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an account of egypt(埃及记)-第35章

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And Ladike paid the vow that she had made to the goddess; for she had an 

image made and sent it to Kyrene; and it is still preserved even to my own 

time; standing with its face turned away from the city of the Kyrenians。 

This Ladike Cambyses; having conquered Egypt and heard from her who 

she was; sent back unharmed to Kyrene。 

     Amasis also dedicated offerings in Hellas; first at Kyrene an image of 


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                                AN ACCOUNT OF EGYPT 

Athene   covered   over   with   gold   and   a   figure   of   himself   made   like   by 

painting; then in the temple of Athene at Lindos two images of stone and a 

corslet of linen worthy to be seen; and also at Samos two wooden figures 

of himself dedicated to Hera; which were standing even to my own time in 

the great temple; behind the doors。 Now at Samos he dedicated offerings 

because of the guest…friendship between himself and Polycrates the son of 

Aiakes;     at  Lindos    for  no   guest…friendship     but   because    the  temple    of 

Athene at Lindos is said to have been founded by the daughters of Danaos; 

who had touched land there at the time when they were fleeing from the 

sons of Aigyptos。 These offerings were dedicated by Amasis; and he was 

the first of men who conquered Cyprus and subdued it so that it paid him 



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