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the origins of contemporary france-5-第79章

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I have already had them put in possession of their old buildings。 I

think it necessary also; whatever may be said of it; to re…establish

the 'Ignorantins。' 〃

'108' Roederer; III。; 481。 (Sénatorerie of Caen; Germinal 17; year

XIII。) Constant lamentations of bishops and most of the priests he has

met。 〃A poor curé; an unfortunate curé; 。 。 。  The bishop invites you

to dinner; to partake of the poor cheer of an unfortunate bishop on

12;000 francs salary。〃  … The episcopal palaces are superb; but their

furniture is that of a village curé; one can scarcely find a chair in

the finest room。 … 〃The officiating priests have not yet found a fixed

salary in any commune。 。 。 。 The peasants ardently longed for their

usual mass and Sunday service as in the past; but to pay for this is

another thing。〃

'109' Decrees of May 31 and Dec。 26; 1804; assigning to the Treasury

the salaries of 24;000 and then 30;000 assistant…priests。

'110' Charles Nicolas; 〃le Budget de la France depuis le commencement

du XIXe siecle;〃 appropriation in 1807; 12;341;537 francs。

'111' Decrees of Prairial 2; year XII; Niv?se 5。 year XIII; and Sep。

30; 1807。 … Decree of Dec。 30; 1809 (articles 37; 39; 40; 49 and ch。

IV。)… … Opinion of the council of state; May 19; 1811。

'112' These are limited (articles organiques; 5): 〃All ecclesiastical

functions are gratuitous except the authorized oblations fixed by the


'113' Articles organiques; 73。

'114' Ibid。; 74: 〃 Real property other than dwellings with their

adjoining gardens; shall not be held under ecclesiastical titles or

possessed by ministers of worship by reason of their functions。〃

'115' Opinion of the Council of State; January 22; 1805; on the

question whether the communes have become owners of the churches and

parsonages abandoned to them by the law of Germinal 18; year X

(articles organiques)。 … The Council of State is of the opinion that

〃the said churches and parsonages must be considered as communal

property。〃 If the State renounces ownership in these buildings it is

not in favor of the fabrique; curé or bishop; but in favor of the


'116' In 1790 and 1791 a number of communes had made offers for

national property with a view to re…sell it afterwards; and much of

this; remaining unsold; was on their hands。

'117' Articles organiques; 26。 〃The bishops will make no ordination

before submitting the number of persons to the government for its


'118' 〃Archives de Grenoble。〃 (Documents communicated by Mdlle。 de

Franclieu。) Letter of the bishop; Monseigneur Claude Simon; to the

Minister of Worship; April 18; 1809。 〃For seven years that I have been

bishop of Grenoble; I have ordained thus far only eight priests;

during this period I have lost at least one hundred and fifty。 The

survivors threaten me with a more rapid gap; either they are infirm;

bent with the weight of years; or wearied or overworked。 It is

therefore urgent that I be authorized to confer sacred orders on those

who are old enough and have the necessary instruction。 Meanwhile; you

are limited to asking authorization for the first eight on the

aforesaid list; of whom the youngest is twenty…four。 。 。 。 I beg Your

Excellency to present the others on this list for the authorization of

His Imperial Majesty。〃 … Ibid。; October 6; 1811。 〃I have only one

deacon and one subdeacon; whilst I am losing three or four priests


'119' Articles organiques; 68; 69。 〃The pensions enjoyed by the curés

by virtue of the laws of the constituent assembly shall be deducted

from their salary。 The vicars and assistants shall be taken from the

pensioned ecclesiastics according to the laws of the constituent

assembly。 The amount of these pensions and the product of oblations

shall constitute their salary。〃

'120' Laws of Vendémiaire 16; year V; and Vent?se 20; year V。。

'121' Decree of Nov。 6; 1800。

'122' Decisions of February 23; 1801; and June 26; 1801。 (We find;

through subsequent decisions; that these recoveries were frequently


'123' Law of Frimaire 7; year V (imposing one decime per franc above

the cost of a ticket in every theatre for the benefit of the poor not

in the asylums)。 … Also the decree of Dec。 9; 1809。 … Decisions of

Vendémiaire 27; year VII; and the restoration of the Paris octroi;

〃considering that the distress of the civil asylums and the

interruption of succor at domiciles admit of no further delay。〃 … Also

the law of Frimaire 19; year VIII; with the addition of 2 decimes per

franc to the octroi duties; established for the support of the asylums

of the commune of Paris。 … Paul Leroy…Beaulieu; 〃Traité de la science

des finances;〃 I。; 685。 Many towns follow this example: 〃Two years had

scarcely passed when there were 293 Octrois in France。〃

'124' Law of Messidor 25; year V。 … Alexis Chevalier; ibid。; p。 185。

(Decisions of Thermidor 20; year XI; and Germinal 4; year XIII。) … Law

of Dec。。 11; 1808 (article 1。)

'125' Albert Duruy; 〃l'Instruction publique et la Révolution;〃 p。480

et seq。 (〃Procès…verbaux des conseils…généraux de l'an IX;〃 among

others; the petitions from Gironde; Ile…et…Vilaine; Maine…et…Loire;

Puy。de…D?me; Haute…Sa?ne; Haute Vienne; la Manche; Lot…et…Garonne;

Sarthe; Aisne; Aude; C?te…d'Or; Pas…de…Calais; BassePyrénées;

Pyrénées…Orienta1es; and Lot。)

'126' Alexis Chevalier; ibid。; p。 182。 (According to statistical

returns of the parent establishment; rue Oudinot。 … These figures are

probably too low。)

'127' 〃Recueil des lois et réglemens sur l'enseignement supérieur;〃 by

A。 de Beauchamp; I。; 65。 (Report by Fourcroy; April 20; 1802。) 〃Old

schools; since the suppression of upper schools and universities; have

taken a new extension; and a pretty large number of private

institutions have been formed for the literary education of the


'128' Ibid。; 65 and 71。 (Report by Fourcroy。) 〃As to the primary

schools; the zeal of the municipalities must be aroused; the emulation

of the functionaries excited; and charitable tendencies revived; so

natural to the French heart and which will so promptly spring up when

the religious respect of the government for local endowments becomes


'129' Ibid。; p。 81。 (Decree of May 1st; 1802; titles 2 and 9。 … Decree

of Sept。 17; 1808; article 23。)

130'  〃Histoire du collège des Bons…Enfans de l'université de Reims;〃

by abbé Cauly; p。 649。 …  The lycée of Reims; decreed May 6; 1802; was

not opened until the 24th of September; 1803。 The town was to furnish

accommodations for 150 pupils。 It spent nearly 200;000 francs to put

buildings in order。 。 。 。 This sum was provided; on the one hand; by a

voluntary subscription which realized 45;000 francs and; on the other

hand; by an additional tax。

'131' Law of May 1; 1802; articles 32; 33; and 34。 … Guizot; 〃Essai

sur l'instruction publique; I。; 59。   Bonaparte maintained and brought

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