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snares laid for the life of the emperor。 Thus Otho had even been
discovered by the finger of the god; being there just behind Galba;
bearing all that was said; and seeing what was pointed out to them
by Umbricius。 His countenance changed to every colour in his fear; and
he was betraying no small discomposure; when Onomastus; his
freedman; came up and acquainted him that the master builders had
come; and were waiting for him at home。 Now that was the signal for
Otho to meet the soldiers。 Pretending then that he had purchased an
old house; and was going to show the defects to those that had sold it
to him; he departed; and passing through what is called Tiberius's
house; he went on into the forum; near the spot where a golden
pillar stands; at which all the several roads through Italy terminate。
  Here; it is related; no more than twenty…three received and
saluted him emperor; so that; although he was not in mind as in body
enervated with soft living and effeminacy; being in his nature bold
and fearless enough in danger; nevertheless; he was afraid to go on。
But the soldiers that were present would not suffer him to recede; but
came with their swords drawn around his chair; commanding the
bearers to take him up; whom he hastened on; saying several times over
to himself; 〃I am a lost man。〃 Several persons overheard the words;
who stood by wondering; rather than alarmed; because of the small
number that attempted such an enterprise。 But as they marched on
through the forum; about as many more met him; and here and there
three or four at a time joined in。 Thus returning towards the camp;
with their bare swords in their hands; they saluted him as Caesar;
whereupon Martialis; the tribune in charge of the watch; who was; they
say; noways privy to it; but was simply surprised at the
unexpectedness of the thing; and afraid to refuse; permitted him
entrance。 And after this; no man made any resistance; for they that
knew nothing of the design; being purposely encompassed by the
conspirators; as they were straggling here and there; first
submitted for fear; and afterwards were persuaded into compliance。
Tidings came immediately to Galba in the Palatium; whilst the
priests were still present and the sacrifices at hand; so that persons
who were most entirely incredulous about such things; and most
positive in their neglect of them; were astonished; and began to
marvel at the divine event。 A multitude of all sorts of people now
began to run together out of the forum; Vinius and Laco and some of
Galba's freedmen drew their swords and placed themselves beside him;
Piso went forth and addressed himself to the guards on duty in the
court; and Marius Celsus; a brave man; was despatched to the
Illyrian legion; stationed in what is called the Vipsanian chamber; to
secure them。
  Galba now consulting whether he should go out; Vinius dissuaded him;
but Celsus and Laco encouraged him by all means to do so; and
sharply reprimanded Vinius。 But on a sudden a rumour came hot that
Otho was slain in the camp; and presently appeared one Julius Atticus;
a man of some distinction in the guards; running up with his drawn
sword; crying out that he had slain Caesar's enemy; and pressing
through the crowd that stood in his way; he presented himself before
Galba with his bloody weapon; who; looking on him; demanded; 〃Who gave
you your orders?〃 And on his answering that it had been his duty and
the obligation of the oath he had taken the people applauded; giving
loud acclamations; and Galba got into his chair and was carried out to
sacrifice to Jupiter; and so to show himself publicly。 But coming into
the forum; there met him there; like a turn of wind; the opposite
story; that Otho had made himself master of the camp。 And as usual
in a crowd of such a size; some called to him to return back; others
to move forwards; some encouraged him to be bold and fear nothing;
others bade him to be cautious and distrust。 And thus whilst his chair
was tossed to and fro; as it were on the waves; often tottering; there
appeared first horse; and straightway heavy…armed foot coming
through Paulus's court; and all with one accord crying out; 〃Down with
this private man。〃 Upon this; the crowd of people set off running; not
to fly and disperse; but to possess themselves of the colonnades and
elevated places of the forum; as it might be to get places to see a
spectacle。 And as soon as Atillius Vergilio knocked down one of
Galba's statues; this was taken as the declaration of war; and they
sent a discharge of darts upon Galba's litter; and missing their
aim; came up and attacked him nearer hand with their naked swords。
No man resisted or offered to stand up in his defence; save one
only; a centurion; Sempronius Densus; the single man among so many
thousands that the sun beheld that day act worthily of the Roman
empire; who; though he had never received any favour from Galba; yet
out of bravery and allegiance endeavoured to defend the litter。 First;
lifting up his switch of vine; with which the centurions correct the
soldiers when disorderly; he called aloud to the aggressors;
charging them not to touch their emperor。 And when they came upon
him hand…to…hand; he drew his sword; and made a defence for a long
time; until at last he was cut under the knees and brought to the
  Galba's chair was upset at the spot called the Lacus Curtius;
where they ran up and struck at him as he lay in his corselet。 He;
however; offered his throat; bidding them 〃Strike; if it be for the
Romans' good。〃 He received several wounds on his legs and arms; and at
last was struck in the throat; as most say; by one Camurius; a soldier
of the fifteenth legion。 Some name Terentius; others Lecanius; and
there are others that say it was Fabius Fabulus; who it is reported
cut off the head and carried it away in the skirt of his coat; the
baldness making it a difficult thing to take hold of。 But those that
were with him would not allow him to keep it covered up; but bade
him let every one see the brave deed he had done; so that after a
while he stuck upon the lance the head of the aged man that had been
their grave and temperate ruler; their supreme priest and consul; and;
tossing it up in the air; ran like a bacchanal; twirling and
flourishing with it; while the blood ran down the spear。 But when they
brought the head to Otho; 〃Fellow…soldiers;〃 he cried out; 〃this is
nothing; unless you show me Piso's too;〃 which was presented him not
long after。 The young man; retreating upon a wound received; was
pursued by one Murcus; and slain at the temple of Vesta。 Titus
Vinius was also despatched; avowing himself to have been privy to
the conspiracy against Galba by calling out that they were killing him
contrary to Otho's pleasure。 However; they cut off his head; and
Laco's too; and brought them to Otho; requesting a boon。
  And as Archilochus says…

         〃When six or seven lie breathless on the ground;
         'Twas I; 'twas I; say thousands; gave the wound。〃

Thus many that had no share in the murder wetted their hands and
swords in blood; and came and showed them to Otho; presenting
memorials suing for a gratu
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