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barlaam and ioasaph-第20章

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hing as nothing worth。 For they wept and mourned; day and night; that they might gain everlasting comfort: they humbled themselves willingly; that there they might be exalted: they afflicted the flesh with hunger and thirst and vigil; that there they might come to the pleasures and joys of Paradise。  By their purity of heart they became a tabernacle of the Holy Ghost; as it is written; ‘I will dwell in them and walk in them。'  They crucified themselves unto the world; that they might stand at the right hand of the Crucified: they girt their loins with truth; and alway had their lamps ready; looking for the coming of the immortal bridegroom。  The eye of their mind being enlightened; they continually looked forward to that awful hour; and kept the contemplation of future happiness and everlasting punishment immovable from their hearts; and pained themselves to labour; that they might not lose eternal glory。  They became passionless as the Angels; and now they weave the dance in their fellowship; whose lives also they imitated。  Blessed; yea; thrice blessed are they; because with sure spiritual vision they discerned the vanity of this present world and the uncertainty and inconstancy of mortal fortune; and cast it aside; and laid up for themselves everlasting blessings; and laid hold of that life which never faileth; nor is broken by death。

〃These then are the marvellous holy men whose examples we; that are poor and vile; strive to imitate; but cannot attain to the high level of the life of these heavenly citizens。  Nevertheless; so far as is possible for our weakness and feeble power; we take the stamp of their lives; and wear their habit: even though we fail to equal their works; for we are assured that this holy profession is a means to perfection and an aid to the incorruption given us by holy baptism。  So; following the teachings of these blessed Saints; we utterly renounce these corruptible and perishable things of life; wherein may be found nothing stable or constant; or that continueth in one stay; but all things are vanity and vexation of spirit; and many are the changes that they bring in a moment; for they are slighter than dreams and a shadow; or the breeze that bloweth the air。  Small and short…lived is their charm; that is after all no charm; but illusion and deception of the wickedness of the world; which world we have been taught to love not at all; but rather to hate with all our heart。  Yea; and verily it is worthy of hatred and abhorrence; for whatsoever gifts it giveth to its friends; these in turn in passion it taketh away; and shall hand over its victims; stripped of all good things; clad in the garment of shame; and bound under heavy burdens; to eternal tribulation。  And those again whom it exalteth; it quickly abaseth to the utmost wretchedness; making them a foot…stool and a laughing stock for their enemies。  Such are its charms; such its bounties。 For it is an enemy of its friends; and traitor to such as carry out its wishes: dasheth to dire destruction all them that lean upon it; and enervateth those that put their trust therein。  It maketh covenants with fools and fair false promises; only that it may allure them to itself。  But; as they have dealt treacherously; it proveth itself treacherous and false in fulfilling none of its pledges。  To…day it tickleth their gullet with pleasant dainties; to…morrow it maketh them nought but a gobbet for their enemies。  To…day it maketh a man a king: to…morrow it delivereth him into bitter servitude。  To…day its thrall is fattening on a thousand good things; to…morrow he is a beggar; and drudge of drudges。  To…day it placeth on his head a crown of glory; to…morrow it dasheth his face upon the ground。 To…day it adorneth his neck with brilliant badges of dignity; to…morrow it humbleth him with a collar of iron。  For a little while it causeth him to be the desire of all men; but after a time it maketh him their hate and abomination。  To…day it gladdeneth him: but to…morrow it weareth him to a shadow with lamentations and wailings。  What is the end thereof; thou shalt hear。  Ruthlessly it bringeth its former lovers to dwell in hell。 Such is ever its mind; such its purposes。  It lamenteth not its departed; nor pitieth the survivor。  For after that it hath cruelly duped and entangled in its meshes the one party; it immediately transferreth the resources of its ingenuity against the other; not willing that any should escape its cruel snares;

〃These men that have foolishly alienated themselves from a good and kind master; to seek the service of so harsh and savage a lord; that are all agog for present joys and are glued thereto; that take never a thought for the future; that always grasp after bodily enjoyments; but suffer their souls to waste with hunger; and to be worn with myriad ills; these I consider to be like a man flying before the face of a rampant unicorn; who; unable to endure the sound of the beast's cry; and its terrible bellowing; to avoid being devoured; ran away at full speed。  But while he ran hastily; he fell into a great pit; and as he fell; he stretched forth his hands; and laid hold on a tree; to which he held tightly。  There he established some sort of foot…hold and thought himself from that moment in peace and safety。  But he looked and descried two mice; the one white; the other black; that never ceased to gnaw the root of the tree whereon he hung; and were all but on the point of severing it。  Then he looked down to the bottom of the pit and espied below a dragon; breathing fire; fearful for eye to see; exceeding fierce and grim; with terrible wide jaws; all agape to swallow him。  Again looking closely at the ledge whereon his feet rested; he discerned four heads of asps projecting from the wall whereon he was perched。  Then he lift up his eyes and saw that from the branches of the tree there dropped a little honey。  And thereat he ceased to think of the troubles whereby he was surrounded; how; outside; the unicorn was madly raging to devour him: how; below; the fierce dragon was yawning to swallow him: how the tree; which he had clutched; was all but severed; and how his feet rested on slippery; treacherous ground。  Yea; he forgat; without care; all those sights of awe and terror; and his whole mind hung on the sweetness of that tiny drop of honey。

〃This is the likeness of those who cleave to the deceitfulness of this present life;  the interpretation whereof I will declare to thee anon。  The unicorn is the type of death; ever in eager pursuit to overtake the race of Adam。  The pit is the world; full of all manner of ills and deadly snares。  The tree; which was being continually fretted by the two mice; to which the man clung; is the course of every man's life; that spendeth and consuming itself hour by hour; day and night; and gradually draweth nigh its severance。  The fourfold asps signify the structure of man's body upon four treacherous and unstable elements which; being disordered and disturbed; bring that body to destruction。  Furthermore; the fiery cruel dragon betokeneth the maw of hell that is hungry to receive those who choose present pleasures rather than future blessings。  The dropping of honey denoteth the sweetness of the delight
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