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running a thousand miles for freedom-第7章

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mith's plantation in Georgia; among his slaves; while the Journal of Commerce commended this political preaching of the Doctors of Divinity because it favoured slavery。  Let us do nothing to offend our Southern brethren。〃

However; at first; we were highly delighted at the idea of having gained permission to be absent for a few days; but when the thought flashed across my wife's mind; that it was customary for travellers to register their names in the visitors' book at hotels; as well as in the clearance or Custom…house book at Charleston; South Carolina it made our spirits droop within us。

So; while sitting in our little room upon the verge of despair; all at once my wife raised her head; and with a smile upon her face; which was a moment before bathed in tears; said; 〃I think I have it!〃  I asked what it was。  She said; 〃I think I can make a poultice and bind up my right hand in a sling; and with propriety ask the officers to register my name for me。〃  I thought that would do。

It then occurred to her that the smoothness of her face might betray her; so she decided to make another poultice; and put it in a white handkerchief to be worn under the chin; up the cheeks; and to tie over the head。  This nearly hid the expression of the countenance; as well as the beardless chin。

The poultice is left off in the engraving; because the likeness could not have been taken well with it on。

My wife; knowing that she would be thrown a good deal into the company of gentlemen; fancied that she could get on better if she had something to go over the eyes; so I went to a shop and bought a pair of green spectacles。  This was in the evening。

We sat up all night discussing the plan; and making preparations。  Just before the time arrived; in the morning; for us to leave; I cut off my wife's hair square at the back of the head; and got her to dress in the disguise and stand out on the floor。 I found that she made a most respectable looking gentleman。

My wife had no ambition whatever to assume this disguise; and would not have done so had it been possible to have obtained our liberty by more simple means; but we knew it was not customary in the South for ladies to travel with male servants; and therefore; notwithstanding my wife's fair com… plexion; it would have been a very difficult task for her to have come off as a free white lady; with me as her slave; in fact; her not being able to write would have made this quite impossible。  We knew that no public conveyance would take us; or any other slave; as a passenger; without our master's consent。  This consent could never be obtained to pass into a free State。  My wife's being muffled in the poultices; &c。; furnished a plausible excuse for avoiding general conversation; of which most Yankee travellers are passionately fond。

There are a large number of free negroes residing in the southern States; but in Georgia (and I believe in all the slave States;) every coloured per… son's complexion is prima facie evidence of his being a slave; and the lowest villain in the country; should he be a white man; has the legal power to arrest; and question; in the most inquisitorial and insulting manner; any coloured person; male or female; that he may find at large; particularly at night and on Sundays; without a written pass; signed by the master or some one in authority; or stamped free papers; certifying that the person is the rightful owner of himself。

If the coloured person refuses to answer ques… tions put to him; he may be beaten; and his defend… ing himself against this attack makes him an outlaw; and if he be killed on the spot; the mur… derer will be exempted from all blame; but after the coloured person has answered the questions put to him; in a most humble and pointed manner; he may then be taken to prison; and should it turn out; after further examination; that he was caught where he had no permission or legal right to be; and that he has not given what they term a satis… factory account of himself; the master will have to pay a fine。  On his refusing to do this; the poor slave may be legally and severely flogged by public officers。  Should the prisoner prove to be a free man; he is most likely to be both whipped and fined。

The great majority of slaveholders hate this class of persons with a hatred that can only be equalled by the condemned spirits of the infernal regions。 They have no mercy upon; nor sympathy for; any negro whom they cannot enslave。  They say that God made the black man to be a slave for the white; and act as though they really believed that all free persons of colour are in open rebellion to a direct command from heaven; and that they (the whites) are God's chosen agents to pour out upon them unlimited vengeance。  For instance; a Bill has been introduced in the Tennessee Legislature to prevent free negroes from travelling on the rail… roads in that State。  It has passed the first reading。 The bill provides that the President who shall permit a free negro to travel on any road within the jurisdiction of the State under his supervision shall pay a fine of 500 dollars; any conductor permitting a violation of the Act shall pay 250 dollars; provided such free negro is not under the control of a free white citizen of Tennessee; who will vouch for the character of said free negro in a penal bond of one thousand dollars。  The State of Arkansas has passed a law to banish all free negroes from its bounds; and it came into effect on the 1st day of January; 1860。  Every free negro found there after that date will be liable to be sold into slavery; the crime of freedom being unpardon… able。  The Missouri Senate has before it a bill providing that all free negroes above the age of eighteen years who shall be found in the State after September; 1860; shall be sold into slavery; and that all such negroes as shall enter the State after September; 1861; and remain there twenty…four hours; shall also be sold into slavery for ever。  Mis… sissippi; Kentucky; and Georgia; and in fact; I be… lieve; all the slave States; are legislating in the same manner。  Thus the slaveholders make it almost im… possible for free persons of colour to get out of the slave States; in order that they may sell them into slavery if they don't go。  If no white persons travelled upon railroads except those who could get some one to vouch for their character in a penal bond of one thousand dollars; the railroad companies would soon go to the 〃wall。〃  Such mean legislation is too low for comment; therefore I leave the villainous acts to speak for themselves。

But the Dred Scott decision is the crowning act of infamous Yankee legislation。  The Supreme Court; the highest tribunal of the Republic; composed of nine Judge Jeffries's; chosen both from the free and slave States; has decided that no coloured person; or persons of African extraction; can ever become a citizen of the United States; or have any rights which white men are bound to respect。  That is to say; in the opinion of this Court; robbery; rape; and murder are not crimes when committed by a white upon a coloured person。

Judges who will sneak from their high and honourable position down into the lowest depths of human depravity; and scrape up
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