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barlaam and ioasaph-第3章

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my mind to overcome the law of sin; and opened mine eyes to discern good from evil。  Thereupon I perceived and looked; and behold! all things present are vanity and vexation of spirit; as somewhere in his writings saith Solomon the wise。  Then was the veil of sin lifted from mine heart; and the dullness; proceeding from the grossness of my body; which pressed upon my soul; was scattered; and I perceived the end for which I was created; and how that it behoved me to move upward to my Creator by the keeping of his Commandments。  Wherefore I left all and followed him; and I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord that he delivered me out of the mire; and from the making of bricks; and from the harsh and deadly ruler of the darkness of this world; and that he showed me the short and easy road whereby I shall be able; in this earthen body; eagerly to embrace the Angelic life。 Seeking to attain to it the sooner; I chose to walk the strait and narrow way; renouncing the vanity of things present and the unstable changes and chances thereof; and refusing to call anything good except the true good; from which thou; O king; art miserably sundered and alienated。  Wherefore also we ourselves were alienated and separated from thee; because thou wert falling into plain and manifest destruction; and wouldst constrain us also to descend into like peril。  But as long as we were tried in the warfare of this world; we failed in no point of duty。  Thou thyself will bear me witness that we were never charged with sloth or heedlessness。

〃But when thou hast endeavoured to rob us of the chiefest of all blessings; our religion; and to deprive us of God; the worst of deprivations; and; in this intent; dost remind us of past honours and preferments; how should I not rightly tax thee with ignorance of good; seeing that thou dost at all compare these two things; righteousness toward God; and human friendship; and glory; that runneth away like water?  And how; in such ease; may we have fellowship with thee; and not the rather deny ourselves friendship and honours and love of children; and if there be any other tie greater than these?  When we see thee; O king; the rather forgetting thy reverence toward that God; who giveth thee the power to live and breathe; Christ Jesus; the Lord of all; who; being alike without beginning; and coeternal with the Father; and having created the heavens and the earth by his word; made man with his own hands and endowed him with immortality; and set him king of all on earth and assigned him Paradise; the fairest place of all; as his royal dwelling。  But man; beguiled by envy; and (wo is me!) caught by the bait of pleasure; miserably fell from all these blessings。  So he that once was enviable became a piteous spectacle; and by his misfortune deserving of tears。  Wherefore he; that had made and fashioned us; looked again with eyes of compassion upon the work of his own hands。  He; not laying aside his God…head; which he had from the beginning; was made man for our sakes; like ourselves; but without sin; and was content to suffer death upon the Cross。  He overthrew the foeman that from the beginning had looked with malice on our race; he rescued us from that bitter captivity; he; of his goodness; restored to us our former freedom; and; of his tender love towards mankind; raised us up again to that place from whence by our disobedience we had fallen; granting us even greater honour than at the first。

〃Him therefore; who endured such sufferings for our sakes; and again bestowed such blessings upon us; him dost thou reject and scoff at his Cross?  And; thyself wholly riveted to carnal delights and deadly passions; dost thou proclaim the idols of shame and dishonour gods?  Not only hast thou alienated thyself from the commonwealth of heavenly felicity but thou hast also severed from the same all others who obey thy commands; to the peril of their souls。  Know therefore that I will not obey thee; nor join thee in such ingratitude to God…ward; neither will I deny my benefactor and Saviour; though thou slay me by wild beasts; or give me to the fire and sword; as thou hast the power。 For I neither fear death; nor desire the present world; having passed judgement on the frailty and vanity thereof。  For what is there profitable; abiding or stable therein?  Nay; in very existence; great is the misery; great the pain; great and ceaseless the attendant care。  Of its gladness and enjoyment the yoke…fellows are dejection and pain。  Its riches is poverty; its loftiness die lowest humiliation; and who shall tell the full tale of its miseries; which Saint John the Divine hath shown me in few words?  For he saith; ‘The whole world lieth in wickedness'; and; ‘Love not the world; neither the things that are in the world。  For all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh; and the lust of the eyes; and the pride of life。  And the world passeth away; and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever。'  Seeking; then; this good will of God; I have forsaken everything; and joined myself to those who possess the same desire; and seek after the same God。  Amongst these there is no strife or envy; sorrow or care; but all run the like race that they may obtain those everlasting habitations which the Father of lights hath prepared for them that love him。  Them have I gained for my fathers; my brothers; my friends and mine acquaintances。  But from my former friends and brethren ‘I have got me away far off; and lodged in the wilderness' waiting for the God; who saveth me from faintness of spirit; and from the stormy tempest。〃

When the man of God had made answer thus gently and in good reason; the king was stirred by anger; and was minded cruelly to torment the saint; but again he hesitated and delayed; regarding his venerable and noble mien。  So he answered and said:

〃Unhappy man; that hast contrived thine own utter ruin; driven thereto; I ween; by fate; surely thou hast made thy tongue as sharp as thy wits。  Hence thou hast uttered these vain and ambiguous babblings。  Had I not promised; at the beginning of our converse; to banish Anger from mid court; I had now given thy body to be burned。  But since thou hast prevented and tied me down fast by my words; I bear with thine effrontery; by reason of my former friendship with thee。  Now; arise; and flee for ever from my sight; lest I see thee again and miserably destroy thee。〃

So the man of God went out and withdrew to the desert; grieved to have lost the crown of martyrdom; but daily a martyr in his conscience; and ‘wrestling against principalities and powers; against the rulers of the darkness of this world; against spiritual wickedness'; as saith Blessed Paul。  But after his departure; the king waxed yet more wroth; and devised a yet fiercer persecution of the monastic order; while treating with greater honour the ministers and temple…keepers of his idols。

While the king was under this terrible delusion and error; there was born unto him a son; a right goodly child; whose beauty from his very birth was prophetic of his future fortunes。  Nowhere in that land; they said; had there ever been seen so charming and lovely a babe。  Full of the keenest joy at the birth of the 
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