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the origins of contemporary france-5-第3章

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work to Paoli。  Unable to get it published; he abridges it; and

dedicates the abridgment to Abbé Raynal; recapitulating in a strained

style; with warm; vibrating sympathy; the annals of his small

community; its revolts and deliverances; its heroic and sanguinary

outbreaks; its public and domestic tragedies; ambuscades; betrayals;

revenges; loves; and murders; … in short; a history similar to that of

the Scottish highlanders; while the style; still more than the

sympathies; denotes the foreigner。  Undoubtedly; in this work; as in

other youthful writings; he follows as well as he can the authors in

vogue … Rousseau; and especially Raynal; he gives a schoolboy

imitation of their tirades; their sentimental declamation; and their

humanitarian grandiloquence。  But these borrowed clothes; which

incommode him; do not fit him; they are too tight; and the cloth is

too fine; they require too much circumspection in walking; he does not

know how to put them on; and they rip at every seam。 Not only has he

never learned how to spell; but he does not know the true meaning;

connections; and relations of words; the propriety or impropriety of

phrases; the exact significance of imagery;'19' he strides on

impetuously athwart a pell…mell of incongruities; incoherencies;

Italianisms; and barbarisms; undoubtedly stumbling along through

awkwardness and inexperience; but also through excess of ardor and of

heat;'20' his jerking; eruptive thought; overcharged with passion;

indicates the depth and temperature of its source。  Already; at the

Academy; the professor of belles…lettres'21' notes down that 〃in the

strange and incorrect grandeur of his amplifications he seems to see

granite fused in a volcano。〃 However original in mind and in

sensibility; ill…adapted as he is to the society around him; different

from his comrades; it is clear beforehand that the current ideas which

take such hold on them will obtain no hold on him。

Of the two dominant and opposite ideas which clash with each other; it

might be supposed that he would lean either to one or to the other;

although accepting neither。  … Pensioner of the king; who supported

him at Brienne; and afterwards in the Military Academy; who also

supported his sister at Saint…Cyr; who; for twenty years; is the

benefactor of his family; to whom; at this very time; he addresses

entreating or grateful letters over his mother's signature … he does

not regard him as his born general; it does not enter his mind to take

sides and draw his sword in his patron's behalf;' in vain is he a

gentleman; to whom; d'Hozier has certified; reared in a school of

noble cadets; he has no noble or monarchical traditions。'22'  … Poor

and tormented by ambition; a reader of Rousseau; patronized by Raynal;

and tacking together sentences of philosophic fustian about equality;

if he speaks the jargon of the day; it is without any belief in it。

The phrases in vogue form a decent; academical drapery for his ideas;

or serve him as a red cap for the club; he is not bewildered by

democratic illusions; and entertains no other feeling than disgust for

the revolution and the sovereignty of the populace。  … At Paris; in

April;1792; when the struggle between the monarchists and the

revolutionaries is at its height; he tries to find 〃some successful

speculation;〃'23' and thinks he will hire and sublet houses at a

profit。  On the 20th of June he witnesses; only as a matter of

curiosity; the invasion of the Tuileries; and; on seeing the king at a

window place the red cap on his head; exclaims; so as to be heard; 〃

Che Caglione!〃 Immediately after this: 〃How could they let that rabble

enter! Mow down four or five hundred of them with cannons and the rest

would run away。〃 On August 10; when the tocsin sounds; he regards the

people and the king with equal contempt; he rushes to a friend's house

on the Carrousel and there; still as a looker…on; views at his ease

all the occurrences of the day。'24'  Finally; the chateau is forced

and he strolls through the Tuileries; looks in at the neighboring

cafés; and that is all: he is not disposed to take sides; he has no

Jacobin or royalist inclination。  His features; even; are so calm 〃as

to provoke many hostile and distrustful stares; as someone who is

unknown and suspicious。〃 … Similarly; after the 31st of May and the

2nd of June; his 〃Souper de Beaucaire〃 shows that if he condemns the

departmental insurrection it is mainly because he deems it futile: on

the side of the insurgents; a defeated army; no position tenable; no

cavalry; raw artillerymen; Marseilles reduced to its own troops; full

of hostile sans…culottes and so besieged; taken and pillaged。  Chances

are against it: 〃Let the impoverished regions; the inhabitants of

Vivaris; of the Cevennes; of Corsica; fight to the last extremity; but

if you lose a battle and the fruit of a thousand years of fatigue;

hardship; economy; and happiness become the soldier's prey。〃'25' Here

was something with which the Girondists could be converted! … None of

the political or social convictions which then exercised such control

over men's minds have any hold on him。 Before the 9th of Thermidor he

seemed to be a 〃republican montagnard;〃 and we follow him for months

in Provence。  〃the favorite and confidential adviser of young

Robespierre;〃 〃admirer〃 of the elder Robespierre;'26' intimate at Nice

with Charlotte Robespierre。  After the 9th of Thermidor has passed; he

frees himself with bombast from this compromising friendship: 〃I

thought him sincere;〃 says he of the younger Robespierre; in a letter

intended to be shown; 〃but were he my father and had aimed at tyranny;

I would have stabbed him myself。〃 On returning to Paris; after having

knocked at several doors; he takes Barras for a patron。  Barras; the

most brazen of the corrupt; Barras; who has overthrown and contrived

the death of his two former protectors。'27' Among the contending

parties and fanaticisms which succeed each other he keeps cool and

free to dispose of himself as he pleases; indifferent to every cause

and concerning himself only with his own interests。  … On the evening

of the 12th of Vendémiaire; on leaving the Feydeau theatre; and

noticing the preparations of the sectionists;'28' he said to Junot:

〃Ah; if the sections put me in command; I would guarantee to place

them in

  the Tuileries in two hours and have all those Convention rascals

driven out! 〃

Five hours later; summoned by Barras and the Conventionalists; he

takes 〃three minutes〃 to make up his mind; and; instead of 〃blowing up

the representatives;〃 he mows down the Parisians。  Like a good

condottière; he does not commit himself; considers the first that

offers and then the one who offers the most; only to back out

afterwards; and finally; seizing the opportunity; to grab everything。

… He will more and more become a true condottière; that is to say;

leader of a band; increasingly independent; pretending to submit under

the pret
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