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barlaam and ioasaph-第7章

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w no ease; for he said to himself; 〃And is it true that death shall one day overtake me? And who is he that shall make mention of me after death; when time delivereth all things to forgetfulness?  When dead; shall I dissolve into nothingness?  Or is there life beyond; and another world?〃  Ever fretting over these and the like considerations; he waxed pale and wasted away; but in the presence of his father; whenever he chanced to come to him; he made as though he were cheerful and without trouble; unwilling that his cares should come to his father's knowledge。  But he longed with an unrestrainable yearning; to meet with the man that might accomplish his heart's desire; and fill his ears with the sound of good tidings。

Again he enquired of the tutor of whom we have spoken; whether he knew of anybody able to help him towards his desire; and to establish a mind; dazed and shuddering at its cogitations; and unable to throw off its burden。  He; recollecting their former communications; said; 〃I have told thee already how thy father hath dealt with the wise men and anchorets who spend their lives in such philosophies。  Some hath he slain; and others he hath wrathfully persecuted; and I wot not whether any of this sort be in this country side。〃  Thereat the prince was overwhelmed with woe; and grievously wounded in spirit。  He was like unto a man that hath lost a great treasure; whose whole heart is occupied in seeking after it。  Thenceforth he lived in perpetual conflict and distress of mind; and all the pleasures and delights of this world were in his eyes an abomination and a curse。  While the youth was in this way; and his soul was crying out to discover that which is good; the eye that beholdeth all things looked upon him; and he that willeth that ‘all men should be saved; and come to the knowledge of the truth;' passed him not by; but showed this man also the tender love that he hath toward mankind; and made known upon him the path whereon he needs must go。  Befel it thus。


There was at that time a certain monk; learned in heavenly things; graced in word and deed; a model follower of every monastic rule。  Whence he sprang; and what his race; I cannot say; but he dwelt in a waste howling wilderness in the land of Senaar; and had been perfected through the grace of the priesthood。  Barlaam was this elder's name。  He; learning by divine revelation the state of the king's son; left the desert and returned to the world。  Changing his habit; he put on lay attire; and; embarking on ship board; arrived at the seat of the empire of the Indians。  Disguised as a merchant man; he entered the city; where was the palace of the king's son。  There he tarried many days; and enquired diligently concerning the prince's affairs; and those that had access to him。  Learning that the tutor; of whom we have spoken; was the prince's most familiar friend; he privily approached him; saying;

〃I would have thee understand; my lord; that I am a merchant man; come from a far country; and I possess a precious gem; the like of which was never yet found; and hitherto I have shewed it to no man。  But now I reveal the secret to thee; seeing thee to be wise and prudent; that thou mayest bring me before the king's son; and I will present it to him。  Beyond compare; it surpasseth all beautiful things; for on the blind in heart it hath virtue to bestow the light of wisdom; to open the ears of the deaf; to give speech to the dumb and strength to the ailing。  It maketh the foolish wise and driveth away devils; and without stint furnisheth its possessor with everything that is lovely and desirable。〃  The tutor said; 〃Though; to all seeming; thou art a man of staid and steadfast judgment; yet thy words prove thee to be boastful beyond measure。  Time would fail me to tell thee the full tale of the costly and precious gems and pearls that I have seen。  But gems; with such power as thou tellest of; I never saw nor heard of yet。  Nevertheless shew me the stone; and if it be as thou affirmest; I immediately bear it to the king's son; from whom thou shalt receive most high honours and rewards。  But; before I be assured by the certain witness of mine own eyes; I may not carry to my lord and master so swollen a tale about so doubtful a thing。〃  Quoth Barlaam; 〃Well hast thou said that thou hast never seen or heard of such powers and virtues; for my speech to thee is on no ordinary matter; but on a wondrous and a great。  But; as thou desiredst to behold it; listen to my words。

〃This exceeding precious gem; amongst these its powers and virtues; possesseth this property besides。  It cannot be seen out of hand; save by one whose eyesight is strong and sound; and his body pure and thoroughly undefiled。  If any man; lacking in these two good qualities; do rashly gaze upon this precious stone; he shall; I suppose lose even the eyesight that he hath; and his wits as well。  Now I; that am initiated in the physician's art; observe that thine eyes are not healthy; and I fear lest I may cause thee to lose even the eyesight that thou hast。  But of the king's son; I have heard that he leadeth a sober life; and that his eyes are young and fair; and healthy。  Wherefore to him I make bold to display this treasure。  Be not thou then negligent herein; nor rob thy master of so wondrous a boon。〃  The other answered; 〃If this be so; in no wise show me the gem; for my life hath been polluted by many sins; and also; as thou sayest; I am not possest of good eyesight。  But I am won by thy words; and will not hesitate to make known these things unto my lord the prince。〃  So saying; he went in; and; word by word; reported everything to the king's son。  He; hearing his tutor's words; felt a strange joy and spiritual gladness breathing into his heart; and; like one inspired; bade bring in the man forthwith。

So when Barlaam was come in; and had in due order wished him Peace!; the prince bade him be seated。  Then his tutor withdrew; and Ioasaph said unto the elder; 〃Shew me the precious gem; concerning which; as my tutor hath narrated; thou tellest such great and marvellous tales。〃  Then began Barlaam to discourse with him thus: 〃It is not fitting; O prince; that I should say anything falsely or unadvisedly to thine excellent majesty。  All that hath been signified to thee from me is true and may not be gainsaid。  But; except I first make trial of thy mind; it is not lawful to declare to thee this mystery; for my master saith; 'There went out a sower to sow his seed: and; as he sowed; some seeds fell by the wayside; and the fowls of the air came and devoured them up: some fell upon stony places; where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprang up; because they had no deepness of earth: and when the sun was up; they were scorched: and because they had no root; they withered away。  And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up and choked them: but others fell upon good ground; and brought forth fruit an hundredfold。'  Now; if I find in thine heart fruit…bearing ground; and good; I shall not be slow to plant therein the heavenly seed; and manifest to thee the mighty mystery。  But and if the ground be stony and thorny; and the wayside trodden down by all who will; it were better nev
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