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smoke bellew(史沫克·贝罗)-第43章

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air   and   vainly    tried  to   speak。    Then     he   reached    out   his   hand   with 

unmistakable meaning; Smoke extended his; and they shook。 

     〃It's a dead heat;〃 Smoke could hear the Recorder saying; but it was as 

if in a dream; and the voice was very thin and very far away。 〃And all I 


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                                      Smoke Bellew 

can say is that you both win。        You'll have to divide the claim between you。 

You're partners。〃 

     Their two arms pumped up and down as they ratified the decision。 Big 

Olaf nodded his head with great emphasis; and spluttered。                At last he got 

it out。 

     〃You damn chechaquo;〃 was what he said; but in the saying of it was 

admiration。      〃I don't know how you done it; but you did。〃 

     Outside   the   great   crowd   was   noisily   massed;   while   the   office   was 

packing   and   jamming。       Smoke   and   Big   Olaf   essayed   to   rise;   and   each 

helped the other to his feet。       Smoke found his legs weak under him; and 

staggered drunkenly。        Big Olaf tottered toward him。 

     〃I'm sorry my dogs jumped yours。〃 

     〃It couldn't be helped;〃 Smoke panted back。            〃I heard you yell。〃 

     〃Say;〃 Big Olaf went on with shining eyes。            〃That girlone damn fine 

girl; eh?〃 

     〃One damn fine girl;〃 Smoke agreed。 


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