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carson mccullers - the heart is a lonely hunter-第77章

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them again。 That one thing Father and Willie done argued 
about already。 This here Buster' 
〃Buster got a wooden leg;' said the boy by the window。 1 seen 
him on the street today。' 
This here Buster don't have no folks and it were Father's idea 
to have him move on in with us。 Father want to round up all 
the boys together。 How he reckons us can feed them I sure 
don't know。' 
That ain't a good idea。 And besides us was never very good 
friends anyway。' Willie felt the stumps of his legs with his 
dark; strong hands。 'I just wish I knowed where my f…f…feets 
are。 That the main thing worries me。 The doctor never given 
them back to me。 I sure do wish I knowed where they are。' 
Jake looked around him with dazed; gin…clouded eyes。 
Everything seemed unclear and strange。 The heat in the 

kitchen dizzied him so that voices echoed in his ears。 The
smoke choked him。 The light hanging from the ceiling was
turned on but; as the bulb was wrapped in newspaper to dim
its strength; most of the light came from between the chinks of
the hot stove。 There was a red glow on all the dark faces
around him。 He felt uneasy and alone。 Singer had left the
room to visit Portia's father。 Jake wanted him to come back so
that they could leave。 He walked awkwardly across the floor
and sat down on the bench between Marshall Nicolls and John
'Where is Portia's father?' he asked。250

'Doctor Copeland is in the front room; sir;' said Roberts。
'Is he a doctor?
〃Yes; sir。 He is a medical doctor。
There was a scuffle on the steps outside and the back door
opened。 A warm; fresh breeze lightened the heavy air。 First 
tall boy dressed hi a linen suit and gilded shoes entered the
room with a sack in his arms。 Behind him came a young boy
of about seventeen。
'Hey; Highboy。 Hey there; Lancy;' Willie said。 'What you all
brought me?
Highboy bowed elaborately to Jake and placed on the table
two fruit jars of wine。 Lancy put beside them a plate covered
with a fresh white napkin。
This here wine is a present from the Society;' Highboy said。
'And Lancy's mother sent some peach puffs。
'How is the Doctor; Miss Portia?' Lancy asked。

。Honey; he been mighty sick these days。 What worries me is 
he so strong。 It a bad sign when a person sick as he is 
suddenly come to be so strong。' Portia turned to Jake。 'Don't 
you think it a bad sign; Mr。 Blount?' 
Jake stared at her dazedly。 'I don't know。' 
Lancy glanced sullenly at Jake and pulled down the cuffs of 
his outgrown shirt。 'Give the Doctor my family's regards。' 
'Us certainly do appreciate this;' Portia said。 〃Father was 
speaking of you just the other day。 He haves a book he wants 
to give you。 Wait just one minute while I get it and rinch out 
this plate to return to your Mother。 This were certainly a 
kindly thing for her to do。' 

Marshall Nicolls leaned toward Jake and seemed about to 
speak to him。 The old man wore a pair of pin…striped trousers 
and a morning coat with a flower in the buttonhole。 He cleared 
his throat and said: 'Pardon me; sir—but unavoidably we 
overheard a part of your conversation with William regarding 
the trouble he is now in。 Inevitably we have considered what 
is the best course to take。' 
'You one of his relatives or the preacher in his church?' 

。No; I am a pharmacist。 And John Roberts on your left is 
employed in the postal department of the government。' 
'A postman;' repeated John Roberts。 
'With your permission' Marshall Nicolls took a yellow 
silk handkerchief from his pocket and gingerly blew 
his nose。 'Naturally we have discussed this matter extensively。 
And without doubt as members of the colored race here in this 
free country of America we are anxious to do our part toward 
extending amicable relationships。' 
We wish always to do the right thing;' said John Roberts。 
'And it behooves us to strive with care and not endanger this 
amicable relationship already established。 Then by gradual 
means a better condition will come about。' 
Jake turned from one to the other。 'I don't seem to follow you。' 
The heat was suffocating him。 He wanted to get out。 A film 
seemed to have settled over his eyeballs so that all the faces 
around him were blurred。 
Across the room Willie was playing his harp。 Buddy and 
Highboy were listening。 The music was dark and sad。 When 
the song was finished Willie polished his harp on the front of 
his shirt。 'I so hungry and thirsty the slobber in my mouth done 
wet out the tune。 I certainly will be glad to taste some of that 
boogie…woogie。 To have something good to drink is the only 
thing m…made me forget this misery。 If I just knowed where 
my f…feets are now and could drink a glass of gin ever night I 
wouldn't mind so much。' 
'Don't fret; Hon。 You going to have something;' Portia said。 
'Mr。 Blount; would you care to take a peach puff and a glass of 
'Thanks;' Jake said。 'That would be good。' 

Quickly Portia laid a cloth on the table and set down one plate
and a fork。 She poured a large tumblerful of the wine。 'You
just make yourself comfortable here。 And if you don't mind 
going to serve the others。
The fruit jars were passed from mouth to mouth。 Before
Highboy passed a jar to Willie he borrowed Portia's lipstick
and drew a red line to set the boundary of the drink。 There
were gurgling noises and laughter。 Jake finished his puff and
carried his glass back with him to his place between the two
old men。 The home…made wine was rich and strong as brandy。
Willie started a low dolorous tune on his harp。 Portia snapped
her fingers and shuffled around the room。
Jake turned to Marshall Nicolls。 *You say Portia's father is 
〃Yes; sir。 Yes; indeed。 A skilled doctor。'252

'What's the matter with him?
The two Negroes glanced warily at each other。
'He were in an accident;' said John Roberts。
'What kind of an accident?
'A bad one。 A deplorable one。
Marshall Nicolls folded and unfolded his silk handkerchief。
'As we were remarking a while ago; it is important not to
impair these amicable relations but to promote them in all
ways earnestly possible。 We members of the colored race
must strive in all ways to uplift our citizens。 The Doctor in
yonder has strived in every way。 But sometimes it has seemed
to me like he had not recognized fully enough certain
elements of the different races and the situation。
Impatiently Jake gulped down the last swallows of his wine。
'Christ' sake; man; speak out plain; because I can't understand
a thing you say。
Marshall Nicolls and John Roberts exchanged a hurt look。
Across the room Willie still sat playing music。 His lips
crawled over the square holes of the harmonica like fat;
puckered caterpillars。 His shoulders were broad and strong。
The stumps of his thighs jerked in time to the music。 Highboy
danced while Buddy and Portia clapped out the rhythm。
Jake stood up; and once on his feet he realized that he was
drunk。 He staggered and then glanced vindictively around

him; but no one seemed to have noticed。 'Where's Singer?' he 
asked Portia thickly。 
The music stopped。 'Why; Mr。 Blount; I thought you knowed 
he was gone。
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