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the polity of the athenians and the lacedaemonians-第14章

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n the left。 Or again; supposing a division of the enemy appears on the right whilst they are marching in column; they have nothing further to do but to wheel each company to the right; like a trireme; prow forwards;'22' to meet the enemy; and thus the rear company again finds itself on the right。 If; however; the enemy should attack on the left; either they will not allow of that and push him aside;'23' or else they wheel their companies to the left to face the antagonist; and thus the rear company once more falls into position on the left。

'13' Or; 〃alongside of any comrade who may have fallen in their way。〃     See Plut。 〃Pelop。〃 23 (Clough; ii。 222); Thuc。 v。 72。

'14' Or; 〃drill sergeant。〃

'15' See Jebb; note to 〃Theophr。〃 viii。 3。

'16' Or; 〃marching in rear of another。〃

'17' See Rustow and Kochly; p。 127。

'18' Or; 〃every time。〃

'19' See Thuc。 v。 67; 71。

'20' See Rustow and Kochly; p。 127。

'21' For these movements; see 〃Dict。 of Antiq。〃 〃Exercitus〃; Grote;     〃H。 G。〃 vii。 111。

'22' See 〃Hell。〃 VII。 v。 23。

'23' I am indebted to Professor Jebb for the following suggestions     with regard to this passage: 〃The words {oude touto eosin; all     apothousin e}; etc。; contain some corruption。 The sense ought     clearly to be roughly parallel with that of the phrase used a     little before; {ouden allo pragmateuontai e}; etc。 Perhaps     {apothousin} is a corruption of {apothen ousin}; and this     corruption occasioned the insertion of {e}。 Probably Xenophon     wrote {oude touto eosin; all apothen ousin antipalous}; etc。:     'while the enemy is still some way off; they turn their companies     so as to face him。' The words {apothen ousin} indirectly suggest     the celerity of the Spartan movement。〃


I will now speak of the mode of encampment sanctioned by the regulation of Lycurgus。 To avoid the waste incidental to the angles of a square;'1' the encampment; according to him; should be circular; except where there was the security of a hill;'2' or fortification; or where they had a river in their rear。 He had sentinels posted during the day along the place of arms and facing inwards;'3' since they are appointed not so much for the sake of the enemy as to keep an eye on friends。 The enemy is sufficiently watched by mounted troopers perched on various points commanding the widest prospect。

'1' Or; 〃Regarding the angles of a square as a useless inconvenience;     he arranged that an encampment should be circular;〃 etc。 See     Polyb。 vi。 31; 42。

'2' Cf。 〃Hell。〃 VI。 iv。 14; Polyaen。 II。 iii。 11; ap。 Schneider。

'3' Lit。 〃these;〃 {tas men}。 Or; 〃He had lines of sentinels posted     throughout the day; one line facing inwards towards the place of     arms (and these were appointed; etc。); while observation of the     enemy was secured by mounted troopers;〃 etc。

To guard against hostile approach by night; sentinel duty according to the ordinance was performed by the Sciritae'4' outside the main body。 At the present time the rule is so far modified that the duty is entrusted to foreigners;'5' if there be a foreign contingent present; with a leaven of Spartans themselves to keep them company。'6'

'4' See Muller's 〃Dorians;〃 ii。 253; 〃Hell。〃 VI。 v。 24; 〃Cyrop。〃 IV。     ii。 1; Thuc。 v。 67; 71; Grote; 〃H。 G。〃 vii。 110。

'5' See 〃Hipparch。〃 ix。 4。

'6' Reading {auton de}。 The passage is probably corrupt。 See L。     Dindorf ad loc。

The custom of always taking their spears'7' with them when they go their rounds must certainly be attributed to the same cause which makes them exclude their slaves from the place of arms。 Nor need we be surprised if; when retiring for necessary purposes; they only withdraw just far enough from one another; or from the place of arms itself; not to create annoyance。 The need of precaution is the whole explanation。

'7' See Critias; ap。 Schneider ad loc。

The frequency with which they change their encampments is another point。 It is done quite as much for the sake of benefiting their friends as of annoying their enemies。

Further; the law enjoins upon all Lacedaemonians; during the whole period of an expedition; the constant practice of gymnastic'8' exercises; whereby their pride'9' in themselves is increased; and they appear freer and of a more liberal aspect than the rest of the world。'10' The walk and the running ground must not exceed in length'11' the space covered by a regimental division;'12' so that no one may find himself far from his own stand of arms。 After the gymnastic exercises the senior polemarch gives the order (by herald) to be seated。 This serves all the purposes of an inspection。 After this the order is given 〃to get breakfast;〃 and for 〃the outposts'13' to be relieved。〃 After this; again; come pastimes and relaxations before the evening exercises; after which the herald's cry is heard 〃to take the evening meal。〃 When they have sung a hymn to the gods to whom the offerings of happy omen had been performed; the final order; 〃Retire to rest at the place of arms;〃'14' is given。

'8' Cf。 Herod。 vii。 208; Plut。 〃Lycurg。〃 22 (Clough; i。 113 foll。)

'9' Reading {megalophronesterous} (L。 Dindorf's emendation) for the     vulg。 {megaloprepesterous}。 Xen 〃Opusc。 polit。〃 Ox。 MDCCCLVI。

'10' Or; 〃the proud self…consciousness of their own splendour is     increased; and by comparison with others they bear more notably     the impress of freemen。〃

'11' The word {masso} is 〃poetical〃 (old Attic?)。 See 〃Cyrop。〃 II。 iv。     27; and L。 Dindorf ad loc。

'12' A single mora; or an army corps。

'13' Or; 〃vedettes;〃 {proskopon}。 See 〃Cyrop。〃 V。 ii。 6。

'14' ? Or; 〃on your arms。〃 See Sturz; 〃Lex。 Xen。〃 s。v。

If the story is a little long the reader must not be surprised; since it would be difficult to find any point in military matters omitted by the Lacedaemonians which seems to demand attention。


I will now give a detailed account of the power and privilege assigned by Lycurgus to the king during a campaign。 To begin with; so long as he is on active service; the state maintains the king and those with him。'1' The polemarchs mess with him and share his quarters; so that by dint of constant intercourse they may be all the better able to consult in common in case of need。 Besides the polemarch three other members of the peers'2' share the royal quarters; mess; etc。 The duty of these is to attend to all matters of commisariat;'3' in order that the king and the rest may have unbroken leisure to attend to affairs of actual warfare。

'1' I。e。 〃the Thirty。〃 See 〃Ages。〃 i。 7; 〃Hell。〃 III。 iv。 2; Plut。     〃Ages。〃 6 (Clough; iv。 6); Aristot。 〃Pol。〃 ii。 9; 29。

'2' For these {oi omoioi}; see 〃Cyrop。〃 I。 v。 5; 〃Hell。〃 III。 iii。 5。

'3' Lit。 〃supplies and necessaries。〃

But I will resume at a somewhat higher point and describe the manner in which the king sets out on an expedition。 As a preliminary step; before leaving home he offers sacrifice (in company with'4' his staff) to Zeus Agetor (the Leader); and if the victims prove favourable then and there the priest;'5' who bears the sacred fire; takes thereof from off the altar and leads the way to the boundaries of the land。 Here for the second time the king does sacrifice'6
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