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the fatal boots-第11章

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After my papa's death; as he left me no money; and only a little

land; I put my estate into an auctioneer's hands; and determined to

amuse my solitude with a trip to some of our fashionable watering…

places。  My house was now a desert to me。  I need not say how the

departure of my dear parent; and her children; left me sad and


Well; I had a little ready money; and; for the estate; expected a

couple of thousand pounds。  I had a good military…looking person:

for though I had absolutely cut the old North Bungays (indeed;

after my affair with Waters; Colonel Craw hinted to me; in the most

friendly manner; that I had better resign)though I had left the

army; I still retained the rank of Captain; knowing the advantages

attendant upon that title in a watering…place tour。

Captain Stubbs became a great dandy at Cheltenham; Harrogate; Bath;

Leamington; and other places。  I was a good whist and billiard

player; so much so; that in many of these towns; the people used to

refuse; at last; to play with me; knowing how far I was their

superior。  Fancy my surprise; about five years after the Portsmouth

affair; when strolling one day up the High Street; in Leamington;

my eyes lighted upon a young man; whom I remembered in a certain

butcher's yard; and elsewhereno other; in fact; than Dobble。  He;

too; was dressed en militaire; with a frogged coat and spurs; and

was walking with a showy…looking; Jewish…faced; black…haired lady;

glittering with chains and rings; with a green bonnet and a bird…

of…Paradisea lilac shawl; a yellow gown; pink silk stockings; and

light…blue shoes。  Three children; and a handsome footman; were

walking behind her; and the party; not seeing me; entered the

〃Royal Hotel〃 together。

I was known myself at the 〃Royal;〃 and calling one of the waiters;

learned the names of the lady and gentleman。  He was Captain

Dobble; the son of the rich army…clothier; Dobble (Dobble; Hobble

and Co。 of Pall Mall);the lady was a Mrs。 Manasseh; widow of an

American Jew; living quietly at Leamington with her children; but

possessed of an immense property。  There's no use to give one's

self out to be an absolute pauper: so the fact is; that I myself

went everywhere with the character of a man of very large means。

My father had died; leaving me immense sums of money; and landed

estates。  Ah! I was the gentleman then; the real gentleman; and

everybody was too happy to have me at table。

Well; I came the next day; and left a card for Dobble; with a note。

He neither returned my visit; nor answered my note。  The day after;

however; I met him with the widow; as before; and going up to him;

very kindly seized him by the hand; and swore I wasas really was

the casecharmed to see him。  Dobble hung back; to my surprise;

and I do believe the creature would have cut me; if he dared; but I

gave him a frown; and said

〃What; Dobble; my boy; don't you recollect old Stubbs; and our

adventure with the butcher's daughtersha?〃

Dobble gave a sickly kind of grin; and said; 〃Oh! ah! yes!  It is

yes! it is; I believe; Captain Stubbs。〃

〃An old comrade; Madam; of Captain Dobble's; and one who has heard

so much; and seen so much of your ladyship; that he must take the

liberty of begging his friend to introduce him。〃

Dobble was obliged to take the hint; and Captain Stubbs was duly

presented to Mrs。 Manasseh。  The lady was as gracious as possible;

and when; at the end of the walk; we parted; she said 〃she hoped

Captain Dobble would bring me to her apartments that evening; where

she expected a few friends。〃  Everybody; you see; knows everybody

at Leamington; and I; for my part; was well known as a retired

officer of the army; who; on his father's death; had come into

seven thousand a year。  Dobble's arrival had been subsequent to

mine; but putting up as he did at the 〃Royal Hotel;〃 and dining at

the ordinary there with the widow; he had made her acquaintance

before I had。  I saw; however; that if I allowed him to talk about

me; as he could; I should be compelled to give up all my hopes and

pleasures at Leamington; and so I determined to be short with him。

As soon as the lady had gone into the hotel; my friend Dobble was

for leaving me likewise; but I stopped him and said; 〃Mr。 Dobble; I

saw what you meant just now: you wanted to cut me; because;

forsooth; I did not choose to fight a duel at Portsmouth。  Now look

you; Dobble; I am no hero; but I'm not such a coward as youand

you know it。  You are a very different man to deal with from

Waters; and I WILL FIGHT this time。〃

Not perhaps that I would: but after the business of the butcher; I

knew Dobble to be as great a coward as ever lived; and there never

was any harm in threatening; for you know you are not obliged to

stick to it afterwards。  My words had their effect upon Dobble; who

stuttered and looked red; and then declared he never had the

slightest intention of passing me by; so we became friends; and his

mouth was stopped。

He was very thick with the widow; but that lady had a very

capacious heart; and there were a number of other gentlemen who

seemed equally smitten with her。  〃Look at that Mrs。 Manasseh;〃

said a gentleman (it was droll; HE was a Jew; too) sitting at

dinner by me。  〃She is old; and ugly; and yet; because she has

money; all the men are flinging themselves at her。〃

〃She has money; has she?〃

〃Eighty thousand pounds; and twenty thousand for each of her

children。  I know it FOR A FACT;〃 said the strange gentleman。  〃I

am in the law; and we of our faith; you know; know pretty well what

the great families amongst us are worth。〃

〃Who was Mr。 Manasseh?〃 said I。

〃A man of enormous wealtha tobacco…merchantWest Indies; a

fellow of no birth; however; and who; between ourselves; married a

woman that is not much better than she should be。  My dear sir;〃

whispered he; 〃she is always in love。  Now it is with that Captain

Dobble; last week it was somebody elseand it may be you next

week; ifha! ha! ha!you are disposed to enter the lists。  I

wouldn't; for MY part; have the woman with twice her money。〃

What did it matter to me whether the woman was good or not;

provided she was rich?  My course was quite clear。  I told Dobble

all that this gentleman had informed me; and being a pretty good

hand at making a story; I made the widow appear SO bad; that the

poor fellow was quite frightened; and fairly quitted the field。

Ha! ha! I'm dashed if I did not make him believe that Mrs。 Manasseh

had MURDERED her last husband。

I played my game so well; thanks to the information that my friend

the lawyer had given me; that in a month I had got the widow to

show a most decided partiality for me。  I sat by her at dinner; I

drank with her at the 〃Wells〃I rode with her; I danced with her;

and at a picnic to Kenilworth; where we drank a good deal of

champagne; I actually popped the question; and was accepted。  In

another month; Robert Stubb
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