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the book of tea-第14章

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r aesthetic ritual; and was not a distinct religion by itself。  A flower arrangement; like the other works of art in the tea…room; was subordinated to the total scheme of decoration。  Thus Sekishiu ordained that white plum blossoms should not be made use of when snow lay in the garden。  〃Noisy〃 flowers were relentlessly banished from the tea…room。  A flower arrangement by a tea…master loses its significance if removed from the place for  which it was originally intended; for its lines and proportions have been specially worked out with a view to its surroundings。

The adoration of the flower for its own sake begins with the rise of 〃Flower…Masters;〃 toward the middle of the seventeenth century。  It now becomes independent of the tea…room and knows no law save that the vase imposes on it。  New conceptions and methods of execution now become possible; and many were the principles and schools resulting therefrom。  A writer in the middle of the last century said he could count over one hundred different schools of flower arrangement。  Broadly speaking; these divide themselves into two main branches; the Formalistic and the Naturalesque。  The Formalistic schools; led by the Ikenobos; aimed at a classic idealism corresponding to that of the Kano…academicians。  We possess records of arrangements by the early masters of the school which almost reproduce the flower paintings of Sansetsu and Tsunenobu。  The Naturalesque school; on the other hand; accepted nature as its model; only imposing such modifications of form as conduced to the expression of artistic unity。  Thus we recognise in its works the same impulses which formed the Ukiyoe and Shijo schools of painting。

It would be interesting; had we time; to enter more fully than it is now possible into the laws of composition and detail formulated by the various flower…masters of this period; showing; as they would; the fundamental theories which governed Tokugawa decoration。 We find them referring to the Leading Principle (Heaven); the  Subordinate Principle (Earth); the Reconciling Principle (Man);  and any flower arrangement which did not embody these principles  was considered barren and dead。 They also dwelt much on the  importance of treating a flower in its three different aspects;  the Formal; the Semi…Formal; and the Informal。  The first might be  said to represent flowers in the stately costume of the ballroom;  the second in the easy elegance of afternoon dress; the third in the  charming deshabille of the boudoir。

Our personal sympathies are with the flower…arrangements of the tea…master rather than with those of the flower…master。  The former is art in its proper setting and appeals to us on account of its true intimacy with life。  We should like to call this school the Natural in contradistinction to the Naturalesque and Formalistic schools。 The tea…master deems his duty ended with the selection of the flowers; and leaves them to tell their own story。  Entering a tea…room in late winter; you may see a slender spray of wild cherries in combination with a budding camellia; it is an echo of departing winter coupled with the prophecy of spring。  Again; if you go into a noon…tea on some irritatingly hot summer day; you may discover in the darkened coolness of the tokonoma a single lily in a hanging vase; dripping with dew; it seems to smile at the foolishness of life。

A solo of flowers is interesting; but in a concerto with painting and sculpture the combination becomes entrancing。  Sekishiu once placed some water…plants in a flat receptacle to suggest the vegetation of lakes and marshes; and on the wall above he hung a painting by Soami of wild ducks flying in the air。  Shoha; another tea…master; combined a poem on the Beauty of Solitude by the Sea with a bronze incense burner in the form of a fisherman's hut and some wild flowers of the beach。  One of the guests has recorded that he felt in the whole composition the breath of waning autumn。

Flower stories are endless。  We shall recount but one more。 In the sixteenth century the morning…glory was as yet a rare plant with us。  Rikiu had an entire garden planted with it; which he cultivated with assiduous care。  The fame of his convulvuli reached the ear of the Taiko; and he expressed a desire to see  them; in consequence of which Rikiu invited him to a morning tea at his house。 On the appointed day Taiko walked through the  garden; but nowhere could he see any vestige of the convulvus。 The ground had been leveled and strewn with fine pebbles and sand。 With sullen anger the despot entered the tea…room; but a sight waited him there which completely restored his humour。  On the tokonoma; in a rare bronze of Sung workmanship; lay a single morning…glorythe queen of the whole garden!

In such instances we see the full significance of the Flower Sacrifice。 Perhaps the flowers appreciate the full significance of it。  They are not cowards; like men。  Some flowers glory in deathcertainly the Japanese cherry blossoms do; as they freely surrender themselves to the winds。  Anyone who has stood before the fragrant avalanche at Yoshino or Arashiyama must have realized this。  For a moment they hover like bejewelled clouds and dance above the crystal streams; then; as they sail away on the laughing waters; they seem to say: 〃Farewell; O Spring! We are on to eternity。〃

VII。 Tea…Masters

In religion the Future is behind us。  In art the present is the eternal。 The tea…masters held that real appreciation of art is only possible to those who make of it a living influence。  Thus they sought to regulate their daily life by the high standard of refinement which obtained in the tea…room。  In all circumstances serenity of mind should be maintained; and conversation should be conducted as never to mar the harmony of the surroundings。  The cut and color of the dress; the poise of the body; and the manner of walking could all be made expressions of artistic personality。 These were matters not to be lightly ignored; for until one has made himself beautiful he has no right to approach beauty。 Thus the tea…master strove to be something more than the  artist;art itself。  It was the Zen of aestheticism。  Perfection is everywhere if we only choose to recognise it。  Rikiu loved to quote an old poem which says: 〃To those who long only for flowers; fain would I show the full…blown spring which abides in the toiling buds of snow…covered hills。〃

Manifold indeed have been the contributions of the tea…masters to art。  They completely revolutionised the classical architecture and interior decorations; and established the new style which we have described in the chapter of the tea…room; a style to whose influence even the palaces and monasteries built after the sixteenth century have all been subject。  The many…sided Kobori…Enshiu has left notable examples of his genius in the Imperial villa of Katsura; the castles of Najoya and Nijo; and the monastery of Kohoan。 All the celebrated gardens of Japan were laid out by the tea…masters。 Our pottery would probably never have attained its high quality of excellence if the tea…masters had not lent it to their inspiration; the manufacture of the utensils used in the tea…ceremony  calling forth the utmost 
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