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the fatal boots-第7章

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ladle tremble in the bowl)〃p'raps you did not know as dat yong

man; dat Stobbs; dat sneaking; baltry; squinting fellow; is as

vicked as he is ogly。  He bot a pair of boots from me and never

paid for dem。  Dat is noting; nobody never pays; but he bought a

pair of boots; and called himself Lord Cornvallis。  And I was fool

enough to believe him vonce。  But look you; niece Magdalen; I 'ave

got five tousand pounds: if you marry him I vill not give you a

benny。  But look you what I will gif you: I bromised you a bresent;

and I will give you DESE!〃

And the old monster produced THOSE VERY BOOTS which Swishtail had

made him take back。

        。        。        。        。        。        。

I DIDN'T marry Miss Crutty: I am not sorry for it though。  She was

a nasty; ugly; ill…tempered wretch; and I've always said so ever


And all this arose from those infernal boots; and that unlucky

paragraph in the county paperI'll tell you how。

In the first place; it was taken up as a quiz by one of the wicked;

profligate; unprincipled organs of the London press; who chose to

be very facetious about the 〃Marriage in High Life;〃 and made all

sorts of jokes about me and my dear Miss Crutty。

Secondly; it was read in this London paper by my mortal enemy;

Bunting; who had been introduced to old Stiffelkind's acquaintance

by my adventure with him; and had his shoes made regularly by that

foreign upstart。

Thirdly; he happened to want a pair of shoes mended at this

particular period; and as he was measured by the disgusting old

High…Dutch cobbler; he told him his old friend Stubbs was going to

be married。

〃And to whom?〃 said old Stiffelkind。  〃To a voman wit geld; I vill

take my oath。〃

〃Yes;〃 says Bunting; 〃a country girla Miss Magdalen Carotty or

Crotty; at a place called Sloffemsquiggle。〃

〃SHLOFFEMSCHWIEGEL!〃 bursts out the dreadful bootmaker。  〃Mein

Gott; mein Gott! das geht nicht!  I tell you; sare; it is no go。

Miss Crotty is my niece。  I vill go down myself。  I vill never let

her marry dat goot…for…nothing schwindler and tief。〃  SUCH was the

language that the scoundrel ventured to use regarding me!


Was there ever such confounded ill…luck?  My whole life has been a

tissue of ill…luck: although I have labored perhaps harder than any

man to make a fortune; something always tumbled it down。  In love

and in war I was not like others。  In my marriages; I had an eye to

the main chance; and you see how some unlucky blow would come and

throw them over。  In the army I was just as prudent; and just as

unfortunate。  What with judicious betting; and horse…swapping;

good…luck at billiards; and economy; I do believe I put by my pay

every year;and that is what few can say who have but an allowance

of a hundred a year。

I'll tell you how it was。  I used to be very kind to the young men;

I chose their horses for them; and their wine: and showed them how

to play billiards; or ecarte; of long mornings; when there was

nothing better to do。  I didn't cheat: I'd rather die than cheat;

but if fellows WILL play; I wasn't the man to say nowhy should I?

There was one young chap in our regiment of whom I really think I

cleared 300L。 a year。

His name was Dobble。  He was a tailor's son; and wanted to be a

gentleman。  A poor weak young creature; easy to be made tipsy; easy

to be cheated; and easy to be frightened。  It was a blessing for

him that I found him; for if anybody else had; they would have

plucked him of every shilling。

Ensign Dobble and I were sworn friends。  I rode his horses for him;

and chose his champagne; and did everything; in fact; that a

superior mind does for an inferior;when the inferior has got the

money。  We were inseparables;hunting everywhere in couples。  We

even managed to fall in love with two sisters; as young soldiers

will do; you know; for the dogs fall in love; with every change of


Well; once; in the year 1793 (it was just when the French had

chopped poor Louis's head off); Dobble and I; gay young chaps as

ever wore sword by side; had cast our eyes upon two young ladies by

the name of Brisket; daughters of a butcher in the town where we

were quartered。  The dear girls fell in love with us; of course。

And many a pleasant walk in the country; many a treat to a tea…

garden; many a smart ribbon and brooch used Dobble and I (for his

father allowed him 600L。; and our purses were in common) present to

these young ladies。  One day; fancy our pleasure at receiving a

note couched thus:

〃DEER CAPTING STUBBS AND DOBBLEMiss Briskets presents their

compliments; and as it is probble that our papa will be till twelve

at the corprayshun dinner; we request the pleasure of their company

to tea。〃

Didn't we go!  Punctually at six we were in the little back…parlor;

we quaffed more Bohea; and made more love; than half a dozen

ordinary men could。  At nine; a little punch…bowl succeeded to the

little teapot; and; bless the girls! a nice fresh steak was

frizzling on the gridiron for our supper。  Butchers were butchers

then; and their parlor was their kitchen too; at least old

Brisket's wasone door leading into the shop; and one into the

yard; on the other side of which was the slaughter…house。

Fancy; then; our horror when; just at this critical time; we heard

the shop…door open; a heavy staggering step on the flags; and a

loud husky voice from the shop; shouting; 〃Hallo; Susan; hallo;

Betsy! show a light!〃  Dobble turned as white as a sheet; the two

girls each as red as a lobster; I alone preserved my presence of

mind。  〃The back…door;〃 says I〃The dog's in the court;〃 say they。

〃He's not so bad as the man;〃 said I。  〃Stop!〃 cries Susan;

flinging open the door; and rushing to the fire。  〃Take THIS and

perhaps it will quiet him。〃

What do you think 〃THIS〃 was?  I'm blest if it was not the STEAK!

She pushed us out; patted and hushed the dog; and was in again in a

minute。  The moon was shining on the court; and on the slaughter…

house; where there hung the white ghastly…looking carcasses of a

couple of sheep; a great gutter ran down the courta gutter of

BLOOD!  The dog was devouring his beefsteak (OUR beefsteak) in

silence; and we could see through the little window the girls

hustling about to pack up the supper…things; and presently the

shop…door being opened; old Brisket entering; staggering; angry;

and drunk。  What's more; we could see; perched on a high stool; and

nodding politely; as if to salute old Brisket; the FEATHER OF

DOBBLE'S COCKED HAT!  When Dobble saw it; he turned white; and

deadly sick; and the poor fellow; in an agony of fright; sunk

shivering down upon one of the butcher's cutting…blocks; which was

in the yard。

We saw old Brisket look steadily (as steadily as he could) at the

confounded; impudent; pert; waggling feather; and then an idea

began to dawn upon his mind; that there w
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