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barlaam and ioasaph-第44章

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us; son of Lakedaemon; and thus perished。  Now if Asklepius; though a god; when struck by a thunder…bolt; could not help himself; how can he help others?

〃Ares is represented as a warlike god; emulous; and covetous of sheep and other things。  But in the end they say he was taken in adultery with Aphrodite by the child Eros and Hephaestus and was bound by them。  How then can the covetous; the warrior; the bondman and adulterer be a god?

〃Dionysus they show as a god; who leadeth nightly orgies; and teacheth drunkenness; and carrieth off his neighbours' wives; a madman and an exile; finally slain by the Titans。  If then Dionysus was slain and unable to help himself; nay; further was a madman; a drunkard; and vagabond; how could he be a god?

〃Herakles; too; is represented as drunken and mad; as slaying his own children; then consuming with fire and thus dying。  How then could a drunkard and slayer of his own children; burnt to death by fire; be a god?  Or how can he help others who could not help himself?

〃Apollo they represent as an emulous god; holding bow and quiver; and; at times; harp and flute; and prophesying to men for pay。 Soothly he is needy: but one that is needy and emulous and a minstrel cannot be a god。

〃Artemis; his sister; they represent as an huntress; with bow and quiver; ranging the mountains alone; with her hounds; in chase of stag or boar。  How can such an one; that is an huntress and a ranger with hounds; be a goddess?

〃Of Aphrodite; adulteress though she be; they say that she is herself a goddess。  Once she had for leman Ares; once Anchises; once Adonis; whose death she lamenteth; seeking her lost lover。 They say that she even descended into Hades to ransom Adonis from Persephone。  Didst thou; O king; ever see madness greater than this?  They represent this weeping and wailing adulteress as a goddess。

〃Adonis they show as an hunter…god; violently killed by a boar… tusk; and unable to help his own distress。  How then shall he take thought for mankind; he the adulterer; the hunter who died a violent death?

〃All such tales; and many like them; and many wicked tales more shameful still; have the Greeks introduced; O king; concerning their gods; tales; whereof it is unlawful to speak; or even to have them in remembrance。  Hence men; taking occasion from their gods; wrought all lawlessness; lasciviousness and ungodliness; polluting earth and air with their horrible deeds。

〃But the Egyptians; more fatuous and foolish than they; have erred worse than any other nation。  They were not satisfied with the idols worshipped by the Chaldeans and Greeks; but further introduced as gods brute beasts of land and water; and herbs and trees; and were defiled in all madness and lasciviousness worse than all people upon earth。  From the beginning they worshipped Isis; which had for her brother and husband that Osiris which was slain by his brother Typhon。  And for this reason Isis fled with Horus her son to Byblos in Syria; seeking Osiris and bitterly wailing; until Horus was grown up and killed Typhon。  Isis then was not able to help her own brother and husband; nor had Osiris; who was slain by Typhon; power to succour himself; nor had Typhon; who killed his brother and was himself destroyed by Horus and Isis; any resource to save himself from death。  And yet; although famous for all these misadventures; these be they that were considered gods by the senseless Egyptians。

〃The same people; not content therewith; nor with the rest of the idols of the heathen; also introduced brute beasts as gods。 Some of them worshipped the sheep; some the goat; and others the calf and the hog; while certain of them worshipped the raven; the kite; the vulture; and the eagle。  Others again worshipped the crocodile; and some the cat and dog; the wolf and ape; the dragon

and serpent; and others the onion; garlic and thorns; and every other creature。  And the poor fools do not perceive; concerning these things; that they have no power at all。  Though they see their gods being devoured; burnt and killed by other men; and rotting away; they cannot grasp the fact that they are no gods。

〃Great; then; is the error that the Egyptians; the Chaldeans; and the Greeks have erred in introducing such gods as these; and making images thereof; and deifying dumb and senseless idols。  I marvel how; when they behold their gods being sawn and chiselled by workmen's axes; growing old and dissolving through lapse of time; and molten in the pot; they never reflected concerning them that they are no gods。  For when these skill not to work their own salvation; how can they take care of mankind?  Nay; even the poets and philosophers among the Chaldeans; Greeks and Egyptians; although by their poems and histories they desired to glorify their people's gods; yet they rather revealed and exposed their shame before all men。  If the body of a man; consisting of many parts; loseth not any of its proper members; but; having an unbroken union with all its members; is in harmony with itself; how in the nature of God shall there be such warfare and discord? For if the nature of the gods were one; then ought not one god to persecute; slay or injure another。  But if the gods were persecuted by other gods; and slain and plundered and killed with thunder…stones; then is their nature no longer one; but their wills are divided; and are all mischievous; so that not one among them is God。  So it is manifest; O king; that all this history of the nature of the gods is error。

〃Furthermore; how do the wise and eloquent among the Greeks fail to perceive that law…givers themselves are judged by their own laws?  For if their laws are just; then are their gods assuredly unjust; in that they have offended against law by murders; sorceries; adulteries; thefts and unnatural crimes。  But; if they did well in so doing; then are their laws unjust; seeing that they have been framed in condemnation of the gods。  But now the laws are good and just; because they encourage good and forbid evil; whereas the deeds of their gods offend against law。  Their gods then are offenders against law; and all that introduce such gods as these are worthy of death and are ungodly。  If the stories of the gods be myths; then are the gods mere words: but if the stories be natural; then are they that wrought or endured such things no longer gods: if the stories be allegorical; then are the gods myths and nothing else。  Therefore it hath been proven; O king; that all these idols; belonging to many gods; are works of error and destruction。  So it is not meet to call those gods that are seen; but cannot see: but it is right to worship as God him who is unseen and is the Maker of all mankind。

〃Come we now; O king; to the Jews; that we may see what they also think concerning God。  The Jews are the descendants of Abraham; Isaac and Jacob; and went once to sojourn in Egypt。  From thence God brought them out with a mighty hand and stretched out arm by Moses their lawgiver; and with many miracles and signs made he known unto them his power。  But; like the rest; these proved ungrateful and unprofitable; and often worshipped images of the heathen; and killed the prophets and righteous men that were sent 
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