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the lake gun-第1章

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The Lake Gun

by James Fenimore Cooper

The Seneca is remarkable for its 〃Wandering Jew;〃 and the
〃Lake Gun。〃 The first is a tree so balanced that when its
roots are clear of the bottom it floats with its broken and
pointed trunk a few feet above the surface of the water;
driving before the winds; or following in the course of the
currents。 At times; the 〃Wandering Jew〃 is seen off
Jefferson; near the head of this beautiful sheet; and next it
will appear anchored; as it might be; in the shallow water
near the outlet。

{〃Wandering Jew〃 = The medieval legend of Ahasueras;
who mocked Christ on his way to the cross and was
condemned to live until Judgment Day; is widespread
throughout Europe; though he was only identified as a
〃Jew〃 in the 17th centurystudents at Geneva College
(now Hobart College) applied the name to a supposedly
unsinkable floating log in Lake Seneca; identified as the
legendary 〃Chief Agayentha〃; Jefferson = I have been
unable to locate any 〃Jefferson〃 on Lake Seneca}

For more than half a century has this remnant of the forest
floated about; from point to point; its bald head whitening
with time; until its features have become familiar to all the
older inhabitants of that region of country。 The great depth
of the Seneca prevents it from freezing; and summer and
winter; springtime and autumn; is this wanderer to be
observed; occasionally battling with the ice that makes a
short distance from the shore; now pursuing its quiet way
before a mild southern air in June; or; again; anchored; by
its roots touching the bottom; as it passes a point; or
comes in contact with the flats。 It has been known to
remain a year or two at a time in view of the village of
Geneva; until; accustomed to its sight; the people began to
think that it was never to move from its berth any more;
but a fresh northerly breeze changes all this; the 〃Jew〃
swings to the gale; and; like a ship unmooring; drags clear
of the bottom; and goes off to the southward; with its head
just high enough above water to be visible。 It would seem
really that his wanderings are not to cease as long as wood
will float。

{village of Geneva = now the City of Geneva; at the
northern end of Lake Seneca}

No white man can give the history of this 〃Jew。〃 He was
found laving his sides in the pure waters of the Seneca by
the earliest settlers; and it may have been ages since his
wanderings commenced。 When they are to cease is a
secret in the womb of time。

The 〃Lake Gun〃 is a mystery。 It is a sound resembling the
explosion of a heavy piece of artillery; that can be
accounted for by none of the known laws of nature。 The
report is deep; hollow; distant; and imposing。 The lake
seems to be speaking to the surrounding hills; which send
back the echoes of its voice in accurate reply。 No
satisfactory theory has ever been broached to explain
these noises。 Conjectures have been hazarded about
chasms; and the escape of compressed air by the sudden
admission of water; but all this is talking at random; and
has probably no foundation in truth。 The most that can be
said is; that such sounds are heard; though at long
intervals; and that no one as yet has succeeded in
ascertaining their cause。

{〃The Lake Gun〃 = The 〃Lake Gun〃 or 〃Lake Drum〃 is a
mysterious booming sound occasionally heard on Lake
Seneca (and on neighboring Lake Cayuga); which has been
given a variety of scientific; literary; and legendary

It is not many lustrums since curiosity induced an idler; a
traveler; and one possessed of much attainment derived
from journeys in distant lands; first to inquire closely into
all the traditions connected with these two peculiarities of
the Seneca; and; having thus obtained all he could; to lead
him to make the tour of the entire lake; in the hope of
learning more by actual personal observation。 He went up
and down in the steamboat; was much gratified with his
trip; but could see or hear nothing to help him in his
investigation。 The 〃Gun〃 had not been heard in a long
time; and no one could tell him what had become of the
〃Wandering Jew。〃 In vain did his eyes roam over the broad
expanse of water; they could discover nothing to reward
their search。 There was an old man in the boat; of the
name of Peter; who had passed his life on the Seneca; and
to him was our traveler referred; as the person most likely
to gratify his curiosity。 Fuller (for so we shall call the
stranger for the sake of convenience) was not slow to
profit by this hint; and was soon in amicable relations with
the tough; old; fresh…water mariner。 A half…eagle
opportunely bestowed opened all the stores of Peter's lore;
and he professed himself ready to undertake a cruise;
even; for the especial purpose of hunting up the 〃Jew。〃

{lustrum = a period of five years; half eagle = a U。S。 gold
coin worth 5。00}

〃I haven't seen that ere crittur now〃Peter always spoke
of the tree as if it had animal life〃these three years。 We
think he doesn't like the steamboats。 The very last time I
seed the old chap he was a…goin' up afore a smart
norwester; and we was a…comin' down with the wind in our
teeth; when I made out the 'Jew;' about a mile; or; at
most; a mile and a half ahead of us; and right in our track。
I remember that I said to myself; says I; 'Old fellow; we'll
get a sight of your countenance this time。' I suppose you
know; sir; that the 'Jew' has a face just like a human?〃

〃I did not know that; but what became of the tree?〃

〃Tree;〃 answered Peter; shaking his head; 〃why; can't we
cut a tree down in the woods; saw it and carve it as we
will; and make it last a hundred years? What become of
the tree; sir;why; as soon as the 'Jew' saw we was a…
comin' so straight upon him; what does the old chap do but
shift his helm; and make for the west shore。 You never
seed a steamer leave sich a wake; or make sich time。 If he
went half a knot; he went twenty!〃

This little episode rather shook Fuller's faith in Peter's
accuracy; but it did not prevent his making an
arrangement by which he and the old man were to take a
cruise in quest of the tree; after having fruitlessly
endeavored to discover in what part of the lake it was just
then to be seen。

〃Some folks pretend he's gone down;〃 said Peter; in
continuation of a discourse on the subject; as he flattened
in the sheets of a very comfortable and rather spacious
sailboat; on quitting the wharf of Geneva; 〃and will never
come up ag'in。 But they may just as well tell me that the
sky is coming down; and that we may set about picking up
the larks。 That 'Jew' will no more sink than a well…corked
bottle will sink。〃

{picking up the larks = 〃When the sky falls we shall catch
larks〃 is an old proverb; meaning that an idea or
suggestion is ridiculous}

This was the opinion of Peter。 Fuller cared but little for it;
though he still fancied he might make his companion useful
in hunting up the object of his search。 These two
strangely…assorted companions cruised up and down the
Seneca for a week; vainly endeavoring to find the
〃Wandering Jew。〃 Various were the accounts they gleaned
from the different boatmen。 One had heard 
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