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the origins of contemporary france-5-第75章

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Révolution;〃 and Albert Duruy; 〃l'Instruction publique et la

Révolution;〃 passim。

'55' 〃Statistique de l'enseignement primaire〃 (1880);II。; CCIV。 The

proportion of instructed and uninstructed people has been ascertained

in 79 departments; and at various periods; from 168o down to the year

1876; according to the signatures on 1;699;985 marriage…records。 … In

the 〃Dictionnaire de pédagogie et d'instruction primaire;〃 published

by M。 Buisson; M。 Maggiolo; director of these vast statistics; has

given the proportion of literate and illiterate people for the

different departments; now; from department to department; the figures

furnished by the signatures on marriage records correspond with

sufficient exactness to the number of schools; verified moreover by

pastoral visits and by other documents。 The most illiterate

departments are Cantal; Puy…de…Dome; Nièvre; Allier; Vienne; Haute…

Vienne; Deux…Sèvres; Vendée and the departments of Brittany。

'56' One sou equals 1/20 of a franc or 5 centimes。 (SR。)

'57' Albert Duruy; ibid。; p。25。 (According to the report of M。

Villemain on common…school education in 1843。) … Abbé Allain; 〃la

Question d'enseignement en 1789;〃 p。 88 … A。 Silvy; 〃les Collèges en

France avant la Révolution;〃 p。5。 The researches of M。 Silvy show that

the number of high…schools (collèges) given by M。 Villemain is much

too low: 〃The number of these schools under the ancient Régime cannot

be estimated at less than about 900。 。 。 。 I have ascertained 800。 。 。

。 I must add that my search is not yet finished and that I find new

institutions every day。〃

'58' Lunet; 〃Histoire du collège de Rodez;〃 p。 110。 … Edmond;

〃Histoire du collège de Louis…le…Grand;〃 p。 238。 … 〃Statistiques des

préfets;〃 Moselle。  (Analysis by Ferrière; year XII。) Before 1789; 4

high…schools at Metz; very complete; conducted by regular canons;

Benedictines; with 33 professors; 38 assistant teachers; 63 servants;

259 day…scholars and 217 boarders。 All this was broken up。 In the year

IX there is only one central school; very inadequate; with 9

professors; 5 assistants; 3 servants and 233 day…scholars。

'59' Albert Duruy; ibid。; p。 25。

'60' Lunet; ibid; p。110;

'61' 〃Statistiques des préfets;〃 Ain; by Bossi; p。368。 At Bourg;

before the revolution; 220 pupils; of which 70 were boarders; 8000

livres income in real property confiscated during the revolution。 … At

Belley; the teachers consist of the congregationist of Saint…Joseph;

250 pupils; 9950 francs revenue from capital invested in the pays

d'état; swept away by the revolution。 … At Thoissy; 8000 francs rental

of real property sold; etc。 … Deux…Sèvres; by Dupin; year IX; and

〃analyse〃 by Ferrière; P。 48: 〃Previous to the revolution; each

department town had its high…school。 … At Thouars; 60 boarders at 300

livres per annum; and 40 day…scholars。 At Niort; 80 boarders at 450

livres per annum; and 100 day…scholars〃。 …Aisne; by Dauchy; p。88。

Before 1789; nearly all the small high…schools were gratuitous; and;

in the large ones; there were scholarships open to competition。 All

their possessions; except large buildings; were alienated and sold; as

well as those of the 60 communities in which girls were taught

gratuitously。 … Eure; by Masson Saint…Amand。  There were previous to

1789; 8 high…schools which were all suppressed and destroyed。 … Dr?me;

by Collin; p。66。  Before the revolution; each town had its high…

school;〃 etc。

'62' Cf。 Marmontel; 〃Mémoires;〃 I。; 16; for details of these customs;

M。 Jules Simon found the same customs afterwards and describes them in

the souvenirs of his youth。 … La Chalotais; at the end of the reign of

Louis XV。; had already described the efficiency of the institution。

〃Even the people want to study。 Farmers and craftsmen send their

children to the schools in these small towns where living is cheap。〃

This rapid spread of secondary education contributed a good deal

towards bringing on the revolution。

'63' 〃Statistiques des préfets;〃 Indre; by Dalphonse; year XII; p。104:

〃The universities; the colleges; the seminaries; the religious

establishments; the free schools are all destroyed; vast plans only

remain for a new system of education raised on their ruins。 Nearly all

of these rest unexecuted。 。 。 。 Primary schools have nowhere; one may

say; been organized; and those which have been are so poor they had

better not have been organized at all。 With a pompous and costly

system of public instruction; ten years have been lost for


'64' Moniteur; XXI。; 644。 (Session of Fructidor 19; year II。) One of

the members says: 〃It is very certain; and my colleagues see it with

pain; that public instruction is null。〃 … Fourcroy: 〃Reading and

writing are no longer taught。〃 … Albert Duruy; p。 208。 (Report to the

Directory executive; Germinal 13; year IV。) 〃For nearly six years no

public instruction exists。〃 … De La Sicotiere; 〃Histoire du collège de

Alen?on;〃 p。33: 〃In 1794; there were only two pupils in the college。〃

… Lunet; 〃Histoire du collège de Rodez;〃 p。157: 〃The recitation…rooms

remained empty of pupils and teachers from March 1793 to May 16;

1796。〃 … 〃 Statistiques des préfets;〃 Eure; by Masson Saint…Amand year

XIII: 〃In the larger section of the department; school…houses existed

with special endowments for teachers of both sexes。 The school…houses

have been alienated like other national domains; the endowments due to

religious corporations or establishments have been extinguished  … As

to girls; that portion of society has suffered an immense loss;

relatively to its education; in the suppression of religious

communities which provided them with an almost gratuitous and

sufficiently steady instruction。〃

'65' My maternal grandmother learned how to read from a nun concealed

in the cellar of the house。

'66' Albert Duruy; ibid。; 349。 (Decree of the Directory; Pluvi?se 17;

year V; and circular of the minister Letourneur against free schools

which are 〃dens of royalism and superstition。〃 … Hence the decrees of

the authorities in the departments of Eure; Pas de Calais; Dr?me;

Mayenne and La Manche; closing these dens。) 〃From Thermidor 27; year

VI; to Messidor 2; year VII; say the authorities of La Manche; we have

revoked fifty…eight teachers on their denunciation by the

municipalities and by popular clubs。〃

'67' Archives nationales; cartons 3144 to 3145; No。 l04。 (Reports of

the Councillors of State on mission in the year IX。) Report by Lacuée

on the first military division。 Three central schools at Paris; one

called the Quatre…Nations。 〃This school must be visited in order to

form any idea of the state of destruction and dilapidation which all

the national buildings are in。 No repairs have been made since the

reopening of the schools; everything is going to ruin。 。 。 。 Walls are

down and the floors fallen in。 To preserve the pupils from the risks

which the occupation of these buildings hourly presents; i
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