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the origins of contemporary france-5-第66章

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a priest; one who bears the stamp of a superior; unique; ineffaceable

character; through a final sacrament consisting of ordination and

which is conferred only on certain conditions; among other conditions;

it is essential that this priest should have been ordained by a

bishop; among other conditions; it is essential that this bishop'78'

should have been installed by the Pope。 Consequently; without the Pope

there are no bishops; without bishops no priests; without priests no

sacraments; without the sacraments no salvation。 The ecclesiastical

institution is therefore indispensable to the believer。 The canonical

priesthood; the canonical hierarchy is necessary to him for the

exercise of his faith。 … He must have yet more; if fervent and

animated with true old Christian sentiment; ascetic and mystic; which

separates the soul from this world and ever maintains it in the

presence of God。 Several things are requisite to this end:

* First; vows of chastity; poverty and obedience; that is to say; the

steady and voluntary repression of the most powerful animal instinct

and of the strongest worldly appetites;

* Next; unceasing prayer; especially prayer in common; where the

emotion of the prostrate soul increases through the emotion of the

souls that surround it; in the same degree; active piety; meaning by

this the doing of good works; education and charity; especially the

accomplishment of repulsive tasks; such as attending the sick; the

infirm; the incurable; idiots; maniacs and repentant prostitutes;

* Finally; the strict daily rule which; a sort of rigorous and minute

countersign; enjoining and compelling the repetition of the same acts

at the same hours; renders habit the auxiliary of will; adds

mechanical enthusiasm to a serious determination; and ends in making

the task easy。

Hence; communities of men and of women; congregations and convents;

these likewise; the same as the sacraments; the priesthood and the

hierarchy; form a body along with belief and thus constitute the

inseparable organs of faith。

Before 1789; the ignorant or indifferent Catholic; the peasant at his

plow; the artisan at his work…bench; the good wife attending to her

household; were unconscious of this innermost suture。 Thanks to the

Revolution; they have acquired the sentiment of it and even the

physical sensation。 They had never asked themselves in what respect

orthodoxy differed from schism; nor how positive religion was opposed

to natural religion; it is the civil organization of the clergy which

has led them to distinguish the difference between the unsworn curé

and the interloper; between the right mass and the wrong mass; it is

the prohibition of the mass which has led them to comprehend its

importance; it is the revolutionary government which has transformed

them into theologians and canonists。'79'  Compelled; under the Reign

of Terror; to sing and dance before the goddess Reason; and next;

in the temple of the 〃étre Supreme;〃 subjected; under the Directory;

to the new…fangled republican calendar; and to the insipidity of

the decade festivals; they have measured; with their own eyes; the

distance which separates a present; personal; incarnate deity; redeemer

and savior; from a deity without form or substance; or; in any

event; absent; a living; revealed; and time…honored religion; and

an abstract; manufactured; improvised religion; their spontaneous

worship; which is an act of faith; and a worship imposed on them

which is only frigid parade; their priest; in a surplice; sworn to

continence; delegated from on high to open out to them the infinite

perspectives of heaven or hell beyond the grave; and the republican

substitute; officiating in a municipal scarf; Peter or Paul; a

lay…man like themselves; more or less married and convivialist;

sent from Paris to preach a course of Jacobin morality。'80' …

Their attachment to their clergy; to the entire body regular and

secular; is due to this contrast。 Previously; they were not always

well…disposed to it; the peasantry; nowhere; were content

to pay tithes; and the artisan; as well as the peasant; regarded the

idle; well…endowed; meditative monks as but little more than so many

fat drones。 The man of the people in France; by virtue of being a

Gaul; has a dry; limited imagination; he is not inclined to

veneration; but is rather mocking; critical and insubordinate at the

powers above him; with a hereditary undertone of distrust and envy at

every man who wears a cloth suit and who eats and drinks without doing

manual labor。 … At this time; his clergy do not excite his envy; but

his pity; monks and nuns; cure's and prelates; roofless; without

bread; imprisoned; transported; guillotined; or; at best; fugitives;

hunted down and more unfortunate than wild beasts … it is he who;

during the persecutions of the years II; IV and VI; harbors them;

conceals them; lodges them and feeds them。 He sees them suffering for

their faith; which is his faith; and; before their constancy; equal to

that of the legendary martyrs; his indifference changes into respect

and next into zeal。 From the year IV;'81' the orthodox priests have

again recovered their place and ascendancy in his soul which the creed

assigns to them; they have again become his serviceable guides; his

accepted directors; the only warranted interpreters of Christian

truth; the only authorized dispensers and ministers of divine grace。

He attends their mass immediately on their return and will put up with

no other。 Brutalized as he may be; or indifferent and dull; and his

mind filled with nothing but animal concerns; he needs them;'82' he

misses their solemnities; the great festivals; the Sunday; and this

privation is a periodical want both for eyes and ears; he misses the

ceremonial; the lights; the chants; the ringing of the bells; the

morning and evening Angelus。 … Thus; whether he knows it or not; his

heart and senses are Catholic'83' and he demands the old church back

again。 Before the Revolution; this church lived on its own revenues;

70;000 priests; 37;000 nuns; 23;000 monks; supported by endowments;

cost the State nothing; and scarcely anything to the tax…payer; at any

rate; they cost nothing to the actual; existing tax…payer not even the

tithes; for; established many centuries ago; the tithes were a tax on

the soil; not on the owner in possession; nor on the farmer who tilled

the ground; who has purchased or hired it with this tax deducted。 In

any case; the real property of the Church belonged to it; without

prejudice to anybody; through the strongest legal and most legitimate

of property titles; the last will and testament of thousands of the

dead; its founders and benefactors。 All is taken from it; even the

houses of prayer which; in their use; disposition and architecture;

were; in the most manifest manner; Christian works and ecclesiastical

objects; 38;000 parsonages; 4000 convents; over 40;000 parochial

churches; cathedrals and chapels。 Eve
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