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the fatal boots-第2章

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nine hundred and ninety in the eleven months she has been with us。

Then; for baby; there is Dr。 Bates's bill of forty…five guineas;

two guineas for christening; twenty for a grand christening supper

and ball (rich uncle John mortally offended because he was made

godfather; and had to give baby a silver cup: he has struck Thomas

out of his will: and old Mr。 Firkin quite as much hurt because he

was NOT asked: he will not speak to me or Thomas in consequence)

twenty guineas for flannels; laces; little gowns; caps; napkins;

and such baby's ware: and all this out of 300L。 a year!  But Thomas

expects to make A GREAT DEAL by his farm。

〃We have got the most charming country…house YOU CAN IMAGINE: it is

QUITE SHUT IN by trees; and so retired that; though only thirty

miles from London; the post comes to us but once a week。  The

roads; it must be confessed; are execrable; it is winter now; and

we are up to our knees in mud and snow。  But oh; Eliza! how happy

we are: with Thomas (he has had a sad attack of rheumatism; dear

man!) and little Bobby; and our kind friend Dr。 Bates; who comes so

far to see us; I leave you to fancy that we have a charming merry

party; and do not care for all the gayeties of Ranelagh。

〃Adieu! dear baby is crying for his mamma。  A thousand kisses from

your affectionate


There it is!  Doctor's bills; gentleman…farming; twenty…one pints

of porter a week。  In this way my unnatural parents were already

robbing me of my property。


I have called this chapter 〃cutting weather;〃 partly in compliment

to the month of February; and partly in respect of my own

misfortunes; which you are going to read about。  For I have often

thought that January (which is mostly twelfth…cake and holiday

time) is like the first four or five years of a little boy's life;

then comes dismal February; and the working…days with it; when

chaps begin to look out for themselves; after the Christmas and the

New Year's heyday and merrymaking are over; which our infancy may

well be said to be。  Well can I recollect that bitter first of

February; when I first launched out into the world and appeared at

Doctor Swishtail's academy。

I began at school that life of prudence and economy which I have

carried on ever since。  My mother gave me eighteenpence on setting

out (poor soul! I thought her heart would break as she kissed me;

and bade God bless me); and; besides; I had a small capital of my

own which I had amassed for a year previous。  I'll tell you; what I

used to do。  Wherever I saw six halfpence I took one。  If it was

asked for I said I had taken it and gave it back;if it was not

missed; I said nothing about it; as why should I?those who don't

miss their money; don't lose their money。  So I had a little

private fortune of three shillings; besides mother's eighteenpence。

At school they called me the copper…merchant; I had such lots of


Now; even at a preparatory school; a well…regulated boy may better

himself: and I can tell you I did。  I never was in any quarrels: I

never was very high in the class or very low: but there was no chap

so much respected:and why?  I'D ALWAYS MONEY。  The other boys

spent all theirs in the first day or two; and they gave me plenty

of cakes and barley…sugar then; I can tell you。  I'd no need to

spend my own money; for they would insist upon treating me。  Well;

in a week; when theirs was gone; and they had but their threepence

a week to look to for the rest of the half…year; what did I do?

Why; I am proud to say that three…halfpence out of the threepence a

week of almost all the young gentlemen at Dr。 Swishtail's; came

into my pocket。  Suppose; for instance; Tom Hicks wanted a slice of

gingerbread; who had the money?  Little Bob Stubbs; to be sure。

〃Hicks;〃 I used to say; 〃I'LL buy you three halfp'orth of

gingerbread; if you'll give me threepence next Saturday。〃  And he

agreed; and next Saturday came; and he very often could not pay me

more than three…halfpence。  Then there was the threepence I was to

have THE NEXT Saturday。  I'll tell you what I did for a whole half…

year:I lent a chap; by the name of Dick Bunting; three…halfpence

the first Saturday for three…pence the next: he could not pay me

more than half when Saturday came; and I'm blest if I did not make

him pay me three…halfpence FOR THREE…AND…TWENTY WEEKS RUNNING;

making two shillings and tenpence…halfpenny。  But he was a sad

dishonorable fellow; Dick Bunting; for after I'd been so kind to

him; and let him off for three…and…twenty…weeks the money he owed

me; holidays came; and threepence he owed me still。  Well;

according to the common principles of practice; after six…weeks'

holidays; he ought to have paid me exactly sixteen shillings; which

was my due。  For the

 First week the 3d。 would be 6d。 | Fourth week 。  。  。  。  。  4s。

 Second week  。  。  。  。  。  1s。 | Fifth week  。  。  。  。  。  8s。

 Third week   。  。  。  。  。  2s。 | Sixth week  。  。  。  。  。 16s。

Nothing could be more just; and yetwill it be believed? when

Bunting came back he offered me THREE…HALFPENCE! the mean;

dishonest scoundrel。

However; I was even with him; I can tell you。He spent all his

money in a fortnight; and THEN I screwed him down!  I made him;

besides giving me a penny for a penny; pay me a quarter of his

bread and butter at breakfast and a quarter of his cheese at

supper; and before the half…year was out; I got from him a silver

fruit…knife; a box of compasses; and a very pretty silver…laced

waistcoat; in which I went home as proud as a king: and; what's

more; I had no less than three golden guineas in the pocket of it;

besides fifteen shillings; the knife; and a brass bottle…screw;

which I got from another chap。  It wasn't bad interest for twelve

shillingswhich was all the money I'd had in the yearwas it?

Heigho!  I've often wished that I could get such a chance again in

this wicked world; but men are more avaricious now than they used

to be in those dear early days。

Well; I went home in my new waistcoat as fine as a peacock; and

when I gave the bottle…screw to my father; begging him to take it

as a token of my affection for him; my dear mother burst into such

a fit of tears as I never saw; and kissed and hugged me fit to

smother me。  〃Bless him; bless him;〃 says she; 〃to think of his old

father。  And where did you purchase it; Bob?〃〃Why; mother;〃 says

I; 〃I purchased it out of my savings〃 (which was as true as the

gospel)。When I said this; mother looked round to father; smiling;

although she had tears in her eyes; and she took his hand; and with

her other hand drew me to her。  〃Is he not a noble boy?〃 says she

to my father: 〃and only nine years old!〃〃Faith;〃 says my father;

〃he IS a good lad; Susan。  Thank thee; my boy: and here is a crown…

piece in return for thy bottle…screwit shall open us a bottle of

the very best too;〃 says my father。  And he kept his w
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