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the fatal boots-第12章

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champagne; I actually popped the question; and was accepted。  In

another month; Robert Stubbs; Esq。; led to the altar; Leah; widow

of the late Z。 Manasseh; Esq。; of St。 Kitt's!

        。        。        。        。        。        。

We drove up to London in her comfortable chariot: the children and

servants following in a post…chaise。  I paid; of course; for

everything; and until our house in Berkeley Square was painted; we

stopped at 〃Stevens's Hotel。〃

        。        。        。        。        。        。

My own estate had been sold; and the money was lying at a bank in

the City。  About three days after our arrival; as we took our

breakfast in the hotel; previous to a visit to Mrs。 Stubbs's

banker; where certain little transfers were to be made; a gentleman

was introduced; who; I saw at a glance; was of my wife's


He looked at Mrs。 Stubbs; and made a bow。  〃Perhaps it will be

convenient to you to pay this little bill; one hundred and fifty…

two pounds?〃

〃My love;〃 says she; 〃will you pay thisit is a trifle which I had

really forgotten?〃

〃My soul!〃 said I; 〃I have really not the money in the house。〃

〃Vel; denn; Captain Shtubbsh;〃 says he; 〃I must do my dutyand

arrest youhere is the writ!  Tom; keep the door?〃  My wife

faintedthe children screamed; and I fancy my condition as I was

obliged to march off to a spunging…house along with a horrid

sheriff's officer?


I shall not describe my feelings when I found myself in a cage in

Cursitor Street; instead of that fine house in Berkeley Square;

which was to have been mine as the husband of Mrs。 Manasseh。  What

a place!in an odious; dismal street leading from Chancery Lane。

A hideous Jew boy opened the second of three doors and shut it when

Mr。 Nabb and I (almost fainting) had entered; then he opened the

third door; and then I was introduced to a filthy place called a

coffee…room; which I exchanged for the solitary comfort of a little

dingy back…parlor; where I was left for a while to brood over my

miserable fate。  Fancy the change between this and Berkeley Square!

Was I; after all my pains; and cleverness; and perseverance;

cheated at last?  Had this Mrs。 Manasseh been imposing upon me; and

were the words of the wretch I met at the table…d'hote at

Leamington only meant to mislead me and take me in?  I determined

to send for my wife; and know the whole truth。  I saw at once that

I had been the victim of an infernal plot; and that the carriage;

the house in town; the West India fortune; were only so many lies

which I had blindly believed。  It was true that the debt was but a

hundred and fifty pounds; and I had two thousand at my bankers'。

But was the loss of HER 80;000L。 nothing?  Was the destruction of

my hopes nothing?  The accursed addition to my family of a Jewish

wife and three Jewish children; nothing?  And all these I was to

support out of my two thousand pounds。  I had better have stopped

at home with my mamma and sisters; whom I really did love; and who

produced me eighty pounds a year。

I had a furious interview with Mrs。 Stubbs; and when I charged her;

the base wretch! with cheating me; like a brazen serpent as she

was; she flung back the cheat in my teeth; and swore I had swindled

her。  Why did I marry her; when she might have had twenty others?

She only took me; she said; because I had twenty thousand pounds。

I HAD said I possessed that sum; but in love; you know; and war

all's fair。

We parted quite as angrily as we met; and I cordially vowed that

when I had paid the debt into which I had been swindled by her; I

would take my 2;000L。 and depart to some desert island; or; at the

very least; to America; and never see her more; or any of her

Israelitish brood。  There was no use in remaining in the spunging…

house (for I knew that there were such things as detainers; and

that where Mrs。 Stubbs owed a hundred pounds; she might owe a

thousand) so I sent for Mr。 Nabb; and tendering him a cheque for

150L。 and his costs; requested to be let out forthwith。  〃Here;

fellow;〃 said I; 〃is a cheque on Child's for your paltry sum。〃

〃It may be a sheck on Shild's;〃 says Mr。 Nabb; 〃but I should be a

baby to let you out on such a paper as dat。〃

〃Well;〃 said I; 〃Child's is but a step from this: you may go and

get the cash;just give me an acknowledgment。〃

Nabb drew out the acknowledgment with great punctuality; and set

off for the bankers'; whilst I prepared myself for departure from

this abominable prison。

He smiled as he came in。  〃Well;〃 said I; 〃you have touched your

money; and now; I must tell you; that you are the most infernal

rogue and extortioner I ever met with。〃

〃Oh; no; Mishter Shtubbsh;〃 says he; grinning still。  〃Dere is som

greater roag dan me;mosh greater。〃

〃Fellow;〃 said I; 〃don't stand grinning before a gentleman; but

give me my hat and cloak; and let me leave your filthy den。〃

〃Shtop; Shtubbsh;〃 says he; not even Mistering me this time。  〃Here

ish a letter; vich you had better read。〃

I opened the letter; something fell to the ground:it was my


The letter ran thus: 〃Messrs。 Child and Co。 present their

compliments to Captain Stubbs; and regret that they have been

obliged to refuse payment of the enclosed; having been served this

day with an attachment by Messrs。 Solomonson and Co。; which compels

them to retain Captain Stubbs' balance of 2;010L。 11s。 6d。 until

the decision of the suit of Solomonson v。 Stubbs。


〃You see;〃 says Mr。 Nabb; as I read this dreadful letter〃you see;

Shtubbsh; dere vas two debts;a little von and a big von。  So dey

arrested you for de little von; and attashed your money for de big


Don't laugh at me for telling this story。  If you knew what tears

are blotting over the paper as I write itif you knew that for

weeks after I was more like a madman than a sane man;a madman in

the Fleet Prison; where I went instead of to the desert island!

What had I done to deserve it?  Hadn't I always kept an eye to the

main chance?  Hadn't I lived economically; and not like other young

men?  Had I ever been known to squander or give away a single

penny?  No!  I can lay my hand on my heart; and; thank heaven; say;

No!  Why; why was I punished so?

Let me conclude this miserable history。  Seven monthsmy wife saw

me once or twice; and then dropped me altogetherI remained in

that fatal place。  I wrote to my dear mamma; begging her to sell

her furniture; but got no answer。  All my old friends turned their

backs upon me。  My action went against meI had not a penny to

defend it。  Solomonson proved my wife's debt; and seized my two

thousand pounds。  As for the detainer against me; I was obliged to

go through the court for the relief of insolvent debtors。  I passed

through it; and came out a beggar。  But fancy the malice of that

wicked Stiffelkind: he appeared in c
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