a new day。 The sleepy waitress 
was serving both beer and coffee。 There was no noise or 
conversation; for each person seemed to be alone。 The mutual 
distrust between the men who were just awakened and those 
who were ending a long night gave everyone a feeling of 
The bank building across the street was very pale in the dawn。 
Then gradually its white brick walls grew more distinct。 When 
at last the first shafts of the rising sun began to brighten the 
street; Biff gave the place one last survey and went upstairs。 
Noisily he rattled the doorknob as he entered so that Alice 
would be disturbed。 'Motherogod!' he said。 'What a night!' 
Alice awoke with caution。 She lay on the rumpled bed like a 
sulky cat and stretched herself。 The room was drab in the 
fresh; hot morning sun; and a pair of silk stockings hung limp 
and withered from the cord of the window…shade。 
'Is that drunk fool still hanging around downstairs?' she 
Biff took off his shirt and examined the collar to see if it were 
clean enough to be worn again。 'Go down and see for yourself。 
I told you nobody will hinder you from kicking him out。' 
Sleepily Alice reached down and picked up a Bible; the blank 
side of a menu; and a Sunday…School book from the floor 
beside the bed。 She rustled through the tissue pages of the 
Bible until she reached a certain passage and began reading; 
pronouncing the words aloud with painful concentration。 It 
was Sunday; and she was preparing the weekly lesson for her 
class of boys in the Junior Department of her church。 'Now as 
he walked by the sea of Galilee; he saw Simon and Andrew 

his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers。 
And Jesus said unto them; 〃Come ye after me; and I will make 
you to become fishers of men。〃 And straightway they forsook 
their nets; and followed him。'26 

Biff went into the bathroom to wash himself。 The silky 
murmuring continued as Alice studied aloud。 He listened。  。。 
and in the morning; rising up a great while before day; He 
went out; and departed into a solitary place; and there prayed。 
And Simon and they that were with Him followed after Him。 
And when they had found Him; they said unto Him; 〃All men 
seek for Thee。〃 ' 
She had finished。 Biff let the words revolve again gently 
inside him。 He tried to separate the actual words from the 
sound of Alice's voice as she had spoken them。 He wanted to 
remember the passage as his mother used to read it when he 
was a boy。 With nostalgia he glanced down at the wedding 
ring on his fifth finger that had once been hers。 He wondered 
again how she would have felt about bis giving up church and 
'The lesson for today is about the gathering of the disciples;' 
Alice said to herself in preparation。 'And the text is; 〃All men 
seek for Thee。〃 ' 
Abruptly Biff roused himself from meditation and turned on 
the water spigot at full force。 He stripped off his undervest 
and began to wash himself。 Always he was scrupulously clean 
from the belt upward。 Every morning he soaped his chest and 
arms and neck and feet—and about twice during the season he 
got into the bathtub and cleaned all of his parts。 
Biff stood by the bed; waiting impatiently for Alice to get up。 
From the window he saw that the day would be windless and 
burning hot。 Alice had finished reading the lesson。 She still 
lay lazily across the bed; although she knew that he was 
waiting。 A calm; sullen anger rose in him。 He chuckled 
ironically。 Then he said with bitterness: 'If you like I can sit 
and read the paper awhile。 But I wish you would let me sleep 
Alice began dressing herself and Biff made up the bed。 Deftly 
he reversed the sheets in all possible ways; putting the top one 
on the bottom; and turning them over and upside down。 When 

the bed was smoothly made he waited until Alice had left the 
room before he slipped off his trousers and crawled inside。 
His feet jutted out from beneath the cover and his wiry…haired 
chest was very dark against the pillow。 He was glad he had not 
told Alice about what had happened to the drunk。 He had 
wanted to talk 

to somebody about it; because maybe if he told all the facts 
out loud he could
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