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the origins of contemporary france-5-第44章

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have leaders; and that drilling goes on under their orders。 …

Vendémiarie 27; year VIII。) 〃Twenty…five armed brigands or drafted men

in the cantons of Réauté and Bolbec have put farmers to ransom。〃 …

(Niv?se 12~ year VIII。) In the canton of Cuny another band of brigands

do the same thing。 … (Germinal 14; year VIII。) Twelve brigands stop

the diligence between Neufchatel and Rouen; a few days after; the

diligence between Rouen and Paris is stopped and three of the escort

are killed。 … Analogous scenes and mobs in the other departments。

'7' 〃Souvenirs〃; by PASQUIER (Etienne…Dennis; duc); Librarie Plon;

Paris 1893。  I。; 260。 Under the Directory;〃 one day; in order to

dispatch a special courier; the receipts of the Opera had to be taken

because they were in coin。 Another day; it was on the point of sending

every gold piece in the musée of medals to be melted down (worth in

the crucible from 5000 to 6000 francs)。〃

'8' 〃Théorie constitutionnelle de Sieyès。〃 (Extract from unpublished

memoirs by Boulay de la Meurthe。) Paris; 1866; Renouard。

'9' 〃Correspondance de Napoleon 1er;〃 XXX。。 345。 (〃Mémoires。〃) …

〃Mémorial de Sainte…Hélène

'10' 〃Extrait des Mémoires〃 de Boulay de la Meurthe; p。50。 (Words of

Bonaparte to Roederer about Sieyès; who raised objections and wanted

to retire。) 〃If Sieyès goes into the country; draw up for me at once

the plan of a constitution。 I will summon the primary assemblies in a

week and make them accept it after discharging the (Constituant)


'11' 〃Correspondance de Napoléon ler〃 XXX。; 345; 346。 (〃Mémoires。〃)

〃Circumstances were such as to still make it necessary to disguise the

unique magistracy of the president。〃

'12' The Revolution;〃 III。; 458; 417。 … 〃 Mercure britannique;〃 nos。

for November 1798 and January 1799。 (Letters from Belgium。) … 〃 More

than 300 millions have been seized by force in these desolated

provinces; there is not a landowner whose fortune has not been ruined;

or sequestrated; or fatally sapped by forced levies and the flood of

taxes which followed these; by robberies of movable property and the

bankruptcy due to France having discredited claims on the emperor and

on the governments; in short through confiscation。〃 … The insurrection

breaks out; as in Vendée; on account of the conscription; the war…cry

of the insurgents is; 〃Better die here than elsewhere。〃

'13' De Martel; 〃Les Historiens fantaisistes;〃 part 2 (on the

Pacification of the West; according to reports of the royalist leaders

and of the republican generals)。

'14' Archives nationales; F7; 3218。 (Summary of dispatches arranged

according to dates。…Letters of Adjutant…General Vicose; Fructidor 3;

year VII。 … Letters of Lamagdelaine; commissioner of the executive

Directory; Thermidor 26 and Fructidor 3; year VII。) … 〃 The rascals

who led the people astray had promised them; in the King's name; that

they should not be called on for further taxes; that the conscripts

and requisitionnaires should not leave; and; finally; that they should

have the priests they wanted。〃 …  Near Montréjean 〃the carnage was

frightful; nearly 2000 men slain or drowned and 1000 prisoners。〃 …

(Letter of M。 Alquier to the first consul; Pluvi?se 18; year VIII。)

〃The insurrection of Thermidor caused the loss of 3000 cultivators。  …

(Letters of the department administrators and of the government

commissioners; Niv?se 25 and 27; Pluvi?se 13; 15; 25; 27; and 30; year

VIII。) … The insurrection is prolonged through a vast number of

isolated outrages; with sabers or guns; against republican

functionaries and partisans; justices of the peace; mayors; etc。 In

the commune of Balbèze; fifty conscripts; armed deserters with their

knapsacks; impose requisitions ;give balls on Sunday; and make

patriots give up their arms。 Elsewhere; this or that known patriot is

assaulted in his house by a band of ten or a dozen young folks who

make him pay a ransom; shout 〃Vive le Roi!〃 etc。 … Cf。 〃Histoire de I'

insurrection royaliste de l'an VII;〃 by B。 Lavigne; 1887。

'15' Archives nationales; F7; 3273 (Letter of the commissioner of the

executive Directory; Vaucluse; Fructidor 6; year VII。):  〃Eighty armed

royalists have carried off; near the forest of Suze; the cash…box of

the collector; Bouchet; in the name of Louis XVIII。 These rascals; it

must be noted; did not take any of the money belonging to the

collector himself。〃 … (Ibid。; Thermidor 3; year VII。) 〃On looking

around among our communes I find all of them under the control of

royalist or town…councillors。 That is the spirit of the peasants

generally。 。 。 。 Public spirit it so perverted; so opposed to the

constitutional regime; that a miracle only will bring them within the

pale of freedom。〃 … Ibid。; F7; 3199。 (Similar documents on the

department of Bouches…du…Rh?ne。) Outrages continue here far down into

the consulate; in spite of the vigor and multitude of military

executions。 … (Letter of the sub…prefect of Tarascon; Germinal 15;

year IX。) 〃In the commune of Eyragues; yesterday; at eight o'clock; a

band of masked brigands surrounded the mayor's house; while some of

them entered it and shot this public functionary without anybody

daring to render him any assistance。 。。 。 Three…quarters of the

inhabitants of Eyragues are royalists。〃… In series F7; 7152 and those

following may be found an enumeration of political crimes classified

by department and by the month; especially for Messidor; year VII。

'16' Barère; representative of Hautes Pyrénées; had preserved a good

deal of credit in this remote department; especially in the district

of Argeles; with populations which knew nothing about the 〃Mountain。〃

In 1805; the electors presented him as a candidate for the legislative

body and the senate; in 1815; they elected him deputy。

'17' 〃Souvenirs〃; by PASQUIER (Etienne…Dennis; duc); chancelier de

France。 in VI volumes; Librarie Plon;  Paris 1893。 I。; 158。  At the

time the concordat was under consideration the aversion to 〃 priest

rule〃 was very great in the army; there were secret meetings held

against it。 Many of the superior officers took part in them; and even

some of the leading generals。 Moreau was aware of them although he did

not attend them。 In one of these gatherings; things were carried far

enough to resolve upon the assassination of the first consul。 A

certain Donnadieu; then of a low rank in the army; offered to strike

the blow。 General Oudinot; who was present; informed Davoust; and

Donnadieu; imprisoned in the Temple; made revelations。 Measures were

at once taken to scatter the conspirators; who were all sent away more

or less farther off; some were arrested and others exiled; among them

General Mounier; who had commanded one of Desaix's brigades at

Marengo。 General Lecourbe was also one of the conspirators。

'18' On the 18th Fructidor Napoléon used grape…shot and artillery to

sweep the royalists off the streets of Paris。 (SR。)

'19' 〃Ex
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