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barlaam and ioasaph-第23章

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ing to life eternal; for ye are like to journey a long road; needing much supplies from hence; and ye shall arrive at the place eternal that hath two regions; wherein are many mansions; one of which places God hath prepared for them that love him and keep his commandments; full of all manner of good things; and they that attain thereto shall live for ever in incorruption; enjoying immortality without death; where pain and sorrow and sighing are fled away。  But the other place is full of darkness and tribulation and pain; prepared for the devil and his angels; wherein also shall be cast they who by evil deeds have deserved it; who have bartered the incorruptible and eternal for the present world; and have made themselves fuel for eternal fire。'

〃When I heard this voice; and recognized the truth; I did my diligence to attain to that abode; that is free from all pain and sorrow; and full of security and all good things; whereof I have knowledge now only in part; being but a babe in my spiritual life; and seeing the sights yonder as through mirrors and riddles; but when that which is perfect is come; and I shall see face to face; then that which is in part shall be done away。 Wherefore I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord; for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and of death; and hath opened mine eyes to see clearly that the will of the flesh is death; but the will of the Spirit is life and peace。  And even as I did discern the vanity of present things and hate them with a perfect hatred; so likewise I counsel thee to decide thereon; that thou mayest treat them as something alien and quickly passing away; and mayest remove all thy store from earth and lay up for thyself in the incorruptible world a treasure that can not be stolen; wealth inexhaustible; in that place whither thou must shortly fare; that when thou comest thither thou mayest not be destitute; but be laden with riches; after the manner of that aptest of parables that I lately showed thee。〃


Said Ioasaph unto the elder; 〃How then shall I be able to send before me thither treasures of money and riches; that; when I depart hence; I may find these unharmed and unwasted for my enjoyment?  How must I show my hatred for things present and lay hold on things eternal?  This make thou right plain unto me。〃 Quoth Barlaam; 〃The sending before thee of money to that eternal home is wrought by the hands of the poor。  For thus saith one of the prophets; Daniel the wise; unto the king of Babylon; 'Wherefore; O Prince; let my counsel be acceptable unto thee; and redeem thy sins by almsgiving; and thine iniquities by showing mercy to the poor。'  The Saviour also saith; ‘Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that; when ye fail; they may receive you into everlasting habitations。'  And; in divers places; the Master maketh much mention of almsgiving and liberality to the poor; as we learn in the Gospel。  Thus shalt thou most surely send all thy treasure before thee by the hands of the needy; for whatsoever thou shalt do unto these the Master counteth done unto himself; and will reward thee manifold; for; in the recompense of benefits; he ever surpasseth them that love him。  So in this manner by seizing for awhile the treasures of the darkness of this world; in whose slavery for a long time past thou hast been miserable; thou shalt by these means make good provision for thy journey; and by plundering another's goods thou shalt store all up for thyself; with things fleeting and transient purchasing for thyself things that are stable and enduring。  Afterwards; God working with thee; thou shalt perceive the uncertainty and inconstancy of the world; and saying farewell to all; shalt remove thy barque to anchor in the future; and; passing by the things that pass away; thou shalt hold to the things that we look for; the things that abide。  Thou shalt depart from darkness and the shadow of death; and hate the world and the ruler of the world; and; counting thy perishable flesh thine enemy; thou shalt run toward the light that is unapproachable; and taking the Cross on thy shoulders; shalt follow Christ without looking back; that thou mayest also be glorified with him; and be made inheritor of the life that never changeth nor deceiveth。〃

Ioasaph said; 〃When thou spakest a minute past of despising all things; and taking up such a life of toil; was that an old tradition handed down from the teaching of the Apostles; or is this a late invention of your wits; which ye have chosen for yourselves as a more excellent way?〃

The elder answered and said; 〃I teach thee no law introduced but yesterday; God forbid!  but one given unto us of old。  For when a certain rich young man asked the Lord; ‘What shall I do to inherit eternal life?' and boasted that he had observed all that was written in the Law; Jesus said unto him; ‘One thing thou lackest yet。  Go sell all that thou hast and distribute unto the poor; and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come; take up thy cross and follow me。  But when the young man heard this he was very sorrowful; for he was very rich。  And when Jesus saw that he was very sorrowful; he said; ‘How hardly shall they which have riches enter into the kingdom of God!  For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle; than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God!'  So; when all the Saints heard this command; they thought fit by all means to withdraw from this hardness of riches。  They parted with all their goods; and by this distribution of their riches to the poor laid up for themselves eternal riches; and they took up their Cross and followed Christ; some being made perfect by martyrdom; even as I have already told thee; and some by the practice of self…denial falling not a whit short of those others in the life of the true philosophy。  Know thou; then; that this is a command of Christ our King and God; which leadeth us from things corruptible and maketh us partakers of things everlasting。〃

Said Ioasaph; 〃If; then; this kind of philosophy be so ancient and so salutary; how cometh it that so few folk now…a…days follow it?〃

The elder answered; 〃Many have followed; and do follow it; but the greatest part hesitate and draw back。  For few; saith the Lord; are the travellers along the strait and narrow way; but along the wide and broad way many。  For they that have once been taken prisoners by the love of money; and the evils that come from the love of pleasure; and are given up to idle and vain glory; are hardly to be torn therefrom; seeing that they have of their own free will sold themselves as slaves to a strange master; and setting themselves on the opposite side to God; who gave these commands; are held in bondage to that other。  For the soul that hath once rejected her own salvation; and given the reins to unreasonable lusts; is carried about hither and thither。 Therefore saith the prophet; mourning the folly that encompasseth such souls; and lamenting the thick darkness that lieth on them; 'O ye sons of men; how long will ye be of heavy heart?  Why love ye vanity; and seek after leasing?'  And in the same tone as he; but adding thereto some thing of his own; one o
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