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barlaam and ioasaph-第29章

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Barlaam answered; 〃Nought forbiddeth thee to receive the seal of Christ。  Make thee ready now; and; the Lord working with thee; thou shalt be perfected。  But as concerning the money that thou didst promise to bestow on my companions; how shall this be; that thou; a poor man; shouldest give alms to the rich?  The rich always help the poor; not the needy the wealthy。  And the least of all my comrades is incomparably richer than thou。  But I trust in the mercies of God that thou too shalt soon be passing rich as never afore: and then thou wilt not be ready to distribute。〃

Ioasaph said unto him; 〃Make plain to me this saying; how the least of all thy companions surpasseth me in riches  thou saidest but now that they lived in utter penury; and were pinched by extreme poverty and why thou callest me a poor man; but sayest that; when I shall be passing rich; I; who am ready to distribute; shall be ready to distribute no more。〃

Barlaam answered; 〃I said not that these men were pinched by poverty; but that they plume themselves on their inexhaustible wealth。  For to be ever adding money to money; and never to curb the passion for it; but insatiably to covet more and more; betokeneth the extreme of poverty。  But those who despise the present for love of the eternal and count it but dung; if only they win Christ; who have laid aside all care for meat and raiment and cast that care on the Lord; and rejoice in penury as no lover of the world could rejoice; were he rolling in riches; who have laid up for themselves plenteously the riches of virtue; and are fed by the hope of good things without end; may more fitly be termed rich than thou; or any other earthly kingdom。 But; God working with thee; thou shalt lay hold on such spiritual abundance that; if thou keep it in safety and ever rightfully desire more; thou shalt never wish to dispend any part of it。 This is true abundance: but the mass of material riches will damage rather than benefit its friends。  Meetly therefore called I it the extreme of poverty; which the lovers of heavenly blessings utterly renounce and eschew; and flee from it; as a man fleeth from an adder。  But if I take from thee and so bring back to life that foe; whom my comrades in discipline and battle have slain and trampled under foot; and carry him back to them; and so be the occasion of wars and lusts; then shall I verily be unto them an evil angel; which heaven forfend!

〃Let the same; I pray thee; be thy thoughts about raiment。  As for them that have put off the corruption of the old man; and; as far as possible; cast away the robe of disobedience; and put on Christ as a coat of salvation and garment of gladness; how shall I again clothe these in their coats of hide; and gird them about with the covering of shame?  But be assured that my companions have no need of such things; but are content with their hard life in the desert; and reckon it the truest luxury; and bestow thou on the poor the money and garments which thou promisedst to give unto our monks; and lay up for thyself; for the time to come; treasure that cannot be stolen; and by the orisons of these poor folk make God thine ally; for thus shalt thou employ thy riches as an help toward noble things。  Then also put on the whole armour of the Spirit; having thy loins girt about with truth; and having on the breast…plate of righteousness; and wearing the helmet of salvation; and having thy feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; and taking in thine hands the shield of faith; and the sword of the spirit; which is the word of God。  And; being thus excellently armed and guarded on every side; in this confidence go forth to the warfare against ungodliness; until; this put to flight; and its prince; the devil; dashed headlong to the earth; thou be adorned with the crowns of victory from the right hand of thy master; the Lord of life。〃


With such like doctrines and saving words did Barlaam instruct the king's son; and fit him for holy Baptism; charging him to fast and pray; according to custom; several days: and he ceased not to resort unto him; teaching him every article of the Catholick Faith and expounding him the holy Gospel。  Moreover he interpreted the Apostolick exhortations and the sayings of the Prophets: for; taught of God; Barlaam had alway ready on his lips the Old and New Scripture; and; being stirred by the Spirit; he enlightened his young disciple to see the true knowledge of God。 But on the day; whereon the prince should be baptized; he taught him; saying; 〃Behold thou art moved to receive the seal of Christ; and be signed with the light of the countenance of the Lord: and thou becomest a son of God; and temple of the Holy Ghost; the giver of life。  Believe thou therefore in the Father; and in the Son; and in the Holy Ghost; the holy and life…giving Trinity; glorified in three persons and one Godhead; different indeed in persons and personal properties; but united in substance; acknowledging one God unbegotten; the Father; and one begotten Lord; the Son; light of light; very God of very God; begotten before all worlds; for of the good Father is begotten the good Son; and of the unbegotten light shone forth the everlasting light; and from very life came forth the life…giving spring; and from original might shone forth the might of the Son; who is the brightness of his glory and the Word in personality; who was in the beginning with God; and God without beginning and without end; by whom all things; visible and invisible; were made: knowing also one Holy Ghost; which proceedeth from the Father; perfect; life…giving and sanctifying God; with the same will; the same power; coeternal and impersonate。  Thus therefore worship thou the Father; and the Son; and the Holy Ghost; in three persons or properties and one Godhead。  For the Godhead is common of the three; and one is their nature; one their substance; one their glory; one their kingdom; one their might; one their authority; but it is common of the Son and of the Holy Ghost that they are of the Father; and it is proper of the Father that he is unbegotten; and of the Son that he is begotten; and of the Holy Ghost that he proceedeth。

〃This therefore be thy belief; but seek not to understand the manner of the generation or procession; for it is incomprehensible。  In uprightness of heart and without question accept the truth that the Father; and the Son; and the Holy Ghost; are in all points one except in the being unbegotten; and begotten; and proceeding; and that the only begotten Son; the Word of God; and God; for our salvation came down upon earth; by the good pleasure of the Father; and; by the operation of the Holy Ghost; was conceived without seed in the womb of Mary the holy Virgin and Mother of God; by the Holy Ghost; and was born of her without defilement and was made perfect man and that he is perfect God and perfect man; being of two natures; the Godhead and the manhood; and in two natures; endowed with reason; will; activity; and free will; and in all points perfect according to the proper rule and law in either case; that is in the Godhead and the manhood; and in one united person。  And do thou receive these things without question; never seeking to know 
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