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At this same date; all the ports of his empire are closed against the
English; which leads him to close against them all the ports of the
Continent; to organize against them the continental blockade; to
proclaim against them an European crusade; to prevent the neutrality
of sovereigns like the Pope; of lukewarm subalterns like his brother
Louis; of doubtful collaborators or inadequate; like the Braganzas of
Portugal and the Bourbons of Spain; and therefore to get hold of
Portugal; Spain; the Pontifical States; and Holland; and next of the
Hanseatic towns and the duchy of Oldenburg; to extending along the
entire coast; from the mouths of the Cattaro and Trieste to Hamburg
and Dantzic; his cordon of military chiefs; prefects; and custom…
houses; a sort of net of which he draws the meshes tighter and tighter
every day; even stifling not alone his home consumer; but the producer
and the merchant。'118' … And all this sometimes by a simple decree;
with no other alleged motive than his interest; his convenience; or
his pleasure;'119' brusquely and arbitrarily; in violation of
international law; humanity; and hospitality。 It would take volumes
to describe his abuses of power; the tissue of brutalities and
knaveries;'120' the oppression of the ally and despoiling of the
vanquished; the military brigandage exercised over populations in time
of war; and by the systematic exactions practiced on them in times of
Accordingly; after 1808; these populations rise against him。 He has so
deeply injured them in their interests; and hurt their feelings to
such an extent;'122' he has so trodden them down; ransomed; and forced
them into his service。 He has destroyed; apart from French lives; so
many Spanish; Italian; Austrian; Prussian; Swiss; Bavarian; Saxon; and
Dutch lives; he has slain so many men as enemies; he has enlisted such
numbers at home; and slain so many under his own banners as
auxiliaries; that nations are still more hostile to him than
sovereigns。 Unquestionably; nobody can live together with such a
character; his genius is too vast; too baneful; and all the more
because it is so vast。 War will last as long as he reigns; it is in
vain to reduce him; to confine him at home; to drive him back within
the ancient frontiers of France; no barrier will restrain him; no
treaty will bind him; peace with him will never be other than a truce;
he will use it simply to recover himself; and; as soon as he has done
this; he will begin again;'123' he is in his very essence anti…social。
The mind of Europe in this respect is made up definitely and
unshakably。 One petty detail alone shows how unanimous and profound
this conviction was。 On the 7th of March the news reached Vienna that
he had escaped from the island of Elba; without its being yet known
where he would land。 M。 de Metternich'124' brings the news to the
Emperor of Austria before eight o'clock in the morning; who says to
him; 〃Lose no time in finding the King of Prussia and the Emperor of
Russia; and tell them that I am ready to order my army to march at
once for France。〃 At a quarter past eight M。 de Metternich is with the
Czar; and at half…past eight; with the King of Prussia; both of them
reply instantly in the same manner。 〃At nine o'clock;〃 says M。 de
Metternich; 〃I was back。 At ten o'clock aids flew in every direction
countermanding army orders。 。 。 。 Thus was war declared in less than
an hour。〃
VI。 Fundamental Defaults of his System。
Inward principle of his outward deportment。 … He subordinates the
State to him instead of subordinating himself to the State。 … Effect
of this。… His work merely a life…interest。 … It is ephemeral。 …
Injurious。 … The number of lives it cost。 … The mutilation of France。
… Vice of construction in his European edifice。 … Analogous vice in
his French edifice。
Other heads of states have similarly passed their lives in doing
violence to mankind; but it was for something that was likely to last;
and for a national interest。 What they deemed the public good was not
a phantom of the brain; a chimerical poem due to a caprice of the
imagination; to personal passions; to their own peculiar ambition and
pride。 Outside of themselves and the coinage of their brain a real
and substantial object of prime importance existed; namely; the State;
the great body of society; the vast organism which lasts indefinitely
through the long series of interlinked and responsible generations。
If they drew blood from the passing generation it was for the benefit
of coming generations; to preserve them from civil war or from foreign
domination。'125' They have acted generally like able surgeons; if not
through virtue; at least through dynastic sentiment and family
traditions; having practiced from father to son; they had acquired the
professional conscience; their first and only aim was the safety and
health of their patient。 It is for this reason that they have not
recklessly undertaken extravagant; bloody; and over…risky operations;
rarely have they given way to temptation through a desire to display
their skill; through the need of dazzling and astonishing the world;
through the novelty; keenness; and success of their saws and scalpels。
They felt that a longer and superior existence to their own was
imposed upon them; they looked beyond them…selves as far as their
sight would reach; and so took measures that the State after them
might do without them; live on intact; remain independent; vigorous;
and respected athwart the vicissitudes of European conflict and the
uncertain problems of coming history。 Such; under the ancient régime;
was what were called reasons of state; these had prevailed in the
councils of princes for eight hundred years; along with unavoidable
failures and after temporary deviations; these had become for the time
being and remained the preponderating motive。 Undoubtedly they
excused or authorized many breaches of faith; many outrages; and; to
come to the word; many crimes; but; in the political order of things;
especially in the management of external affairs; they furnished a
governing and a salutary principle。 Under its constant influence
thirty monarchs had labored; and it is thus that; province after
province; they had solidly and enduringly built up France; by ways and
means beyond the reach of individuals but available to the heads of
Now; this principle is lacking with their improvised successor。 On
the throne as in the camp; whether general; consul; or emperor; he
remains the military adventurer; and cares only for his own
advancement。 Owing to the great defect in the education of both
conscience and sentiments; instead of subordinating himself to the
State; he subordinates the State to him; he does not look beyond his
own brief physical existence to the nation which is to survive him。
Consequently; he sacrifices the future to the present; and his work is
not to be enduring。 After him the delug