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barlaam and ioasaph-第50章

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When Ioasaph saw that he was greatly inflamed; and was being led captive into sin; and perceived that his thoughts about the salvation of the damsel and her conversion to God had been set like bait on hook to hide the deed which she purposed; and were troubling him with the suggestion of the enemy; that; for the salvation of a soul; it was not sin for once to lie with a woman; then in the agony of his soul he drew a deep and lamentable groan; and nerved himself to pray; and; with streams of tears running down his cheeks; he cried aloud to him that is able to save them that trust in him; saying; 〃On thee; O Lord; have I set my trust: let me not be confounded for ever; neither let mine enemies triumph over me; that hold by thy right hand。  But stand thou by me at this hour; and according to thy will make straight my path; that thy glorious and dreadful name may be glorified in me thy servant; because thou art blessed for ever。  Amen。〃

Now when he had prayed in tears for many hours; and often bent the knee; he sunk down upon the pavement。  After he had slumbered awhile; he saw himself carried off by certain dread men; and passing through places which he had never heretofore beheld。  He stood in a mighty plain; all a…bloom with fresh and fragrant flowers; where he descried all manner of plants of divers colours; charged with strange and marvellous fruits; pleasant to the eye and inviting to the touch。  The leaves of the trees rustled clearly in a gentle breeze; and; as they shook; sent forth a gracious perfume that cloyed not the sense。  Thrones were set there; fashioned of the purest gold and costly stones; throwing out never so bright a lustre; and radiant settles among wondrous couches too beautiful to be described。  And beside them there were running waters exceeding clear; and delightful to the eye。  When these dread men had led him through this great and wondrous plain; they brought him to a city that glistered with light unspeakable; whose walls were of dazzling gold; with high uprear'd parapets; built of gems such as man hath never seen。  Ah!  who could describe the beauty and brightness of that city? Light; ever shooting from above; filled all her streets with bright rays; and winged squadrons; each of them itself a light; dwelt in this city; making such melody as mortal ear ne'er heard。 And Ioasaph heard a voice crying; 〃This is the rest of the righteous: this the gladness of them that have pleased the Lord。〃 When these dread men had carried him out from thence; they spake of taking him back to earth。  But he; that had lost his heart to that scene of joyaunce and heartsease; exclaimed; 〃Reave me not; reave me not; I pray you; of this unspeakable joy; but grant me also to dwell in one corner of this mighty city。〃  But they said; 〃It is impossible for thee to be there now; but; with much toil and sweat; thou shalt come hither; if thou constrain thyself。〃

Thus spake they; and again they crossed that mighty plain; and bare him to regions of darkness and utter woe; where sorrow matched the brightness which he had seen above。  There was darkness without a ray of light; and utter gloom; and the whole place was full of tribulation and trouble。  There blazed a glowing furnace of fire; and there crept the worm of torment。 Revengeful powers were set over the furnace; and there were some that were burning piteously in the fire; and a voice was heard; saying; 〃This is the place of sinners; this the punishment for them that have defiled themselves by foul practices。〃  Hereupon Ioasaph was carried thence by his guides; and; when he came to himself; immediately he trembled from head to foot; and; like a river; his eyes dropped tears; and all the comeliness of that wanton damsel and her fellows was grown more loathsome to him than filth and rottenness。  And as he mused in his heart on the memory of the visions; in longing for the good and in terror of the evil; he lay on his bed utterly unable to arise。

Then was the king informed of his son's sickness; and he came and asked what ailed him。  And Ioasaph told him his vision; and said; 〃Wherefore hast thou laid a net for my feet; and bowed down my soul?  If the Lord had not helped me; my soul had well nigh dwelt in hell。  But how loving is God unto Israel; even unto such as are of a true heart!  He hath delivered me that am lowly from the midst of the dogs。  For I was sore troubled and I fell on sleep: but God my Saviour from on high hath visited me; and showed me what joy they lose that provoke him and to what punishments they subject themselves。  And now; O my father; since thou hast stopped thine ears not to hear the voice that will charm thee to good; at least forbid me not to walk the straight road。  For this I desire; this I long for; to forsake all; and reach that place; where Barlaam the servant of Christ hath his dwelling; and with him to finish what remaineth of my life。  But if thou keep me back by force; thou shalt quickly see me die of grief and despair; and thou shalt be no more called father; nor have me to thy son。〃


Again therefore the king was seized with despondency; and again he was like to abjure his whole way of life; and with strange thoughts he went again unto his own palace。  But the evil spirits; that had been sent out by Theudas for to attack the young saint; returned to him; and; lovers of leasing though they were; confessed their shameful defeat; for they bare visible tokens of their defeat; upon their evil countenance。  Said Theudas; 〃And be ye so weak and puny that ye cannot get the better of one young stripling?〃  Then did the evil spirits; constrained; to their sorrow; by the might of God; bring to light the truth; saying; 〃We cannot abide even the sight of the might of Christ; and the symbol of his Passion; which they call the Cross。  For; when that sign is made; immediately all we; the princes of the air; and the rulers of the darkness of the world; are utterly routed and discomfited; even before the sign is completed。  When we first fell upon this youth; we vexed him sore; but when he called on Christ for help; and armed him with the sign of the Cross; he routed us in angry wise; and stablished himself in safety。  So incontinent we found a weapon; wherewith our chief did once confront the first…made man and prevailed against him。  And verily we should have made this young man's hope vain; but again Christ was called on for help; and he consumed us in the fire of his wrath from above; and put us to flight。  We have determined to approach the prince no more。〃 Thus; then; did the evil spirits plainly make known unto Theudas all that was come to pass。

But the king; perplexed on every side; again summoned Theudas; and said; 〃Most wisest of men; all that seemed good to thee have we fulfilled; but have found no help therein。  But now; if thou hast any device left; we will make trial thereof。  Peradventure I shall find some escape from this evil。〃

Then did Theudas ask for a meeting with his son; and on the morrow the king took him and went forth to visit the prince。  The king sat down and provoked debate; upbraiding and chiding him for his disobedience and stubbornness of mind。  When Ioasaph again maintained his ease; and loudly declared
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