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sempstress。 But it is plain that Caius's familiarity with his mother
was of too late date to give him any pretensions; and it was suspected
he might; if he pleased; claim a father in Martianus; the gladiator;
whom his mother; Nymphidia; took a passion for; being a famous man
in his way; whom also he much more resembled。 However; though he
certainly owned Nymphidia for his mother; he ascribed meantime the
downfall of Nero to himself alone; and thought he was not sufficiently
rewarded with the honours and riches he enjoyed (nay; though to all
was added the company of Sporus; whom he immediately sent for while
Nero's body was yet burning on the pile; and treated as his consort
with the name of Poppaea); but he must also aspire to the empire。
And at Rome he had friends who took measures for him secretly; as well
as some women and some members of the senate also; who worked
underhand to assist him。 And into Spain he despatched one of his
friends; named Gellianus; to view the posture of affairs。
  But all things succeeded well with Galba after Nero's death; only
Virginius Rufus; still standing doubtful; gave him some anxiety;
lest he should listen to the suggestions of some who encouraged him to
take the government upon him; having; at present; besides the
command of a large and warlike army; the new honours of the defeat
of Vindex and the subjugation of one considerable part of the Roman
empire; namely; the entire Gaul; which had seemed shaking about upon
the verge of open revolt。 Nor had any man indeed a greater name and
reputation than Virginius; who had taken a part of so much consequence
in the deliverance of the empire at once from a cruel tyranny and a
Gallic war。 But he; standing to his first resolves; reserved to the
senate the power of electing an emperor。 Yet when it was now
manifest that Nero was dead; the soldiers pressed him hard to it;
and one of the tribunes; entering his tent with his drawn sword;
bade him either take the government or that。 But after Fabius
Valens; having the command of one legion; had first sworn fealty to
Galba; and letters from Rome came with tidings of the resolves of
the senate; at last with much ado he persuaded the army to declare
Galba emperor。 And when Flaccus Hordeonius came by Galba's
commission as Galba successor; he handed over to him his forces; and
went himself to meet Galba on his way; and having met him turned
back to attend him; in all which no apparent displeasure nor yet
honour was shown him。 Galba's feelings of respect for him prevented
the former; the latter was checked by the envy of his friends; and
particularly of Titus Vinius; who; acting in the desire of hindering
Virginius's promotion; unwittingly aided his happy genius in
rescuing him from those hazards and hardships which other commanders
were involved in; and securing him the safe enjoyment of a quiet
life and peaceable old age。
  Near Narbo; a city in Gaul; the deputation of the senate met
Galba; and after they had delivered their compliments; begged him to
make what haste he could to appear to the people that impatiently
expected him。 He discoursed with them courteously and unassumingly;
and in his entertainment; though Nymphidius had sent him royal
furniture and attendance of Nero's; he put all aside; and made use
of nothing but his own; for which he was well spoken of; as one who
had a great mind; and was superior to little vanities。 But in a
short time; Vinius; by declaring to him that these noble; unpompous;
citizen…like ways were a mere affectation of popularity and a petty
bashfulness at assuming his proper greatness; induced him to make
use of Nero's supplies; and in his entertainments not to be afraid
of a regal sumptuosity。 And in more than one way the old man let it
gradually appear that he had put himself under Vinius's disposal。
  Vinius was a person of an excessive covetousness; and not quite free
from blame in respect to women。 For being a young man; newly entered
into the service under Calvisius Sabinus; upon his first campaign;
he brought his commander's wife; a licentious woman; in a soldier's
dress; by night into the camp; and was found with her in the very
general's quarters; the principia; as the Romans call them。 For
which insolence Caius Caesar cast him into prison; from whence he
was fortunately delivered by Caius's death。 Afterwards; being
invited by Claudius Caesar to supper; he privily conveyed away a
silver cup; which Caesar hearing of; invited him again the next day;
and gave order to his servants to set before him no silver plate;
but only earthenware。 And this offence; through the comic mildness
of Caesar's reprimand; was treated rather as a subject of jest than as
a crime。 But the acts to which now; when Galba was in his hands and
his power was so extensive; his covetous temper led him were the
causes; in part; and in part the provocation; of tragical and fatal
  Nymphidius became very uneasy upon the return out of Spain of
Gellianus whom he had sent to pry into Galba's actions;
understanding that Cornelius Laco was appointed commander of the court
guards; and that Vinius was the great favourite; and that Gellianus
had not been able so much as to come nigh; much less have any
opportunity to offer any words in private; so narrowly had he been
watched and observed。 Nymphidius; therefore; called together the
officers of the troops; and declared to them that Galba of himself was
a good; well…meaning old man; but did not act by his own counsel;
and was ill…guided by Vinius and Laco; and lest; before they were
aware; they should engross the authority Tigellinus had with the
troops; he proposed to them to send deputies from the camp acquainting
him that if he pleased to remove only these two from his counsel and
presence; he would be much more welcome to all at his arrival。
Wherein; when he saw he did not prevail (it seeming absurd and
unmannerly to give rules to an old commander what friends to retain or
displace; as if he had been a youth newly taking the reins of
authority into his hands); adopting another course; he wrote himself
to Galba letters in alarming terms; one while as if the city were
unsettled; and had not yet recovered its tranquillity; then that
Clodius Macer withheld the corn…ships from Africa; that the legions in
Germany began to be mutinous; and that he heard the like of those in
Syria and Judaea。 But Galba not minding him much or giving credit to
his stories; he resolved to make his attempt beforehand; though
Clodius Celsus; a native of Antioch; a person of sense; and friendly
and faithful to Nymphidius; told him he was wrong; saying he did not
believe one single street in Rome would ever give him the title of
Caesar。 Nevertheless many also derided Galba; amongst the rest
Mithridates of Pontus; saying; that as soon as this wrinkled;
baldheaded man should be seen publicly at Rome; they would think it an
utter disgrace even to have had such a Caesar。
  At last it was resolved; about midnight; to bring Nymphidius into
the camp; and declare him emperor。 But Antonius Honoratus; who was
first among the tribunes; summoning together in the evening those
under his co
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