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barlaam and ioasaph-第33章

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ary death; finally; of our recovery and recall; our return to our first good estate; after this; of the kingdom of heaven awaiting such as are worthy thereof; of the torment in store for the wicked; the fire that is not quenched; the never ending darkness; the undying worm; and all the other tortures which the slaves of sin have laid up in store for themselves。  When he had fully related these matters; he ended his speech with moral instruction; and dwelt much upon purity of life; and utterly condemned the vanity of things present; and proved the utter misery of such as cleave thereto; and finally made an end with prayer。  And therewith he prayed for the prince; that he might hold fast the profession of the Catholick Faith without turning and without wavering; and keep his life blameless and his conversation pure; and so ending with prayer again withdrew to his hospice。

But the king's son called Zardan forth; and; to try his disposition; said unto him; 〃Thou hast heard what sort of discourses this babbler maketh me; endeavouring to be…jape me with his specious follies; and rob me of this pleasing happiness and enjoyment; to worship a strange God。〃 Zardan answered; 〃Why hath it pleased thee; O prince; to prove me that am thy servant? I wot that the words of that man have sunk deep into thine heart; for; otherwise; thou hadst not listened gladly and unceasingly to his words。  Yea; and we also are not ignorant of this preaching。 But from the time when thy father stirred up truceless warfare against the Christians; the men have been banished hence; and their teaching is silenced。  But if now their doctrine commend itself unto thee; and if thou have the strength to accept its austerity; may thy wishes be guided straight toward the good!  But for myself; what shall I do; that am unable to bear the very sight of such austerity; and through fear of the King am divided in soul with pain and anguish?  What excuse shall I make; for neglecting his orders; and giving this fellow access unto thee?〃

The King's son said unto him; 〃I knew full well that in none other wise could I requite thee worthily for thy much kindness; and therefore have I tasked myself to make known unto thee this more than human good; which doth even exceed the worth of thy good service; that thou mightest know to what end thou wast born; and acknowledge thy Creator; and; leaving darkness; run to the light。  And I hoped that when thou heardest thereof thou wouldst follow it with irresistible desire。  But; as I perceive; I am disappointed of my hope; seeing that thou art listless to that which hath been spoken。  But if thou reveal these secrets to the king my father; thou shalt but distress his mind with sorrows and griefs。  If thou be well disposed to him; on no account reveal this matter to him until a convenient season。〃  Speaking thus; he seemed to be only casting seed upon the water; for wisdom shall not enter into a soul void of understanding。

Upon the morrow came Barlaam and spake of his departure: but Ioasaph; unable to bear the separation; was distressed at heart; and his eyes filled with tears。  The elder made a long discourse; and adjured him to continue unshaken in good works; and with words of exhortation established his heart; and begged him to send him cheerfully on his way; and at the same time he foretold that they should shortly be at one; never to be parted more。  But Ioasaph; unable to impose fresh labours on the elder; and to restrain his desire to be on his way; and suspecting moreover that the man Zardan might make known his case to the King and subject him to punishment; said unto Barlaam; 〃Since it seemeth thee good; my spiritual father; best of teachers and minister of all good to me; to leave me to live in the vanity of the world; while thou journeyest to thy place of spiritual rest; I dare no longer let and hinder thee。  Depart therefore; with the peace of God for thy guardian; and ever in thy worthy prayers; for the Lord's sake; think upon my misery; that I may be enabled to overtake thee; and behold thine honoured face for ever。  But fulfil this my one request; since thou couldest not receive aught for thy fellow monks; yet for thyself accept a little money for sustenance; and a cloak to cover thee。〃  But Barlaam answered and said unto him; 〃Seeing that I would not receive aught for my brethren (for they need not grasp at the world's chattels which they have chosen to forsake); how shall I acquire for myself that which I have denied them?  If the possession of money were a good thing; I should have let them share it before me。  But; as I understand that the possession thereof is deadly; I will hazard neither them nor myself in such snares。〃

But when Ioasaph had failed once again to persuade Barlaam; ‘twas but a sign for a second petition; and he made yet another request; that Barlaam should not altogether overlook his prayer; nor plunge him in utter despair; but should leave him that stiff shirt and rough mantle; both to remind him of his teacher's austerities and to safe…guard him from all the workings of Satan; and should take from him another cloak instead; in order that 〃When thou seest my gift;〃 said he; 〃thou mayest bear my lowliness in remembrance。〃

But the elder said; 〃It is not lawful for me to give thee my old and worn out vestment; and take one that is new; lest I be condemned to receive here the recompense of my slight labour。 But; not to thwart thy willing mind; let the garments given me by thee be old ones; nothing different from mine own。〃  So the king's son sought for old shirts of hair; which he gave the aged man; rejoicing to receive his in exchange; deeming them beyond compare more precious than any regal purple。

Now saintly Barlaam; all but ready for to start; spake concerning his journey; and delivered Ioasaph his last lesson; saying; 〃Brother beloved; and dearest son; whom I have begotten through the Gospel; thou knowest of what King thou art the soldier; and with whom thou hast made thy covenant。  This thou must keep steadfastly; and readily perform the duties of thy service; even as thou didst promise the Lord of all in the script of thy covenant; with the whole heavenly host present to attest it; and record the terms; which if thou keep; thou shalt be blessed。 Esteem therefore nought in the present world above God and his blessings。  For what terror of this life can be so terrible as the Gehenna of eternal fire; that burneth and yet hath no light; that punisheth and never ceaseth?  And which of the goodly things of this world can give such gladness as that which the great God giveth to those that love him?  Whose beauty is unspeakable; and power invincible; and glory everlasting; whose good things; prepared for his friends; exceed beyond comparison all that is seen; which eye hath not seen; nor ear heard; neither have entered into the heart of man: whereof mayest thou be shown an inheritor; preserved by the mighty hand of God!〃

Here the king's son burst into tears of pain and vexation; unable to bear the parting from a loving father and excellent teacher。 〃And who;〃 quoth he; 〃shall fill thy place; O my father?  And whom like unto thee shall I find to be shepherd and guide of my soul's salvation?  Wh
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