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barlaam and ioasaph-第48章

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; immediately grew merry and joyful; hoping that the unbridled and boastful tongue would get the mastery of that divinely instructed and philosophic soul。 〃And what is the plan?〃 he asked。  Then began Theudas to weave his web。  He made his villainy sharp as any razor and did cunningly prepare his drugs。  Now behold this malicious device and suggestion of the evil one。 〃Remove; O king;〃 said he; 〃all thy son's waiting men and servants far from him; and order that comely damsels; of exceeding beauty; and bedizened to be the more winsome; be continually with him and minister to him; and be his companions day and night。  For myself; I will send him one of the spirits told off for such duties; and I will thus kindle all the more fiercely the coals of sensual desire。  After that he hath once only had intercourse with but one of these women; if all go not as thou wilt; then disdain me for ever; as unprofitable; and worthy not of honour but of dire punishment。  For there is nothing like the sight of women to allure and enchant the minds of men。  Listen to a story that beareth witness to my word。〃


〃A certain king was grieved and exceeding sad at heart; because that he had no male issue; deeming this no small misfortune。 While he was in this condition; there was born to him a son; and the king's soul was filled with joy thereat。  Then they that were learned amongst his physicians told him that; if for the first twelve years the boy saw the sun or fire; he should entirely lose his sight; for this was proved by the condition of his eyes。 Hearing this; the king; they say; caused a little house; full of dark chambers; to be hewn out of the rock; and therein enclosed his child together with the men that nursed him; and; until the twelve years were past; never suffered him to see the least ray of light。  After the fulfilment of the twelve years; the king brought forth from his little house his son that had never seen a single object; and ordered his waiting men to show the boy everything after his kind; men in one place; women in another; elsewhere gold and silver; in another place; pearls and precious stones; fine and ornamental vestments; splendid chariots with horses from the royal stables; with golden bridles and purple caparisons; mounted by armed soldiers; also droves of oxen and flocks of sheep。  In brief; row after row; they showed the boy everything。  Now; as he asked what each ox these was called; the king's esquires and guards made known unto him each by name: but; when he desired to learn what women were called; the king's spearman; they say; wittily replied that they were called; 〃Devils that deceive men。〃  But the boy's heart was smitten with the love of these above all the rest。  So; when they had gone round everywhere and brought him again unto the king; the king asked; which of all these sights had pleased him most。  〃What;〃 answered the boy; 〃but the Devils that deceive men?  Nothing that I have seen to…day hath fired my heart with such love as these。〃 The king was astonished at the saying of the boy; to think how masterful a thing the love of women is。  Therefore think not to subdue thy son in any other way than this。〃

The king heard this tale gladly; and there were brought before him some chosen damsels; young and exceeding beautiful。  These he bedizened with dazzling ornaments and trained in all winsome ways: and then he turned out of the palace all his son's squires and serving men; and set these women in their stead。  These flocked around the prince; embraced him; and provoked him to filthy wantonness; by their walk and talk inviting him to dalliaunce。  Besides these; he had no man at whom to look; or with whom to converse or break his fast; for these damsels were his all。  Thus did the king。  But Theudas went home to his evil den; and; dipping into his books that had virtue to work such magic; he called up one of his wicked spirits and sent him forth; for to battle with the soldier of the army of Christ。  But the wretch little knew what laughter he should create against himself; and to what shame he should be put; with the whole devilish troop under him。  So the evil spirit; taking to him other spirits more wicked than himself; entered the bed…chamber of this noble youth; and attacked him by kindling right furiously the furnace of his flesh。  The evil one plied the bellows from within; while the damsels; fair of face; but uncomely of soul; supplied the evil fuel from without。

But Ioasaph's pure soul was disturbed to feel the touch of evil; and to see the warlike host of strange thoughts that was charging down upon him。  And he sought to find deliverance from this great mischief; and to present himself pure unto Christ; and not defile in the mire of sinful lust that holy apparel; wherein the grace of holy Baptism had clothed him。  Immediately he set love against love; the divine against the lascivious; and he called to remembrance the beauty and unspeakable glory of Christ; the immortal bridegroom of virgin souls; and of that bride chamber and marriage; from whence they that have stained their wedding… garment are piteously cast out; bound hand and foot; into outer darkness。  When he had thought thereon; and shed bitter tears; he smote upon his breast; driving out evil thoughts; as good…for… nothing drones from the hive。  When he rose; and spread out his hands unto heaven; with fervent tears and groans calling upon God to help him; and he said; 〃Lord Almighty; who alone art powerful and merciful; the hope of the hopeless; and the help of the helpless; remember me thine unprofitable servant at this hour; and look upon me with a gracious countenance; and deliver my soul from the sword of the devil; and my darling from the paw of the dog: suffer me not to fall into the hands of mine enemies; and let not them that hate me triumph over me。  Leave me not to be destroyed in iniquities; and to dishonour my body which I swore to present unto thee chaste。  For for thee I yearn; thee I worship; the Father; and the Son; and the Holy Ghost; now and for evermore; and world without end。〃  When he had added the Amen; he felt heavenly comfort stealing over him from above; and the evil thoughts withdrew; and he continued in prayer until early morn。 Being ware of the devices of the crafty foe; he began more and more to afflict his body by abstinence from meat and drink; and by other severities; standing in prayer all the night long; and reminding himself of his covenants made with God; and picturing in his mind the glory of the righteous yonder; and recounting to himself the full terrors of the Gehenna wherewith the wicked are threatened; all this; that the enemy might not find his soul lying fallow and untilled; and thus easily sow therein the seeds of evil thoughts; and befoul the cleanness of his mind。  So; when the enemy was in great straits on every side; and altogether in despair of taking this noble youth; like a cunning knave; he proceeded to another more subtil device; he that is for ever wicked; and never stinteth to contrive mischief and hurt。  For he made furious endeavour to carry out the orders that Theudas had given him; and once more prepared his drugs; and on this wise。 

The devil entered into the heart 
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