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smoke bellew(史沫克·贝罗)-第24章

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pile right here; unless you're stickin' up your nose at two…hundred… dollar 


     Smoke took a swallow of coffee before replying。 

     〃Shorty; why are our two claims here like the Panama Canal?〃 

     〃What's the answer?〃 

     〃Well; the eastern entrance of the Panama Canal is west of the western 

entrance; that's all。〃 

     〃Go on;〃 Shorty said。       〃I ain't seen the joke yet。〃 

     〃In short; Shorty; you staked our two claims on a big horseshoe bend。〃 

     Shorty set the gold pan down in the snow and stood up。 

     〃Go on;〃 he repeated。 

     〃The upper stake of twenty…eight is ten feet below the lower stake of 


     〃You mean we ain't got nothin'; Smoke?〃 

     〃Worse than that; we've got ten feet less than nothing。〃 

     Shorty   departed   down   the   bank   on   the   run。  Five   minutes   later   he 


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                                       Smoke Bellew 

returned。     In   response   to   Joy's   look;   he   nodded。    Without   speech;      he 

went over to a log and sat down to gaze steadily at the snow in front of his 


     〃We   might   as   well   break   camp   and   start   back   for   Dawson;〃   Smoke 

said; beginning to fold the blankets。 

     〃I am sorry; Smoke;〃 Joy said。          〃It's all my fault。〃 

     〃It's all right;〃 he answered。       〃All in the day's work; you know。〃 

     〃But it's my fault; wholly mine;〃 she persisted。             〃Dad's staked for me 

down near Discovery; I know。            I'll give you my claim。〃 

     He shook his head。 

     〃Shorty;〃 she pleaded。 

     Shorty shook his head and began to laugh。                It was a colossal laugh。 

Chuckles and muffled explosions yielded to hearty roars。 

     〃It ain't hysterics;〃 he explained; 〃I sure get powerful amused at times; 

an' this is one of them。〃 

     His    gaze   chanced    to  fall  on   the  gold   pan。    He    walked    over   and 

gravely kicked it; scattering the gold over the landscape。 

     〃It   ain't   ourn;〃   he   said。 〃It   belongs   to   the   geezer   I   backed   up   five 

hundred feet last night。        An' what gets me is four hundred an' ninety of 

them feet was to the good 。 。 。 his good。           Come on; Smoke。 Let's start the 

hike to Dawson。        Though if you're hankerin' to kill me I won't lift a finger 

to prevent。〃 


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                                      Smoke Bellew 

                      SHORTY DREAMS。 


     〃Funny you don't gamble none;〃 Shorty said to Smoke one night in the 

Elkhorn。     〃Ain't it in your blood?〃 

     〃It is;〃 Smoke answered。        〃But the statistics are in my head。          I like 

an even break for my money。〃 

    All   about   them;   in   the   huge   bar…room;  arose   the   click   and   rattle   and 

rumble of a dozen games; at which fur…clad; moccasined men tried their 

luck。    Smoke waved his hand to include them all。 

     〃Look   at   them;〃   he   said。 〃It's   cold   mathematics   that   they   will   lose 

more than they win to…night; that the big proportion is losing right now。〃 

     〃You're sure   strong   on   figgers;〃   Shorty  murmured   admiringly。       〃An' 

in the main you're right。      But they's such a thing as facts。       An' one fact is 

streaks of luck。     They's times when every geezer playin' wins; as I know; 

for I've sat in in such games an' saw more'n one bank busted。                The only 

way to win at gamblin' is wait for a hunch that you've got a lucky streak 

comin' and then to play it to the roof。〃 

     〃It sounds simple;〃 Smoke criticized。         〃So simple I can't see how men 

can lose。〃 

     〃The trouble is;〃 Shorty admitted; 〃that most men gets fooled on their 

hunches。     On occasion I sure get fooled on mine。           The thing is to try; an' 

find out。〃 

     Smoke shook his head。 

     〃That's   a  statistic;  too;  Shorty。   Most     men    prove   wrong    on   their 


     〃But don't you ever get one of them streaky feelin's that all you got to 

do is put your money down an' pick a winner?〃 

     Smoke laughed。 

     〃I'm too scared of the percentage against me。            But I'll tell you what; 

Shorty。    I'll throw a dollar on the 'high card' right now and see if it will 


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buy us a drink。〃 

     Smoke was edging his way in to the faro table; when Shorty caught his 


     〃Hold on。      I'm gettin' one of them hunches now。            You put that dollar 

on roulette。〃 

     They went over to a roulette table near the bar。 

     〃Wait till I give the word;〃 Shorty counselled。 

     〃What number?〃 Smoke asked。 

     〃Pick it yourself。     But wait till I say let her go。〃 

     〃You don't mean to say I've got an even chance on that table?〃 Smoke 


     〃As good as the next geezers。〃 

     〃But not as good as the bank's。〃 

     〃Wait and see;〃 Shorty urged。          〃Now!      Let her go!〃 

     The game…keeper had just sent the little ivory ball whirling around the 

smooth      rim   above   the  revolving;    many…slotted      wheel。    Smoke;     at  the 

lower end of the table; reached over a player; and blindly tossed the dollar。 

It   slid   along   the   smooth;   green   cloth   and   stopped   fairly  in   the   centre   of 


     The   ball   came   to   rest;   and   the   game…keeper   announced;   〃Thirty…four 

wins!〃     He   swept   the   table;   and   alongside   of   Smoke's   dollar;   stacked 

thirty…five dollars。     Smoke drew the money in; and Shorty slapped him on 

the shoulder。 

     〃Now; that was the real goods of a hunch; Smoke!                 How'd I know it? 

There's no tellin'。     I just knew you'd win。         Why; if that dollar of yourn'd 

fell on any other number it'd won just the same。             When the hunch is right; 

you just can't help winnin'。〃 

     〃Suppose it had come 'double nought'?〃 Smoke queried; as they made 

their way to the bar。 

     〃Then   your   dollar'd   ben   on   'double   nought;'〃   was   Shorty's   answer。 

〃They's no gettin' away from it。          A hunch is a hunch。        Here's how。 Come 

on back to the table。       I got a hunch; after pickin' you for a winner; that I 

can pick some few numbers myself。〃 

     〃Are you playing a system?〃 Smoke asked; at the end of ten minutes; 


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                                        Smoke Bellew 

when his partner had dropped a hundred dollars。 

     Shorty  shook   his   head  indignantly;   as   he   spread   his   chips   out   in   the 

vicinities of '3;' '11;' and '17;' and tossed a spare chip on t
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