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carson mccullers - the heart is a lonely hunter-第78章

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asked Portia thickly。 
The music stopped。 'Why; Mr。 Blount; I thought you knowed 
he was gone。 While you were sitting at the table with your 
peach puff he come to the doorway and held out his watch to 
show it were time for him to go。 You looked straight at him 
and shaken your head。 I thought you knowed that。' 
'Maybe I was thinking about something else。' He turned to 
Willie and said angrily to him: 'I never did even get to tell you 
what I come here for; I didn't come to ask you to do anything。 
All I wanted—all I wanted was this。 You and the other boys 
were to testify what happened and I was to explain why。 Why 
is the only important thing—not what。 I would have pushed 
you all around in a wagon and you would have told your story 
and afterward I would have ex


plained why。 And maybe it might have meant something。 
Maybe it' 
He felt they were laughing at him。 Confusion caused him to 
forget what he had meant to say。 The room was full of dark; 
strange faces and the air was too thick to breathe。 He saw a 
door and staggered across to it。 He was in a dark closet 
smelling of medicine。 Then his hand was turning another 
He stood on the threshold of a small white room furnished 
only with an iron bed; a cabinet; and two chairs。 On the bed 
lay the terrible Negro he had met on the stairs at Singer's 
house。 His face was very black against the white; stiff pillows。 
The dark eyes were hot with hatred but the heavy; bluish lips 
were composed。 His face was motionless as a black mask 
except for the slow; wide flutters of his nostrils with each 
'Get out;' the Negro said。 
'Wait' Jake said helplessly。 'Why do you say that?' 
'This is my house。' 
Jake could not draw his eyes away from the Negro's terrible 
face。 'But why?' 
'You are a white man and a stranger。' 
Jake did not leave。 He walked with cumbersome caution to 

one of the straight white chairs and seated himself。 The Negro 
moved his hands on the counterpane。 His black eyes glittered 
with fever。 Jake watched him。 They waited。 In the room there 
was a feeling tense as conspiracy or as the deadly quiet before 
an explosion。 
It was long past midnight。 The warm; dark air of the spring 
morning swirled the blue layers of smoke in the room。 On the 
floor were crumpled balls of paper and a half…empty bottle of 
gin。 Scattered ashes were gray on the counterpane。 Doctor 
Copeland pressed his head tensely into the pillow。 He had 
removed his dressing…gown and the sleeves of his white cotton 
nightshirt were rolled to the elbow。 Jake leaned forward in his 
chair。 His tie was loosened and the collar of his shirt had 
wilted with sweat Through the hours there had grown between 
them a long; exhausting dialogue。 And now a pause had come。 
'So the time is ready for' Jake began。254 

But Doctor Copeland interrupted him。 'Now it is perhaps 
necessary that we' he murmured huskily。 They 
halted。 Each looked into the eyes of the other and waited。 'I 
beg your pardon;' Doctor Copeland said。 
'Sorry;' said Jake。 'Go on。' 
'No; you continue。' 
'Well' Jake said。 'I won't say what I started to say。 
Instead we'll have one last word about the South。 The 
strangled South。 The wasted South; The slavish South。' 
'And the Negro people。' 
To steady himself Jake swallowed a long; burning draught 
from the bottle on the floor beside him。 Then deliberately he 
walked to the cabinet and picked up a small; cheap globe of 
the world that served as a paperweight。 Slowly he turned the 
sphere in his hands。 'All I can say is this: The world is full of 
meanness and evil。 Huh! Three fourths of this globe is in a 
state of war or oppression。 The liars and fiends are united and 
the men who know are isolated and without defense。 But! But 
if you was to ask me to point out the most uncivilized area on 
the face of this globe I would point here' 
'Watch sharp;' said Doctor Copeland。 'You're out in the ocean。' 
Jake turned the globe again and pressed his blunt; grimy 
thumb on a carefully selected spot。 'Here。 These thirteen 

states。 I know what I'm talking about。 I read books and I go 
around。 I been in every damn one of these thirteen states。 I've 
worked in every one。 And the reason I think like I do is this: 
We live in the richest country in the world。 There's plenty and 
to spare for no man; woman; or child to be in want。 And in 
addition to this our country was founded on what should have 
been a great; true principle—the freedom; equality; and rights 
of each individual。 Huh! And what has come of that start? 
There are corporations worth billions of dollars—and 
hundreds of thousands of people who don't get to eat。 And 
here in these thirteen states the exploitation of human beings 
is so that—that it's a thing you got to take in with your own 
eyes。 In my life I seen things that would make a man go cra2y。 
At least one third of all Southerners live and die no better off 
than the lowest peasant in any European Fascist 


state。 The average wage of a worker on a tenant farm is only 
seventy…three dollars per year。 And mind you; that's the 
average! The wages of sharecroppers run from thirty…five to 
ninety dollars per person。 And thirty…five dollars a year means 
just about ten cents for a full day's work。 Everywhere there's 
pellagra and hookworm and anaemia。 And just plain; pure 
starvation。 But!' Jake nibbed his lips with the knuckles of his 
dirty fist。 Sweat stood out on his forehead。 'But!' he repeated。 
Those are only the evils you can see and touch。 The other 
things are worse。 I'm talking about the way that the truth has 
been hidden from the people。 The things they have been told 
so they can't see the truth。 The poisonous lies。 So they aren't 
allowed to know。' 
'And the Negro;' said Doctor Copeland。 'To understand what is 
happening to us you have to' 
Jake interrupted him savagely。 'Who owns the South? 
Corporations in the North own three fourths of all the South。 
They say the old cow grazes all over—in the south; the west; 
the north; and the east。 But she's milked in just one place。 Her 
old teats swing over just one spot when she's full。 She grazes 
everywhere and is milked in New York。 Take our cotton mills; 
our pulp mills; our harness factories; our mattress factories。 
The North owns them。 And what happens?' Jake's mustache 

quivered angrily。 'Here's an example。 Locale; a mill village 
according to the great paternal system of American industry。 
Absentee ownership。 In the village is one huge brick mill and 
maybe four or five hundred shanties。 The houses aren't fit for 
human beings to live in。 Moreover; the houses were built to be 
nothing but slums in the first place。 These shanties are nothing 
but two or maybe three rooms and a privy— built with far less 
forethought than barns to house cattle。 Built with far less 
attention to needs than sties for pigs。 For under this system 
pigs are valuable and men are not。 You can't make pork chops 
and sausage out of skinny little mill kids。 You can't sell but 
half the people these days。 But a pig' 
'Hold on!' said Doctor Copeland。 'You are getting off on a 
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