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barlaam and ioasaph-第10章

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lled) through the Red Sea upon dry land; the waters dividing and making a wall on the right hand and a wall on the left。  But when Pharaoh and the Egyptians pursued and went in after them; the waters returned and utterly destroyed them。  Then with exceeding mighty miracles and divine manifestations by the space of forty years he led the people in the wilderness; and fed them with bread from heaven; and gave the Law divinely written on tables of stone; which he delivered unto Moses on the mount; ‘a type and shadow of things to come' leading men away from idols and all manner of wickedness; and teaching them to worship only the one true God; and to cleave to good works。  By such wondrous deeds; he brought them into a certain goodly land; the which he had promised aforetime to Abraham the patriarch; that he would give it unto his seed。  And the task were long; to tell of all the mighty and marvellous works full of glory and wonder; without number; which he shewed unto them; by which it was his purpose to pluck the human race from all unlawful worship and practice; and to bring men back to their first estate。  But even so our nature was in bondage by its freedom to err; and death had dominion over mankind; delivering all to the tyranny of the devil; and to the damnation of hell。

〃So when we had sunk to this depth of misfortune and misery; we were not forgotten by him that formed and brought us out of nothing into being; nor did he suffer his own handiwork utterly to perish。  By the good pleasure of our God and Father; and the co…operation of the Holy Ghost; the only…begotten Son; even the Word of God; which is in the bosom of the Father; being of one substance with the Father and with the Holy Ghost; he that was before all worlds; without beginning; who was in the beginning; and was with God even the Father; and was God; he; I say; condescended toward his servants with an unspeakable and incomprehensible condescension; and; being perfect God; was made perfect man; of the Holy Ghost; and of Mary the Holy Virgin and Mother of God; not of the seed of man; nor of the will of man; nor by carnal union; being conceived in the Virgin's undefiled womb; of the Holy Ghost; as also; before his conception; one of the Archangels was sent to announce to the Virgin that miraculous conception and ineffable birth。  For without seed was the Son of God conceived of the Holy Ghost; and in the Virgin's womb he formed for himself a fleshy body; animate with a reasonable and intelligent soul; and thence came forth in one substance; but in two natures; perfect God and perfect man; and preserved undefiled; even after birth; the virginity of her that bore him。 He; being made of like passions with ourselves in all things; yet without sin; took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses。  For; since by sin death entered into the world; need was that he; that should redeem the world; should be without sin; and not by sin subject unto death。

〃When he had lived thirty years among men; he was baptized in the river Jordan by John; an holy man; and great above all the prophets。  And when he was baptized there came a voice from heaven; from God; even the Father; saying; ‘This is my beloved Son; in whom I am well pleased;' and the Holy Ghost descended upon him in likeness of a dove。  From that time forth he began to do great signs and wonders; raising the dead; giving sight to the blind; casting out devils; healing the lame and maim; cleansing lepers; and everywhere renewing our out…worn nature; instructing men both by word and deed; and teaching the way of virtue; turning men from destruction and guiding their feet toward life eternal。  Wherefore also he chose twelve disciples; whom he called Apostles; and commanded them to preach the kingdom of heaven which he came upon earth to declare; and to make heavenly us who are low and earthly; by virtue of his Incarnation。

〃But; through envy of his marvellous and divine conversation and endless miracles; the chief priests and rulers of the Jews (amongst whom also he dwelt; on whom he had wrought his aforesaid signs and miracles); in their madness forgetting all; condemned him to death; having seized one of the Twelve to betray him。  And; when they had taken him; they delivered him to the Gentiles; him that was the life of the world; he of his free will consenting thereto; for he came for our sakes to suffer all things; that he might free us from sufferings。  But when they had done him much despite; at the last they condemned him to the Cross。  All this he endured in the nature of that flesh which he took from us; his divine nature remaining free of suffering: for; being of two natures; both the divine and that which he took from us; his human nature suffered; while his Godhead continued free from suffering and death。  So our Lord Jesus Christ; being without sin; was crucified in the flesh; for he did no sin; neither was guile found in his mouth; and he was not subject unto death; for by sin; as I have said before; came death into the world; but for our sakes he suffered death in the flesh; that he might redeem us from the tyranny of death。  He descended into hell; and having harrowed it; he delivered thence souls that had been imprisoned therein for ages long。  He was buried; and on the third day he rose again; vanquishing death and granting us the victory over death: and he; the giver of immortality; having made flesh immortal; was seen of his disciples; and bestowed upon them peace; and; through them; peace on the whole human race。

〃After forty days he ascended into heaven; and sitteth at the right hand of the Father。  And he shall come again to judge the quick and the dead; and to reward every man according to his works。  After his glorious Ascension into heaven he sent forth upon his disciples the Holy Ghost in likeness of fire; and they began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance。  From thence by his grace they were scattered abroad among all nations; and preached the true Catholic Faith; baptizing them in the name of the Father; and of the Son; and of the Holy Ghost; and teaching them to observe all the commandments of the Saviour。  So they gave light to the people that wandered in darkness; and abolished the superstitious error of idolatry。 Though the enemy chafeth under his defeat; and even now stirreth up war against us; the faithful; persuading the fools and unwise to cling to the worship of idols; yet is his power grown feeble; and his swords have at last failed him by the power of Christ。 Lo; in few words I have made known unto thee my Master; my God; and my Saviour; but thou shalt know him more perfectly; if thou wilt receive his grace into thy soul; and gain the blessing to become his servant。〃


When the king's son had heard these words; there flashed a light upon his soul。  Rising from his seat in the fulness of his joy; he embraced Barlaam; saying: 〃Most honoured sir; methinks this might be that priceless stone which thou dost rightly keep secret; not displaying it to all that would see it; but only to these whose spiritual sense is strong。  For lo; as these words dropped upon mine ear; sweetest light entered into my heart; and the heavy veil of sorrow; that hath no
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