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barlaam and ioasaph-第30章

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。  And do thou receive these things without question; never seeking to know the manner; how the Son of God emptied himself; and was made man of the blood of the Virgin; without seed and without defilement; or what is this meeting in one person of two natures。  For by faith we are taught to hold fast those things that have been divinely taught us out of Holy Scripture; but of the manner we are ignorant; and cannot declare it。

〃Believe thou that the Son of God; who; of his tender mercy was made man; took upon him all the affections that are natural to man; and are blameless (he hungered and thirsted and slept and was weary and endured agony in his human nature; and for our transgressions was led to death; was crucified and was buried; and tasted of death; his Godhead continuing without suffering and without change; for we attach no sufferings whatsoever to that nature which is free from suffering; but we recognize him as suffering and buried in that nature which he assumed; and in his heavenly glory rising again from the dead; and in immortality ascending into heaven); and believe that he shall come again; with glory; to judge quick and dead; and by the words which himself knoweth; of that diviner body; and to reward every man by his own just standards。  For the dead shall rise again; and they that are in their graves shall awake: and they that have kept the commandments of Christ; and have departed this life in the true faith shall inherit eternal life; and they; that have died in their sins; and have turned aside from the right faith; shall go away into eternal punishment。  Believe not that there is any true being or kingdom of evil; nor suppose that it is without beginning; or self…originate; or born of God: out on such an absurdity!  but believe rather that it is ‘the work of us and the devil; come upon us through our heedlessness; because we were endowed with free…will; and we make our choice; of deliberate purpose; whether it be good or evil。  Beside this; acknowledge one Baptism; by water and the Spirit; for the remission of sins。

〃Receive also the Communion of the spotless Mysteries of Christ; believing in truth that they are the Body and Blood of Christ our God; which he hath given unto the faithful for the remission of sins。  For in the same night in which he was betrayed he ordained a new testament with his holy disciples and Apostles; and through them for all that should believe on him; saying; ‘Take; eat: this is my Body; which is broken for you; for the remission of sins。' After the same manner also he took the cup; and gave unto them saying; ‘Drink ye all of this: this is my Blood; of the new testament; which is shed for you for the remission of sins: this do in remembrance of me。'  He then; the Word of God; being quick and powerful; and; working all things by his might; maketh and transformeth; through his divine operation; the bread and wine of the oblation into his own Body and Blood; by the visitation of the Holy Ghost; for the sanctification and enlightenment of them that with desire partake thereof。

〃Faithfully worship; with honour and reverence; the venerable likeness of the features of the Lord; the Word of God; who for our sake was made man; thinking to behold in the Image thy Creator himself。  ‘For the honour of the Image; saith one of the Saints; passeth over to the original。'  The original is the thing imaged; and from it cometh the derivation。  For when we see the drawing in the Image; in our mind's eye we pass over to the true form of which it is an Image; and devoutly worship the form of him who for our sake was made flesh; not making a god of it; but saluting it as an image of God made flesh; with desire and love of him who for us men emptied himself; and even took the form of a servant。  Likewise also for this reason we salute the pictures of his undefiled Mother; and of all the Saints。  In the same spirit also faithfully worship and salute the emblem of the life… giving and venerable Cross; for the sake of him that hung thereon in the flesh; for the salvation of our race; Christ the God and Saviour of the world; who gave it to us as the sign of victory over the devil; for the devil trembleth and quaketh at the virtue thereof; and endureth not to behold it。  In such doctrines and in such faith shalt thou be baptized; keeping thy faith unwavering and pure of all heresy until thy latest breath。  But all teaching and every speech of doctrine contrary to this blameless faith abhor; and consider it an alienation from God。  For; as saith the Apostle; ‘Though we; or an angel from heaven; preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you; let him be accursed。'  For there is none other Gospel or none other Faith than that which hath been preached by the Apostles; and established by the inspired Fathers at divers Councils; and delivered to the Catholick Church。〃

When Barlaam had thus spoken; and taught the king's son the Creed which was set forth at the Council of Nicaea; he baptized him in the name of the Father; and of the Son; and of the Holy Ghost; in the pool of water which was in his garden。  And there came upon him the grace of the Holy Spirit。  Then did Barlaam come back to his chamber; and offer the holy Mysteries of the unbloody  Sacrifice; and communicate him with the undefiled Mysteries of Christ: and Ioasaph rejoiced in spirit; giving thanks to Christ his God。

Then said Barlaam unto him; 〃Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten thee again unto a lively hope; to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled; that fadeth not away; reserved in heaven in Christ Jesus our Lord by the Holy Ghost; for to…day thou hast been made free from sin; and hast become the servant of God; and hast received the earnest of everlasting life: thou hast left darkness and put on light; being enrolled in the glorious liberty of the children of God。  For he saith; ‘As many as received him; to them gave he power to become the sons of God; even to them that believe on his name。'  Wherefore thou art no more a servant; but a son and an heir of God through Jesus Christ in the Holy Ghost。 Wherefore; beloved; give diligence that thou mayest be found of him without spot and blameless; working that which is good upon the foundation of faith: for faith without works is dead; as also are works without faith; even as I remember to have told thee afore。  Put off therefore now all malice; and hate all the works of the old man; which are corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and; as new…born babe; desire to drink the reasonable and sincere milk of the virtues; that thou mayest grow thereby; and attain unto the knowledge of the commandments of the Son of God; unto a perfect man; unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: that thou mayest henceforth be no more a child in mind; tossed to and fro; and carried about on the wild and raging waves of thy passions: or rather in malice be a child; but have thy mind settled and made steadfast toward that which is good; and walk worthy of the vocation wherewith thou wast called; in the keeping of the commandments of the Lord; casting off and putting far from thee the vanity of t
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