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the polity of the athenians and the lacedaemonians-第2章

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'17' Or; 〃the ideal state。〃

'18' Or; 〃and to govern and hold office。〃

'19' Or; 〃it will take the risk of that。〃

'20' See Grote; 〃H。 G。〃 v。 p。 510 note。

Another point is the extraordinary amount of license'21' granted to slaves and resident aliens at Athens; where a blow is illegal; and a slave will not step aside to let you pass him in the street。 I will explain the reason of this peculiar custom。 Supposing it were legal for a slave to be beaten by a free citizen; or for a resident alien or freedman to be beaten by a citizen; it would frequently happen that an Athenian might be mistaken for a slave or an alien and receive a beating; since the Athenian People is no better clothed than the slave or alien; nor in personal appearance is there any superiority。 Or if the fact itself that slaves in Athens are allowed to indulge in luxury; and indeed in some cases to live magnificently; be found astonishing; this too; it can be shown; is done of set purpose。 Where you have a naval power'22' dependent upon wealth'23' we must perforce be slaves to our slaves; in order that we may get in our slave… rents;'24' and let the real slave go free。 Where you have wealthy slaves it ceases to be advantageous that my slave should stand in awe of you。 In Lacedaemon my slave stands in awe of you。'25' But if your slave is in awe of me there will be a risk of his giving away his own moneys to avoid running a risk in his own person。 It is for this reason then that we have established an equality between our slaves and free men; and again between our resident aliens and full citizens;'26' because the city stands in need of her resident aliens to meet the requirements of such a multiplicity of arts and for the purposes of her navy。 That is; I repeat; the justification for the equality conferred upon our resident aliens。

'21' See Aristot。 〃Pol。〃 v。 11 and vi。 4; Jowett; op。 cit。 vol。 i。 pp。     179; 196; Welldon; 〃The Politics of Aristotle;〃 pp。 394 323; Dem。     〃Phil。〃 III。 iii。 10; Plaut。 〃Stich。〃 III。 i。 37。

'22' See Diod。 xi。 43。

'23' Reading; {apo khrematon; anagke}; or (reading; {apo khrematon     anagke}) 〃considerations of money force us to be slaves。〃

'24' See Boeckh; 〃P。 E。 A。〃 I。 xiii。 (Eng。 trans。 p。 72)。 〃The rights     of property with regard to slaves in no way differed from any     other chattel; they could be given or taken as pledges。 They     laboured either on their master's account or their own; in     consideration of a certain sum to be paid to the master; or they     were let out on hire either for the mines or any other kind of     labour; and even for other persons' workshops; or as hired     servants for wages ({apophora}): a similar payment was also     exacted by the masters for their slaves serving in the fleet。〃 Ib。     〃Dissertation on the Silver Mines of Laurion;〃 p。 659 (Eng。     trans。)

'25' See 〃Pol。 Lac。〃 vi。 3。

'26' Or; 〃we have given to our slaves the right to talk like equals     with free men; just as to resident aliens the right of so talking     with citizens。〃 See Jebb; 〃Theophr。 Char。〃 xiv。 4; note; p。 221。     See Demosth。 〃against Midias;〃 529; where the law is cited。 〃If     any one commit a personal outrage upon man; woman; or child;     whether free…born or slave; or commit any illegal act against any     such person; let any Athenian that chooses〃 (not being under     disability) 〃indict him before the judges;〃 etc; and the orator     exclaims: 〃You know; O Athenians; the humanity of the law; which     allows not even slaves to be insulted in their persons。〃C。 R。     Kennedy。

Citizens devoting their time to gymnastics and to the cultivation of music are not to be found in Athens;'27' the sovereign People has disestablished them;'28' not from any disbelief in the beauty and honour of such training; but recognising the fact that these are things the cultivation of which is beyond its power。 On the same principle; in the case of the coregia;'29' the gymnasiarchy; and the trierarchy; the fact is recognised that it is the rich man who trains the chorus; and the People for whom the chorus is trained; it is the rich man who is trierarch or gymnasiarch; and the People that profits by their labours。'30' In fact; what the People looks upon as its right is to pocket the money。'31' To sing and run and dance and man the vessels is well enough; but only in order that the People may be the gainer; while the rich are made poorer。 And so in the courts of justice;'32' justice is not more an object of concern to the jurymen than what touches personal advantage。

'27' For {mousike} and {gumnastike}; see Becker's 〃Charicles;〃 Exc。     〃Education。〃

'28' See 〃Revenues;〃 iv。 52; Arist。 〃Frogs;〃 1069; {e xekenosen tas te     palaistras}; 〃and the places of exercise vacant and bare。〃Frere。

'29' 〃The duties of the choregia consisted in finding maintenance and     instruction for the chorus〃 (in tragedy; usually of fifteen     persons) 〃as long as they were in training; and in providing the     dresses and equipments for the performance。〃Jebb; 〃Theophr。     Char。〃 xxv。 3。 For those of the gymnasiarchy; see 〃Dict。 of     Antiq。〃 〃Gymnasium。〃 For that of the trierarchy; see Jebb; op。     cit。 xxv。 9; xxix。 16; Boeckh; 〃P。 E。 A。〃 IV。 xi。

'30' See 〃Econ。〃 ii。 6; Thuc。 vi。 31。

'31' See Boeckh; 〃P。 E。 A。〃 II。 xvi。 p。 241。

'32' For the system of judicature; the {dikasteria}; and the boards of     jurymen or judges; see Aristot。 〃Constitution of Athens;〃 ch。     lxiii。; 〃Dict。 of Antiq。〃 s。v。

To speak next of the allies; and in reference to the point that emissaries'33' from Athens come out; and; according to common opinion; calumniate and vent their hatred'34' upon the better sort of people; this is done'35' on the principle that the ruler cannot help being hated by those whom he rules; but that if wealth and respectability are to wield power in the subject cities the empire of the Athenian People has but a short lease of existence。 This explains why the better people are punished with infamy;'36' robbed of their money; driven from their homes; and put to death; while the baser sort are promoted to honour。 On the other hand; the better Athenians throw their aegis over the better class in the allied cities。'37' And why? Because they recognise that it is to the interest of their own class at all times to protect the best element in the cities。 It may be urged'38' that if it comes to strength and power the real strength of Athens lies in the capacity of her allies to contribute their money quota。 But to the democratic mind'39' it appears a higher advantage still for the individual Athenian to get hold of the wealth of the allies; leaving them only enough to live upon and to cultivate their estates; but powerless to harbour treacherous designs。

'33' For {oi ekpleontes}; see Grote; 〃H。 G。〃 vi。 p。 41。

'34' Reading {misousi}; or; if with Kirchhoff; {meiousi}; 〃in every     way humiliate。〃

'35' Or; 〃'they do so' as recognising the fact。〃

'36' {atimia} = the loss of civil rights; either total or partial。 See     C。 R。 Kennedy; 〃Select Speeches of Demosthenes;〃 Note 13;     Disenfranchisement。

'37' See Thuc。 viii。 48。

'38' See Grote; 〃H。 G。〃 vi。 53。

'39' Or; 〃to a thorough democ
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