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the origins of contemporary france-5-第109章

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distinction; of passing ahead of some one else; is a national


'21' 〃The Revolution;〃 II。; 248。 (Laff。 I。 p。 747。)

'22' Napoleon; 〃Mémoires 〃(edited by M。 de Montholon; III。; 11…19); on

the extraordinary ignorance of Cartaux。 … Ibid。; 23; on Doppet's

incapacity; the successor of Cartaux。

'23' 〃The Revolution;〃 III。; 310。 (Laff。 II。 pp。 178…179。)

'24' They called themselves exclusives under the Directory。 … Cf。 〃The

Revolution; II。; 23; 187; 196; 245; 297…303; 340…351; 354; book III。;

ch; 2 and 3; and book IV。 (Ed。 Laff。 I。 pp。 582; 701; pp。 709…710;

745; 782…787; 821…823 and in Vol。 II。 pp。 131…167; pp。 167…215 and pp


'25' The declaration of  Human Rights in 1789 stated that: 〃art。 1st;

§ 5。 Tous les citoyens sont egalement admissible aux emplois publics。

Les peuples ne connaissent d'autres motifs de préference; dans

élections; que les vertus et les talents。〃 Virtue in French is virtue

in English while talent in French must be translated as being both

talent and skill。 (SR。)

'26' Madame de Rémusat; passim。 … Roederer; III。; 538 (January 1809)。

(Words of Napoleon)   〃I took a few of the old court into my

household。 They remained two years without speaking to me and six

months without seeing me 。 。 。  I don't like them … they are no good

for anything … their conversation is disagreeable to me。〃

'27' Napoléon; 〃Mémoires。〃

'28'  Roederer; 〃Mémoires。〃

'29' Taine uses the French expression 〃esprit〃 which might both mean

spirit; wit; mind or sense。

'30' Roederer; 〃Mémoires; 〃III。; 281。 〃Men; under his government; who

had hitherto been considered incapable are made useful; men hitherto

considered distinguished found themselves mixed in with the crowd; men

hitherto regarded as the pillars of the State found themselves useless

。 。 。 An ass or a knave need never be ambitious to approach Bonaparte;

they will make nothing out of him。〃

'31' Fiévée; 〃Correspondance;〃 III。; 33。 … Roederer; III。; 381。

'32' Beugnot; 〃Mémoires;〃 II。; 372。

'33' Lefebvre; a former sergeant in the French guards; who became

marshal of the empire and Duc de Dantzig; with 150;000 francs a year;

received the visit of a comrade who; instead of having mounted the

ladder as he had done; had remained at the bottom of it。 The marshal;

a fine fellow; welcomed his comrade heartily; and showed him over his

hotel。 The visitor's face gradually grew somber; and bitter words

escaped from his lips; he often murmured; 〃Ah; how lucky you are!〃 …

At last; the marshal; impatient; said to him; 〃Well; I will make all

this over to you on one condition。〃 …  〃What is it?〃 …  〃You must go

down into the court。 I will post two grenadiers at the window with

their guns; and they shall fire at you。 If they miss; you shall have

the hotel and everything in it。〃  … 〃Ah; no; thanks!〃 …  〃My friend;

more shots than these have been fired at me and nearer by!〃

'34' Roederer; III。; 332 (Aug。 2; 1800)。

'35' Papers of Maine de Biran。 (Note communicated by M。 Naville。)

Letter of Baron Maurice; prefect of Dordogne; to M。 Maine de Biran;

sub…prefect of Bergerac; transmitting to him by order of the minister

of the interior a blank form to be filled up by him presenting the

〃Statistics of young ladies belonging to the most notable families of

the arrondissement。〃 The form annexed contained several columns; one

for names and given names; others for the future inheritance of real

and personal estate; etc。 A clever or energetic prefect; provided with

this list; was able and was expected to take an active part in

marriages and see that all the large dowries were appropriated on the

right side。 … 〃Memoires de Madame de …;〃 part 3rd; ch。 VIII。; p。

154。 (These very instructive memoirs by a very sincere and judicious

person are still unpublished。 I am not authorized to give the name of

the author。) 〃It was at this time that the emperor took it into his

head to marry as he saw fit the young girls who had more than 50;000

livres rental。〃 A rich heiress of Lyons; intended for M。 Jules de

Polignac; is thus wedded to M。 de Marb?uf。 M。 d'Aligre; by dint of

address and celerity; evades for his daughter first M。 de Caulaincourt

and then M。 de Faudoas; brother…in…law to Savary; and in stead weds

her to M。 de Pommereu。 … Baron de Vitrolles; Mémoires; I。 19。 (His

daughter was designated by the prefect of the Basses…Alpes。) … Comte

Joseph d'Estourmel; 〃Souvenirs de France et d'Italie;〃 239。 (Details

of this description of the young ladies to be married and the circular

from the duke de Rovigo; minister of police。) the eight column of the

form was 〃reserved to describe the physical charms and deformities;

the talents; the conduct and the religious principles of each of the

young ladies。〃

'36' 〃Statistiques des Préfets。〃 (Doubs; by Debry; p。 60; Meurthe; by

Marquis; p。 115; Ain; by Bossi; p。240。)

'37' 〃Statistique de l'Ain;〃 by Bossi; p。 1808。 From 1140 in 1801; the

number of employees and others under state pay amounts to 1771 in

1806。 This increase is attributed by the prefect to causes just


'38' Napoleon; 〃Correspondance。〃 (Note of April 11; 1811。) 〃There will

always be at Hamburg; Bremen and Lubeck from 8;000 to 10;000 French;

either employees or gendarmes; in the customs and depots。〃

'39' One officer may be counted to every 50 men in the infantry; in

the cavalry 1 officer to every 25 or 30 men; …  This ratio of one

officer to every fifty men indicates that; among the 1;700;000 men who

perished between 1804 and 1815; there were 24;000 officers; which

gives about 3;000 vacancies per annum; to which must be added the

vacancies due to the wounded; disabled and and retired。 It must be

noted; moreover; that the death or retirement of an officer above the

grade of second…lieutenant makes several vacancies; vacancies which

are more numerous the higher the rank。 When a captain is killed

there are three promotions and so on。

'40' 〃The Revolution〃 III。; 335。 (Laff。 II。 p。 250) … Already; in

1795; the need of competent and specialized men was so great that the

government sought; even among royalists; for financial and diplomatic

heads of these services; it made offers to M。 Dufresne and to M。 de

Rayneval。 …Ib。 406。 … (Cf。  〃Mémoires〃 by Gaudin; Miot de Melito and


'41' Words of Bouquier; reporter of the law on education (session of

the Convention; Frimaire 22; year II)。

'42' The reader is recommended to do as I have done and consult

biographies on point; also the souvenirs of his grandparents。


'43' Thibaudeau; 〃Mémoires sur la Consulat;〃 p。88。 (Exposition of

motives by Roederer to the corps Législatif; Floréal 25; year X。)

〃After all; it is the creation of a new currency of quite different

value from that which issues from the public treasury; a currency of

unchangeable worth and of an inexhaustible mine; since it lies in

French honor; a currency which can 
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