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the origins of contemporary france-5-第78章

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the councilors of state; year IX。 … (Report by Fourcroy。) 〃The keeping

of Sunday and the attendance on the churches; which is seen

everywhere; shows that the mass of Frenchmen desire a return to

ancient usages; and that the time has gone by for resisting this

national tendency。 。  。 The mass of mankind require a religion; a

system of worship and a priesthood。 It is an error of certain modern

phi1osophers; into which I have myself been led; to believe in the

possibility of any instruction sufficiently widespread to destroy

religious prejudices; they are a source of consolation for the vast

number of the unfortunate。 。 。 。 Priests; altars and worship must

accordingly be left to the mass of the people。〃

'85' Peuchet; 〃Statistique élémentaire de la France〃 (published in

1805); p。228。 According to statements furnished by prefects in the

years IX and X; the population is 33;111;962 persons; the annexation

of the island of Elbe and of Piedmont adds 1;864;350  Total;

34;976;313。 … Pelet de la Lozère; P。203。 (Speech by Napoleon to the

council of state; February 4; 1804; on the Protestant seminaries of

Geneva and Strasbourg; and on the number of Protestants in his

states。) 〃Their population numbers only 3 millions。〃

'86' Roederer; III。; 330 (July 1800): 〃The First Consul spoke to me

about the steps necessary to be taken to prevent the (emigrés) who had

been struck off from getting back their possessions; in view of

maintaining the interest in the revolution of about 1;200;000

purchasers of national domains。 〃 … Rocquain; 〃état de la France au 18

Brumaire。〃  (Report by Barbé…Marbois on Morbihan; Finisterre; Ile…et…

Vilaine; and C?tes…du…Nord; year IX。) 〃In every place I have just

passed through the proprietors recognize that their existence is

attached to that of the First Consul。〃

'87' Constitution of Frimaire 22; year VIII; art。 94。 … Article 93;

moreover; declares that 〃the possessions of the émigrés are

irrevocably acquired by the republic。〃

'88' Law of Floréal 29; year X; title I; article 8。 The member also

swears 〃to combat with all the means which justice; reason and the law

authorize; every enterprise tending to restore the feudal régime;〃

and; consequently; feudal rights and tithes

'89' Organic Sénatus…consulte; Floreal 28; year XII (18th May 1804)。

Title VII。; art。 53。

'90' Roederer; III。; 430…432 (April 4; 1802; May I; 1802): 〃Defermon

remarked to me yesterday; 'This will all go on well as long as the

First Consul lives; the day after his death we shall all emigrate。' 〃

… 〃 Every one; from the sailor to the worker; says to himself; 'All

this is very well; but will it last? 。 。 。… This work we undertake;

this capital we risk; this house we build; these trees we plant; what

will become of them if he dies?〃

'91' Ibid。; 340。 (Words of the First Consul; November 4; 1800。) 〃Who

is the rich man to…day? The buyer of national domains; the contractor。

the robber。〃 …These details; above; are provided for me by family

narrations and souvenirs。

'92' Napoleon; 〃Correspondance;〃 letter of September 5; 1795。

〃National and émigré property is not dear; patrimonies are priceless。〃

… Archives nationales; cartons 3144 to 3145; No。1004; missions of the

councillors of state; year IX。 (Report by Lacuée on the seven

departments of the division of the Seine。) 〃The proportion of value;

in Seine; between national and patrimonial properties is from 8 to

15。〃 … In Eure; national property of every kind is sold about 10 %。

off; and patrimonial at about 4 %。 off。 There are two sorts of

national property; one of first origin (that of the clergy); and the

other of second origin (that of the émigrés)。  The latter is much more

depreciated than the former。 Compared with patrimonial property; in

Aisne; the former loses a fifth or a quarter of its value and the

latter a third; in Loiret; the former loses a quarter and the latter

one…half; in Seine…et…Oise the former loses one…third and the latter

three…fifths; in Oise the former is at about par; the latter loses a

quarter。 … Roederer; III。; 472 (December 1803)。  Depreciation of

national property in Normandy: 〃But little is bought above 7 %。 off;

this; however; is the fate of this sort of property throughout

France。〃 … Ibid。; III。; 534 (January 1809): 〃In Normandy; investments

on patrimonial property bring only 3 %。; while State property brings 5

%。 〃 … Moniteur (January 4; 1825)。 Report of M。 de Martignac: 〃The

confiscated property of the emigrés finds its purchasers with

difficulty; and its commercial value is not in proportion to its real

value。〃 … Duclosonge; former inspector of domains; 〃Moyens de porter

les domaines nationaux à la valeur des biens patrimoniaux;〃 p。7。

〃Since 1815; national property has generally been bought at a rate of

income of 3 %。 or; at the most; 4 %。 The difference for this epoch is

accordingly one…fifth; and even two…fifths。〃

'93' Treaty between the Pope and the French government; July '5; 1801。

Ratifications exchanged September 1; 1801; and published with its

articles April 8; 1802。 … Article 13。

'94' Ibid。; article 14。

'95' Articles organiques; 64; 65; 66。

'96' Law of November 30; 1809; and opinion of the Council of State;

May 19; 1811。

'97' Articles organiques; 68。

'98' Articles organiques; 71; 72。 … Concordat; article 12。 … Law

passed July 26; 1803。

'99' Councils of laymen entrusted with the administration of parish


'100' Law of December 30; 1809; articles 39; 92 and following

articles; 105 and following articles。

'101' Law of September 15; 1807; title IX。

'102' Concordat; article 15。 … Articles organiques; 73。

'103' Alexis Chevalier; 〃les Frères des écoles chrétiennes et

l'Enseignement primaire après la révolution;〃 passim。 (Act of

Vendémiare 24 and Prairial 28; year XI; and Frimiaire II; year XII;

laws of May 14; 1806; March 7; 1808; February 17; 1809; Dec。 26;


'104' Alexis Chevalier; ibid。; 189。

'105' Ibid。; p。185 sequitur。 (Decision of Aug。 8; 1803; of March 25;

of May 30; 1806。)

'106' Decree of June 22; 1804 (articles I and 4)。 … 〃Consultation sur

les decrets du 29 Mars 1880;〃 by Edmond Rousse; p。32。 (Out of 54

communities; there were two of men; the 〃Pères du tiers…ordre de

Saint…Fran?ois〃 and the priests of 〃la Miséricorde;〃 one founded in

1806 and the other in 1808。)

'107' 〃Mémorial de Sainte…Héléne。〃 Napoleon adds〃 that an empire like

France may and must have some refuge for maniacs called Trappists。〃 …

Pelet de la Lozère; p。208。 (Session of the council of state; May 22;

1804。) 〃My intention is to have the house of foreign missions

restored; these monks will be of great use to me in Asia; Africa; and

America。 。 。 。 I will give them a capital of 15;000 francs a year to

begin with。 。 。 。 I shall also re…establish the 'Sisters of Charity;'

I have already had them put in possession of their old buildings。 I

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