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volume。 The 1920 edition was the first edition of Owen's poems; the 1921 

reprint (of which this is a transcript) added one more  and nothing else 

happened   until   Edmund   Blunden's   1931   edition。   Even   with   that   edition; 

there   remained   gaps;   and   several   more   editions   added   more   and   more 

poems and fragments; in various forms; as it was difficult to tell which of 

Owen's      drafts   were   his  final   ones;   until  Jon   Stallworthy's     〃Complete 

Poems and Fragments〃 (1983) included all that could be found; and tried 

to put them in chronological order; with the latest revisions; etc。 


… Page 35…

                                   Poems by Wilfred Owen 

     Therefore; it should not be surprising if some or most of these poems 

differ from later editions。 

       After   Owen's   death;   his   writings   gradually  gained   pre…eminence;   so 

that; although virtually unknown during the war; he came into high regard。 

Benjamin Britten; the British composer who set nine of Owen's works as 

the text of his 〃War Requiem〃 (shortly after the Second World War); called 

Owen 〃by far our greatest war poet; and one of the most original poets of 

this century。〃 (Owen is especially noted for his use of pararhyme。) Five of 

those nine texts are some form of poems included here; to wit: ‘Anthem 

for   Doomed Youth';   ‘Futility';   ‘Parable   of   the   Old   Men   and   the   Young'; 

‘The   End';   and   ‘Strange   Meeting'。   The   other   four   were   ‘'Bugles   Sang''; 

‘The Next War'; ‘Sonnet 'Be slowly lifted up'' and ‘At a Calvary Near the 

Ancre'      all   of   which   the   reader   may   wish   to   pursue;   being   some   of 

Owen's finest work。 Fortunately; the poem which I consider his best; and 

which is one of his most quoted  ‘Dulce et Decorum est'; is included in 

this volume。 

       Specific Notes:  

       Blighty:   England;   or   a   wound   that   would   take   a   soldier   home   (to 


     S。 I。 W。: Self Inflicted Wound。 

     Parable of the Old Men and the Young: A retold story from the Bible; 

but with a different ending。 The phrase 〃Abram bound the youth with belts 

and straps〃 refers to the youth who went to war; with all their equipment 

belted   and   strapped   on。   Other   versions   of   this   poem   have   an   additional 


     Dulce   et   Decorum   est:   The   phrase   〃Dulce   et   decorum   est   pro   patria 

mori〃 is a Latin phrase from Horace; and translates literally something like 

〃Sweet   and   proper   it   is   for   your   country   (fatherland)   to   die。〃 The   poem 

was originally intended to be addressed to an author who had written war 

poems      for  children。    〃Dim     through    the   misty    panes    。  。  。〃  should   be 

understood by anyone who has worn a gas mask。 

       Alan R。 Light。 Monroe; North Carolina; July; 1997。 


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