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carson mccullers - the heart is a lonely hunter-第7章

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Jake Blount leaned across the table and the words came out as
though a dam inside him had broken。 Biff could not
understand him any more。 Blount's tongue was so heavy with
drink and he talked at such a violent pace that the sounds were
all shaken up together。 Biff wondered where he would go
when Alice turned him out of the place。 And in the morning
she would do it; too—like she said。
Biff yawned wanly; patting his open mouth with his fingertips
until his jaw had relaxed。 It was almost three o'clock; the most
stagnant hour in the day or night
The mute was patient。 He had been listening to Blount for
almost an hour。 Now he began to look at the clock
occasionally。 Blount did not notice this and went on without 
pause。 At last he stopped a to roll a cigarette; and then the
mute nodded his head in the direction of the clock; smiled in
that hidden way of his; and got up from the table。 His hands
stayed stuffed in his pockets as always。 He went out quickly。
Blount was so drunk that he did not know what had happened。
He had never even caught on to the fact that the mute made no
answers。 He began to look around the place with his mouth
open and his eyes rolling and fuddled。 A red vein stood out on
his forehead and he began to hit the table angrily with his
fists。 His bout could not last much longer now。

'Come on over;' Biff said kindly。 〃Your friend has gone。

The fellow was still hunting for Singer。 He had never seemed
really drunk like that before。 He had an ugly look。
'I have something for you over here and I want to speak with
you a minute;' Biff coaxed。
Blount pulled himself up from the table and walked with big;
loose steps toward the street again。
Biff leaned against the wall。 In and out—in and out。 After all;
it was none of his business。 The room was very empty and
quiet。 The minutes lingered。 Wearily he let his head sag
forward。 All motion seemed slowly to be leaving the room。
The counter; faces; the booths and tables; the radio in the
corner; whirring fans on the ceiling—all seemed to become
very faint and still。
He must have dozed。 A hand was shaking his elbow。 His wits
came back to him slowly and he looked up to see what was
wanted。 Willie; the colored boy in the kitchen; stood before
him dressed in his cap and his long white apron。 Willie
stammered because he was excited about whatever he was
trying to say。
'And so he were 1…1…lamming his fist against this here brick w…
'What's that?
'Right down one of them alleys two d…d…doors away。
Biff straightened bis slumped shoulders and arranged his tie。
'And they means to bring him in here and they liable to pile in
any minute
'Willie;' Biff said patiently。 'Start at the beginning and let me
get this straight。
'It this here short white man with the m…m…mustache。

。Mr。 Blount。 Yes》 
'Well—I didn't see how it commenced。 I were standing in the 
back door when I heard this here commotion。 Sound like a big 
fight in the alley。 So I r…r…run to see。 And this here white man 
had just gone hog wild。 He were butting bis head against the 
side of this brick wall and hitting with his fists。 He were 
cussing and fighting like I never seen a white man fight 

before。 With just this here wall。 He liable to broken his own 
head the way he were carrying on。 Then two white mens who 
had heard the commotion come up and stand around and 

'So what happened?' 
'Well—you know this here dumb gentleman—hands in 
pockets—this here' 
'Mr。 Singer。' 
'And he come along and just stood looking around to see what 
it were all about。 And Mr。 B…B…Blount seen him and 
commenced to talk and holler。 And then all of a sudden he 
fallen down on the ground。 Maybe he done really busted his 
head open。 A p…p…p…police come up and somebody done told 
him Mr。 Blount been staying here。' 
Biff bowed his head and organized the story he had just heard 
into a neat pattern。 He rubbed his nose and thought for a 
〃They liable to pile in here any minute。' Willie went to the 
door and looked down the street 'Here they all come now。 
They having to drag him。' 
A dozen onlookers and a policeman all tried to crowd into the 
restaurant。 Outside a couple of whores stood looking in 
through the front window。 It was always funny how many 
people could crowd in from nowhere when anything out of the 
ordinary happened。 
'No use creating any more disturbance than necessary;' Biff 
said。 He looked at the policeman who supported the drunk。 
'The rest of them might as well clear out。' 
The policeman put the drunk in a chair and hustled the little 
crowd into the street again。 Then he turned to Biff: 'Somebody 
said he was staying here with you。' 
'No。 But he might as well be;' Biff said。 
'Want me to take him with me?' 
Biff considered。 'He won't get into any more trouble tonight。 
Of course I can't be responsible—but I think this will calm 
him down。' 
'O。K。 I'll drop back in again before I knock off。' 
Biff; Singer; and Jake Blount were left alone。 For the first 
time since he had been brought in; Biff turned his attention to 

the drunk man。 It seemed that Blount had hurt his jaw very 
badly。 He was slumped down on the table with his big hand 
over his mouth; swaying backward and forward。 There was a 
gash in his head and the blood ran from his temple。 His 
knuckles were skinned raw; and he was so filthy that he 
looked as if he had been pulled by the scruff of the neck from 
a sewer。 All the juice had 


spurted out of him and he was completely collapsed。 The mute 
sat at the table across from him; taking it all in with his gray 
Then Biff saw that Blount had not hurt his jaw; but he was 
holding his hand over his mouth because bis lips were 
trembling。 The tears began to roll down his grimy face。 Now 
and then he glanced sideways at Biff and Singer; angry that 
they should see him cry。 It was embarrassing。 Biff shrugged 
his shoulders at the mute and raised his eyebrows with a what…
to…do? expression。 Singer cocked his head on one side。 
Biff was in a quandary。 Musingly he wondered just how he 
should manage the situation。 He was still trying to decide 
when the mute turned over the menu and began to write。 
// you cannot think of any place for him to go he can go home 
with me。 First some soup and coffee would be good for him。 

With relief Biff nodded vigorously。 
On the table he placed three special plates of the last evening 
meal; two bowls of soup; coffee; and dessert。 But Blount 
would not eat。 He would not take his hand away from his 
mouth; and it was as though his lips were some very secret 
part of himself which was being exposed。 His breath came in 
ragged sobs and his big shoulders jerked nervously。 Singer 
pointed to one dish after the other; but Blount just sat with his 
hand over his mouth and shook his head。 
Biff enunciated slowly so that the mute could see。 'The 
jitters' he said conversationally。 
The steam from the soup kept floating up into Blount's face; 
and after a little while he reached shakily for his spoon。 He 
drank the soup and ate part of his dessert。 His thick; heavy lips 
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