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barlaam and ioasaph-第4章

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ad there ever been seen so charming and lovely a babe。  Full of the keenest joy at the birth of the child; the king called him Ioasaph; and in his folly went in person to the temples of his idols; for to do sacrifice and offer hymns of praise to his still more foolish gods; unaware of the real giver of all good things; to whom he should have offered the spiritual sacrifice。  He then; ascribing the cause Of his son's birth to things lifeless and dumb; sent out into all quarters to gather the people together to celebrate his son's birth…day: and thou mightest have seen all the folk running together for fear of the king; and bringing their offerings ready for the sacrifice; according to the store at each man's hand; and his favour toward his lord。  But chiefly the king stirred them up to emulation。  He brought full many oxen; of goodly size; for sacrifice; and thus; making a feast for all his people; he bestowed largesses on all his counsellors and officers; and on all his soldiers; and all the poor; and men of low degree。


Now on his son's birth…day feast there came unto the king some five and fifty chosen men; schooled in the star…lore of the Chaldaeans。  These the king called into his presence; and asked them; severally; to tell him the future of the new…born babe。 After long counsel held; they said that he should be mighty in riches and power; and should surpass all that had reigned before him。  But one of the astrologers; the most learned of all his fellows; spake thus: 〃From that which I learn from the courses of the stars; O king; the advancement of the child; now born unto thee; will not be in thy kingdom; but in another; a better and a greater one beyond compare。  Methinketh also that he will embrace the Christian religion; which thou persecutest; and I trow that he will not be disappointed of his aim and hope。〃  Thus spake the astrologer; like Balaam of old; not that his star…lore told him true; but because God signifieth the truth by the mouth of his enemies; that all excuse may be taken from the ungodly。

But when the king heard thereof; he received the tidings with a heavy heart; and sorrow cut short his joy。  Howsoever he built; in a city set apart; an exceeding beautiful palace; with cunningly devised gorgeous chambers; and there set his son to dwell; after he had ended his first infancy; and he forbade any to approach him; appointing; for instructors and servants; youths right seemly to behold。  These he charged to reveal to him none of the annoys of life; neither death; nor old age; nor disease; nor poverty; nor anything else grievous that might break his happiness: but to place before him everything pleasant and enjoyable; that his heart; revelling in these delights; might not gain strength to consider the future; nor ever hear the bare mention of the tale of Christ and his doctrines。  For he was heedful of the astrologer's warning; and it was this most that he was minded to conceal from his son。  And if any of the attendants chanced to fall sick; he commanded to have him speedily removed; and put another plump and well…favoured servant in his place; that the boy's eyes might never once behold anything to disquiet them。  Such then was the intent and doing of the king; for; 'seeing; he did not see; and hearing; he did not understand。'

But; learning that some monks still remained; of whom he fondly imagined that not a trace was left; he became angry above measure; and his fury was hotly kindled against them。  And he commanded heralds to scour all the city and all the country; proclaiming that after three days no monk whatsoever should be found therein。  But and if any were discovered after the set time; they should be delivered to destruction by fire and sword。 〃For;〃 said he; 〃these be they that persuade the people to worship the Crucified as God。〃  Meanwhile a thing befell; that made the king still more angry and bitter against the monks。


There was at court a man pre…eminent among the rulers; of virtuous life and devout in religion。  But while working out his own salvation; as best he might; he kept it secret for fear of the king。  Wherefore certain men; looking enviously on his free converse with the king; studied how they might slander him; and this was all their thought。  On a day; when the king went forth a…hunting with his bodyguard; as was his wont; this good man was of the hunting party。  While he was walking alone; by divine providence; as I believe; he found a man in a covert; cast to the ground; his foot grievously crushed by a wild…beast。  Seeing him passing by; the wounded man importuned him not to go his way; but to pity his misfortune; and take him to his own home; adding thereto: 〃I hope that I shall not be found unprofitable; nor altogether useless unto thee。〃  Our nobleman said unto him; 〃For very charity I will take thee up; and render thee such service as I may。  But what is this profit which thou saidest that I should

receive of thee?〃  The poor sick man answered;〃I am a physician of words。  If ever in speech or converse any wound or damage be found; I will heal it with befitting medicines; that so the evil spread no further。〃  The devout man gave no heed to his word; but on account of the commandment; ordered him to be carried home; and grudged him not that tending which he required。  But the aforesaid envious and malignant persons; bringing forth to light that ungodliness with which they had long been in travail; slandered this good man to the king; that not only did he forget his friendship with the king; and neglect the worship of the gods; and incline to Christianity; but more; that he was grievously intriguing against the kingly power; and was turning aside the common people; and stealing all hearts for himself。 〃But;〃 said they; 〃if thou wilt prove that our charge is not ungrounded; call him to thee privately; and; to try him; say that thou desirest to leave thy fathers' religion; and the glory of thy kingship; and to become a Christian; and to put on the monkish habit which formerly thou didst persecute; having; thou shalt tell him; found thine old course evil。〃  The authors of this villainous charge against the Christian knew the tenderness of his heart; how that; if he heard such speech from the king; he would advise him; who had made this better choice; not to put off his good determinations; and so they would be found just accusers。

But the king; not forgetful of his friend's great kindness toward him; thought these accusations incredible and false; and because he might not accept them without proof; he resolved to try the fact and the charge。 So he called the man apart and said; to prove him; 〃Friend; thou knowest of all my past dealings with them that are called monks and with all the Christians。  But now; I have repented in this matter; and; lightly esteeming the present world; would fain become partaker of those hopes whereof I have heard them speak; of some immortal kingdom in the life to come; for the present is of a surety cut short by death。  And in none other way; methinks; can I succeed herein and not miss the mark except I become a Christian; and; bidding farewell to the glory of my kingdom and all the pleasures and joys of life; go seek t
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