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swords in blood; and came and showed them to Otho; presenting
memorials suing for a gratuity。 Not less than one hundred and twenty
were identified afterwards from their written petitions; all of whom
Vitellius sought out and put to death。 There came also into the camp
Marius Celsus; and was accused by many voices of encouraging the
soldiers to assist Galba; and was demanded to death by the
multitude。 Otho had no desire for this; yet; fearing an absolute
denial; he professed that he did not wish to take him off so soon;
having many matters yet to learn from him; and so committed him safe
to the custody of those he most confided in。
  Forthwith a senate was convened; and as if they were not the same
men; or had other gods to swear by; they took that oath in Otho's name
which he himself had taken in Galba's and had broken; and withal
conferred on him the titles of Caesar and Augustus; whilst the dead
carcasses of the slain lay yet in their consular robes in the
market…place。 As for their heads; when they could make no other use of
them; Vinius's they sold to his daughter for two thousand five hundred
drachmas; Piso's was begged by his wife; Verania; Galba's they gave to
Patrobius's servants; who when they had it; after all sorts of abuse
and indignities; tumbled it into the place where those that suffer
death by the emperor's orders are usually cast; called Sessorium。
Galba's body was conveyed away by Priscus Helvidius by Otho's
permission; and buried in the night by Argius; his freedman。
  Thus you have the history of Galba; a person inferior to few Romans;
either for birth or riches; rather exceeding all of his time in both;
having lived in great honour and reputation in the reigns of five
emperors; insomuch that he overthrew Nero rather by his fame and
repute in the world than by actual force and power。 Of all the others
that joined in Nero's deposition; some were by general consent
regarded as unworthy; others had only themselves to vote them
deserving of the empire。 To him the title was offered; and by him it
was accepted; and simply lending his name to Vindex's attempt; he
gave to what had been called rebellion before; the name of a civil
war; by the presence of one that was accounted fit to govern。 And
therefore; as he considered that he had not so much sought the
position as the position had sought him; he proposed to command those
whom Nymphidius and Tigellinus had wheedled into obedience no
otherwise than Scipio formerly and Fabricius and Camillus had
commanded the Romans of their times。 But being now overcome with age;
he was indeed among the troops and legions an upright ruler upon the
antique model; but for the rest; giving himself up to Vinius; Laco;
and his freedmen; who make their gain of all things; no otherwise than
Nero had done to his insatiate favourites; he left none behind him
to wish him still in power; though many to compassionate his death。

                             THE END
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